Friday 30 December 2011

Hon`ble Chairman Estimate committee Sh.G.M.Saroori Grilled NHPC & Power Developmet Deptt.

Jammu:- In todays meeting of estimate committee worthy Chairman estimate committee Sh.G.M.Saroori grilled NHPC for its back tracking from the agreement which envisaged NHPC for creation of Indira Park and sewrage/ drainage facilities for Kishtwar town. The worthy chairman estimate committee Sh.G.M.Saroori asked NHPC authorities that the corporation is getting 3 crore/day profit from the Dul Hasti hydro electric power project but till date sewrage/drainage facility to Kishtwar town & creation of indira park remains a reverie for the people of Kishtwar.Hon`ble chairman asked the NHPC authorities to submit the reply of these long pending problems with in 15 days which has led to the ecological degradation.

Hon`ble chairman estimate committee also grilled PDD for keeping 20 to 25 villages covered under RGGVY without electricity. The worthy chairman asked the concerned Deptt to mitigate the same. The chairman also urged the deptt to relax the electricity fee of BPL families which is highly exaggerated. Hon`ble chairman also directed the PDD to replace the rotten poles immediately in rural areas & barbed wires should be replaced by proper wires so that power losses can be mitigated further he directed the deptt to provide transformers to the habitation consisting of 20 to 50 families

Thursday 29 December 2011

EC holds meet, decides to inspect PWD works in Kathua, Samba.

JAMMU,: A meeting of Committee on Estimates (EC) of Legislative Assembly was held under the Chairmanship of MLA G. M. Saroori, here today.

Threadbare discussion was held on various issues including action taken reports on the decisions taken in the previous meetings of the Committee.

The Committee decided that it will visit Samba and Kathua districts to conduct on the spot inspections of ongoing developmental works under Public Works Department (PWD) sector. It also decided that the Committee will review the functioning of PWD in the twin border districts.

The issue of organizing a study tour for the members to various States of the Country including Mahrashtra, Andhra Pardesh and Andaman and Necobar in the month of January next year to know about the working of the House Committees of these states and Union Territories.

The Committee members Dr. Mustafa Kamal, Choudhry Mohammad Ramzan, A. R. Veeri, Balwant Singh Mankotia, Niza-UD-Din Bhat, Choudhary Zulfkar Ali and Subash Chander Gupta gave their suggestions to make the working of the Committee more viable and result oriented.

Earlier, the Committee observed two minutes silence on the sad demise of MLC Yash Paul Khajuria who passed away Tuesday.

The Legislature panel paid glowing tributes to the departed leader, who, they said has greatly contributed to the society as a legislator and Minister for Rural Development.

The Chairman of the Committee said that the State has suffered a great loss in the demise of the legislator.

The EC conveyed their deepest sympathies with the bereaved family and prayed for eternal peace to t he departed soul.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Taj felicitated newly elected NSUI General Secretary.

Kishtwar:- Minister for PHE flood Control and Irrigation Taj Mohiuddin Shah on Tuesday felicitated the newly elected NSUI General Secretary Waseem Ahmed Saroori who wins the election of General Secretary NSUI held recently by the organization. While praising the efforts of the youths in politics, Mr. Taj said that the role of the youths in politics is important for success of the nation. He said that youths are the builders of the Nation and the aim and objective of the Congress party is to involve more and more youths in democratic process. He also lure the role of National Youth General Secretary Rahul Gandhi and said that under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi, more and more youths joins the Congress party everyday which helps the Congress to strengthen its base all over India. He advised the newly elected representatives of NSUI including Waseem Saroori, District President NSUI Kishtwar Saqib Lone, NSUI president GDC Kishtwar Aftab Siddiqui and other NSUI activist to work whole heartedly for the welfare of the people. Newly elected NSUI leaders apprised honorable Minister about the problem faced by students at Government Degree College Kishtwar. They demanded 4 laboratories and Separate block for Science stream at GDC Kishtwar. NSUI unit of Kishtwar also thanks MLA Inderwal G M Saroori who had sanctioned 2 water coolers for GDC Kishtwar last month, which are functioning at present.
Taj Mohiudden after patient hearing assured the NSUI leaders that their problems will be brought into the kind notice of Hon’ble Chief Minister for personal intervention, he also congratulate newly office bearers of NSUI unit and advised him to work.

Public Service Guarantee Act will help to improve delivery system:Taj

Water Usage Tax will strengthen the state economy. 
Kishtwar:- Minister for PHE, Flood Control and Irrigation Taj Mohiuddin  Shah said that Public service Guarantee (PSG) Act passed by the Jammu and Kashmir government can help to improve the delivery system in the state at grass root level as result of which poor people of the state will get benefited. Mr. Taj Mohiuddin Shah was addressing a public rally at Thatri Dak Banglow in Doda district. He said that PSG Act  is more powerful than the Lokpal bill which becomes the flesh point in the center between team Anna and Union Government. He said that coalition government in state of Jammu and Kashmir is on the path of the development and said that Congress party did not believe in Band Wagan. He said that after implementation of PSG  Act in state, each official is bound to deliver the public within the stipulated time frame work as was fixed by the Government. He said that in case the officials fail to delivery, there is provision of imposition of penalty on such officers. He said that since independence several parties claims that state of Jammu and Kashmir has suffered on account of Indus Water treaty, but no one thinks and tries to make the compensatory losses. He said that his government find a way to compensate the losses on account of water usage tax. He said that imposition of Water usage Tax on power projects is a historic thing, which not only helps to strengthen the economy of the state, but will also helps the state government to buy back the prestigious  power projects like Salal and Uri. He said that State government has so far recovered Rs. 900 cr from NHPC as water usage charges. He said that government has already agreed in principal to prove 10% money out of the Water Usage Tax to his department for projectization. He said that state government has also calculated the losses due towards Punjab Government as a share from power generated by the Punjab government while using the water from river Ravi belongs to the state government. He said that government has decided to construct Ravi Canal to get his due share of water which helps to irrigate 1.30 lacs acre of land.

Like at Chatroo, Taj Mohiuddin assured the public of Thatri, that he will move a proposal for creation of PHE Division in Thatri Tehsil as well as special Sub Division. He directed the concerned authorities for taking up the minor irrigation projects on top priority. He also promised that sufficient funds will be provided for restart of Construction of Khandi Canal. He said that the work on prestigious project of Construction of Kandhi Canal has been stopped since the DPR has some defects and said that fresh DPR has been submitted to the central government    and hoped that Central government will give final nod to the project. He also announced one filtration plant for Thatri and directed the concerned authorities to identify the suitable site and start the construction work on filtration plant with immediate effect.

Earlier MLA Inderwal G M Saroori highlights the various local problems before the minister who assured him that all the demands raised by the local people will be looked into and further assured that he will try his best to fulfill all such demands.  On this occasion several officials of District Administration including Deputy Commissioner Doda Farooq Ahmed Khan, SSP Doda Arif Rishu were present, beside local panches and Sarpanches.

Monday 19 December 2011

Food security bill will be a historic act: Taj Mohiuddin.

Announced construction of filtration plant at Chatroo.

Kishtwar:- Minister for PHE, Flood Control and Irrigation, Taj Mohiuddin Shah on Monday announced construction of filtration plant at Chatroo Tehsil of District Kishtwar. Mr. Taj was addressing a mammoth public rally at Chatroo and Kishtwar Kishtwar District organized by MLA Inderwal Ghulam. Mr. Taj who started his three days tour of Chenab region from a public rally at Chatroo said that after getting nod from the union cabinet, the food security bill which is to be tabled in Parliament within next few days will become the historic act that gives guarantee and security of delivery of ration to each and every individual in the country. Mr. Shah said that food security bill is the dream of UPA President Ms Sonia Gandhi which is soon going to become the reality. Mr. Taj said that under food security government of India will spent more than Rs. 90000 cr for assuring the food to one and all. Mr. Taj said that Congress party presently in coalition with National Conference is committed for over all development of backward areas like Chatroo and other areas of Kishtwar District. He said that for effective governance, Pnachayat are being empowered and directed the officials and district administration to involve Panches and Sarpanches in various developmental works so that effective monitoring of the work will be checked. He said that without signatures of concerned Sarpanch, the DDO’s have no power to release the wages of employees falling under the ambit of the Panchayats. He said that in violation of GAD order regarding compulsory signature of Sarpanches on attendance sheets, his department has already withheld the monthly pay of all its JE’s. He said that stern action will be initiated against all those officers who was found involved in violating the government order regarding empowerment of Sarpanches to check the attendance of employees. On this occasion Mr. Shah announced construction of Filtration plant at Chatroo and directed the concerned officer to identify the suitable place for immediate construction of filtration plant. He also assured the public at Kishtwar that his department will move a proposal for creation of Irrigation Division at Kishtwar and Sub Division at Chatroo. He said that creation of Irrigation Division at Kishtwar will required at least a month or two and till than Xen. PHE Division Kishtwar has given the charge of drawing and disbursing power irrespective of the departmental work going on in Kishtwar District. He also directed Chief Engineer PHE, Flood Control and Irrigation Jammu for preparation of comprehensive plan of protection work for Chatroo Nallah from Chingham to Dadpath as the area is flood prone causing huge damage to the public property every year. Mr. Taj assured the people of Kishtwar that his department is ready to provide all possible help for construction of Kool’s , Irrigation canals, water supply schemes and directed his officers to form comprehensive plan in consultation with panches and sarpanches, so that public at large could be benefited directly. Mr. Taj said that funds for Naigard Water supply scheme in Kishtwar District has already been sanctioned and said that department has already initiated tendering process, but due to dull response from the contractors, the department issued fresh tendering. Mr. Taj hoped that the work on prestigious Naigard canal will be started shortly. He also directed the Xen. Kishtwar to provide one tool kit in each Panchayat for repairment works kept at the disposal of Sarpanch.

Earlier G M Saroori strongly advocated the demands the release of wages of PHE HR workers. Mr. Saroori informed the minister that due to scanty rainfall Kishtwar District has witnessed 80% drought and demanded for at least 3 months free rations for the poor populace of the Kishtwar District who are mostly depended on agriculture production for their livelihood. Mr. Saroori thanks honorable minister for spearing his valuable time to address the long pending problems of the people of Chatroo and Kishtwar. He stress for early completion of Sangpora-Viloo tunnel and seeks the minister help promoting the demand of the same at government level.. He also thanks the honorable minister for sanctioning of filtration plant at Chatroo, beside direction for release of balance monthly wages of PHE HR Workers. The other officials who attended the public rally at Chatroo and Kishtwar include Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar, ASP Kishtwar, Chief Engineer PHE, Flood Control and Irrigation, Xen. PHE Kishtwar, Xen. R & B Chatroo and officials of the PHE and allied department.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Saroori distributed prizes among the winners/Runners up teams of 3rd Police Martyrs Memorial Cricket.

Kishtwar :- MLA Inderwal G M Saroori distributed prizes among the winners/Runners up teams of 3rd Police Martyrs Memorial Cricket tournament at Chatroo. He while speaking to gathering said that a stadium has been sanctioned for Tehsil Chatroo so that such tournaments and other sports events can be organized and to promote communal harmony and amity among the various sections and communities. He also lauded the role of Jammu and Kashmir Police for organizing such events and also paid rich tributes to the Martyrs of the Jammu and Kashmir Police who sacrificed their lives for peace and integrity of the country. On the occasion Dy SP (DR) Mushtaq Ahmed Shiekh and SHO Chatroo Farooq Ahamed and other office bearers were also present on this occasion.

Earlier in the day Saroori visited the House of Ab Gani Malik (Ex.Sarpanch) whose elder son had died due to drowning to show sympathy with the family at Kuchal a remote area of Tehsil Chatroo. Congress Block President Chatroo Ghulam Qadir , Sarpanch Kuchal Piyaray Lal Sharma, Altaf Malik, Mansoor Ahmed Mattoo and others were present.

Saroori grieved over Death of Dalujas wife.

Jammu: A condolence meeting was held at Kishtwar under the Chairmanship of MLA Inderwal GM Saroori here today in which senior leaders of Congress participated.

Saroori & Senior Leaders of Kishtwar grief over the demise of wife of Raj Daluja, Proprietor and Editor-in-Chief Daily State Times. Saroori
conveyed his sympathies with the bereaved family. A 2-minutes silence was also observed as a mark of respect to the departed soul. Saroori also expressed solidarity with Raj Daluja.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Kishtwar Congress hails Saroori’s contribution in developmental works in Kishtwar town.

Jammu:- Congress Party workers from Kishtwar held a joint meeting of its party workers as Kishtwar under the chairmanship of senior party leader and party General Secretary Mushtaq Ahmed Hap to convey it’s thanks to Honorable MLA Inderwal for his contribution in various developmental works in Kishtwar District.

While addressing the party workers, Mushtaq Ahmed Hap said that it was under the leadership of Ghulam Mohammad Saroori that several developmental projects were started in Kishtwar town including the over head iron bridge at Shaheedi Mazhar Kishtwar which was inaugurated by Honorable MLA Kishtwar on Friday. Mr. Mushtaq Hap said that Mr. Saroori during his tenure as R & B Minister started several projects including construction of link road from Hospital to Umar Mohallah, Construction of Hospital gate, widening of Hospital chowk and road from Bus Stand to Kandriya Vidyala. Mr. Mustaq Hap said that all the work started by Mr. Saroori has now been stopped due some unknown reasons. Mr. Mushtaq Hap urged the officials of R & B Department Kishtwar to expedite the works on all those projects started by Mr. Saroori as R & B Minister within Kishtwar town.

The party workers also thanks PHE Minister Taj Mohi-ud-din for his contribution in construction/sanctioning water supply scheme dedicated by NHPC to people of Kishtwar yesterday. Among the prominent who attended the meeting including Sectary Mohinder Singh Parihar, District President Congress Seva Dal Ravi Kumar, Sarpanch Satish Kumar, Sarpanch Noor Hussain, Altaf Hussain Malik, Block President Congress Gurinal Chatroo Ghulam Qadir Sheikh and others  

Friday 9 December 2011

EC reviews functioning of Agri, Horticulture deptts Stresses for setting up food grain Mandis.

JAMMU, DECEMBER 09- Committee on Estimates of Legislative Assembly today asked the officers of Agriculture department to set up food grain Mandis in Jammu to enable the famers to sell their produce in the state instead of exporting the same to Punjab and other States of the Country.

The Committee, which met here under the Chairmanship of MLA Mr. G. M. Saroori reviewed the functioning of agriculture and horticulture departments.

The Committee   members Mr. Dr. Mustafa Kamal, Mr. A. R. Veeri, Mr. Ashok Khajori, Ch. Zulfkar Ali, Indu Pawar, Mr. Mrutaza Ahmad Khan and Mr. Subash Chander Gupta suggested construction of agriculture buildings under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY).

The Committee stressed for formulating a contingency plan to meet the challenges in the event of long dry spells or draught like situation.

The Committee expressed satisfaction over the working of the twin departments. However, it asked the authorities to ensure quality fertilizers to the farmers at their door steps.

Among others, Principal Secretary, Agriculture Production department, Mr. Iqbal Khandey, Commissioner/Secretary, Cooperative ,Mr. Abdul Hamid, Director General Accounts and Treasuries, Mr. Wali Mohammad Bhat, Director General fisheries Mr. T. Angchook, Director Agriculture Kashmir Mr. Farooq Ahmad Lone, Director Agriculture Jammu Mr. Abhay Khajuria, Director Horticulture Kashmir Dr. G. H. Shah, Director floriculture Kashmir Mr. Harcharan Pal Singh, Director Floriculture Jammu Mr. K. K. Sharma, Director Agriculture Enforcement Mr. Vinod Sharma and other  officers of Agriculture, floriculture, horticulture, Cooperative and Assembly Secretariat attended the meeting.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

GM Saroori MLA Inderwal delivering his speech at Govt Hr. Sec School Kishtwar.

GM Saroori along with political leaders at Srinagar Airport.

GM Saroori MLA Inderwal inaugrating Thatri Municipal Committee building.

GM Saroori MLA Inderwal paying tributes to matyrs.

GM Saroori along with Ch. Mohd Aslam.

GM Saroori MLA Inderwal addressing gathering at Bunjwah.

GM Saroori along with political leaders of Jammu & Kashmir.

GM Saroori MLA Inderwal meets with NSUI Deputation of Kishtwar.

GM Saroori MLA Inderwal distributing solar lights in Tehsil Chatroo.

GM Saroori MLA Inderwal along with Azad brothers.

GM Saroori MLA Inderwal along with Ghulam Nabi Azad & political leaders.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Implement road safety measures strictly: LA panel

Ramban:- House Panel of Legislative Assembly has stressed on prompt and fair implementation of road safety measures to check incidence of road mishaps in erstwhile Doda district.

The Committee which convened a meeting of senior officers here today, highlighted the pressing and urgent need for putting in place short-term measures like installing crash barriers, checking over-loading and rash driving setting up of transport work shop to ensure safety of passengers. Defaulting drivers need to be dealt with sternly, it maintained.

The Committee expressed concern over the frequency of road accidents and asked the concerned agencies to address the issue on priority. “Safeguarding human life must receive focussed attention”, the Committee observed.

MLA, Inderwal, G.M. Saroori, MLA Ramban, Ashok Kumar, MLC Naresh Gupta, DIG Doda-Kishtwar-Ramban, M. K. Sinha, DIG Traffic, Danish Rana, Deputy Commissioner, Kishtwar Anil Magotra and senior officers of Transports, Road and Buildings and beacons were present in the meeting.

Addressing the meeting, the chairman of the Committee, M.Y.Tarigami asked police and traffic authorities to activate their ground functionaries to check negligent driving, over-loading, usage of mobile phones and other offenses. He said these offences have been identified as major causes for spurt in road accidents over the years.

He said while the Committee is in the process of compiling comprehensive report, short-term suggestions as conveyed to the concerned agencies call for immediate and fair implementation with perceptible results at the ground level. He also highlighted the need to amend Motor Vehicle Act to impose heavy fines on drivers for violating traffic rules.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Estimate Committee chairs meeting under the leadership of GM Saroori at Jammu.

Jammu – Estimates Committee (EC) of Legislative Assembly on Thursday recommended Rs. 2 lakh compensation to the next of the kin of those who are killed in man-animal conflict cases.

The Committee also recommended 75% of the market cost of the livestock killed in such cases. The Committee, which met here under the Chairmanship of MLA, G. M. Saroori reviewed in detail the status of CAMPA works, timber extraction and clearance of trees along under construction road projects, land compensation to the forest department for its land used in projects.

The committee asked the forest and R&B departments to conduct joint inspections on the road construction sites to sort out the issues with regard to the use of forest land and cutting of the trees to facilitate early clearance of NABARD, CRF and PMGSY road projects.

The Committee also recommended for engagement of local people as casual labours near protected areas for the protection of the wild life.

The Committee asked forest department to expedite the cases of clearance of road projects. The members directed the concerned to put up the objections for early clarification so that all pending road project cases are cleared within one month. The committee also called for submission of detailed district wise reports with date of indent, date of re-submission of queries and date of joint inspection reports about those cases pending with the forest department. The members asked the forest authorities to expedite the process and ensure clearance within a weeks’ time.

Legislators, Choudhary Mohammad Ramzan, Subash Kumar Gupta, Ashwani Kumar Sharma and s. Indu Pawar gave their suggestions to improve the working of Forest, Revenue and R&B departments in settling the pending cases.

Among others, Principal Secretary, R&B, K. B. Agarwal, Commissioner Secretary Forest, Shantmanu, Divisional Commissioner, Jammu, Dr. Pawan Kotwal, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, R. D. Tiwari, Director General, Accounts & Treasuries, Wali Mohammad Bhat, Special Secretary Revenue, Relief Commissioner, Head of departments of forest and its allied wings, Chief Engineers of various wings of R&B department and other concerned officers of Revenue, Forest, R&B and Assembly secretariat attended the meeting.