Monday 25 February 2013

Saroori hails the role of army in bringing peace in the state.

OP Sadbawna tour for elders & religious heads flagged in.

Kishtwar Feb 26:- 10 days educational cum motivational tour Watan ki Sair organized by headquarters counter insurgence force Delta for 25 Elders/Maulvis (Religious heads) belonging to remote and far flung villages of Kishtwar District was today flagged in by MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori at Helipad Kishtwar in presence of Commandant 9 sector RR Kishtwar Brigadier Hatish Kholi, SP Kishtwar Kulbir Singh, CO 11 RR Karan Singh, other civil and official dignitaries. During the 10 days Operation Sadbawna tour, these 25 people were taken to Delhi, Bharatpur & Ranthambhore on an educational cum motivational tour, beside at Ajmer Sherief pilgrimage of Khawja Gareeb Nawaz.

Saroori while addressing ceremony express sincere gratitude to the security forces for providing elders and religious heads an opportunity to see for themselves how peace and tranquility in other parts of the country had ushered in prosperity, an aspect which Jammu and Kashmir was presently lacking. He hoped that the Elders/Maulvis who had brought back with them rich experience and will spread the message of peace and harmony in their own little way amongst their family, friends, relatives and their villagers. “The chain of compassion extends to the very heart of our democracy and there is nothing that we will not do to restore peace” he emphasized.

Saroori also hails the role of army in bringing peace in the state and hope that people of the area will continue its support to the security forces to keep the ill will designs of the anti national elements at bay.

Saroori visit Azad’s home town; distributed cheque worth 12.20 lacks among beneficiaries.

Demanded special police recruitment for backward areas, Omar Abdullah should personally intervene.

Doda, Feb 25: - Former Minister and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori during his extensive tour today visited home town of Former Chief Minister and Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad.

Addressing the gathering he referred that Azad had done tremendous work for the overall development of the Jammu and Kashmir state without any disparity during Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Congress Party regime.

Without mincing any word Saroori said that the funds which come from centre get delay in Congress led constituencies. He appreciated the step taken by present coalition government led by Omar Abdullah who launched special police recruitment drives in ignorant area like Marwah and Dacchan but government should also launch recruit drive in other backward areas like Khara, Bunjwah, Chatroo etc.

Various deputations also met Saroori during the tour at various places and every one complained about unnecessary power cut by PDD Department for about 15-18 hours a day, Saroori gave patient hearing to the deputations and said Kishtwar and Doda district have witnessed harsh power during this winter. He will meet Chief Minister Omar Abdullah after few days and put forth demand of more power supply for Doda and Kishtwar district and special police recruitment for ignored area like Khara, Bunjwah, Chatroo.

Saroori also distributed cheques amounting Rs 12.20 lacks among IAY and BRGF beneficiaries at Khara and Bhalessa area of Doda District. He inspected all ongoing works and took stock of the various measures put in place by the government in view of ensuing winter.

He was told by the concerned officers that adequate quantity of food supply and other essentials has been stocked so that the people do not face any inconvenience vis-à-vis food grains, LPG and other related essentials.

The XEEN informed the MLA that the snow clearance has already been done in the areas, where snowfall was experienced. He was also told that the necessary arrangements have already been put in place to ensure smooth plying of traffic as snow is cleared within the shortest possible time.

Later at Thatri Dak Bunglow Prominent workers of different parties today joined the Indian National Congress (INC) party at Thatri Dak Bunglow. Whereas Mr. Munwar Din, Mr. Jamal Din Lone Ward Member Jangalwar, Mr. Abdul Majid Member Panchayat Phigsoo, Ms. Parveen Banoo Member Panchayat Jangalwar, Mr. Mohd Iqbal Member Panchayat Jangalwar, Mr. Bashir Ahmed Lone, Mr. Munwar Din Tantray, Mr. Gh Ali Lone, Hassam Din Tantray, Mr. Abdul Razzaq Tantray, Mr. Khursheed Ahmed Butt, Mr. Anaytullah Tak, Mr. Nazir Ahmed, Mr. Mohd Shafi, Mr. Gh Mustafa, Mr. Ab Rahman, Mr. Nizam Din, Mr. Hazoor Din, Mr. Nisar Ahmed, Mr. Khalid Hussain, Mr. Mohd Ashraf, Mr. Ab Rehman Sheikh, Mr. Gh Nabi Butt, Mr. Mohd Ashraf, Mr. Gh Mohd Butt and Mr. Mohd Rafiq joined the Congress party in presence of Senior Congress Leader and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori.

Saroori appealed to the new incumbent, party workers and leaders to strengthen party at ground level and to act as a voice of people in redressing their issues and problems.

Congress Leaders of the area including Haji Gh Mohd Mir, Haji Abdul Latief, Haji Gh Hussain, Bashir Ahmed Sirwal, Mohd Ramzzan Wani, Hafiz Farooq, Sarfraz Khan, Mohd Aslam Saroori, Ch Noor Maey, Ch Hasham Din, Mahan Chand, Ghulam Haider Company, Musarat Naik, Firoz Din Malik, Parvez Ganie, Javed Zargar, Sher Mohd , Ch Issaq, Ch Latief Baniya, Mohd Iqbal Teli, Sabdar Wani, Ch Abdul Rashir Kandar and officers of various department accompanied Saroori during the said tour.

Despite inclement weather 300 followers from other parties joins in Congress fold.

Appreciate the support provided by Union Government to the coalition govt led by Omar Abdullah.

Kishtwar, Feb 24: - Despite inclement weather 300 followers of BJP, NC, PDP including Anoop Kumar, Rabinder Kumar, Jagdish Kumar, Vinod Kumar, Fakir Chand, Hemraj, Neeraj Kumar, Sushil Kumar, Sudhesh Kumar, Balkrishan, Akshay Kumar, Lekh Raj, Ajeet Kumar, Radha Krishan, Bodh Raj, Ajeet Kumar, Krishan Lal, Surinder Kumar, Bushan Kumar, Sat Dev, Jogi Lal and others joins Congress party in front of Senior Congress Leader and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori at Agral Sarthal District Kishtwar.

All the entrants reposed full faith in the leadership of Mr. G M Saroori and pledged that the party programmes and policies will be taken to the people in all the corners especially in Erstwhile District Doda. They urged that they will work with dedication and ensure the victory of the Mr. Saroori in coming General Assembly election.

The new incumbents attributed the reasons of their joining the Congress to their disenchantment with the performance and policies of BJP, NC and PDP. They added that they are impressed with the performance, spirit of public service and the immaculate character of Mr. Saroori.

While welcoming all these people to the party fold Mr. Saroori congratulated them on taking the decision to join Congress party. Mr. Saroori assured them to come up to their expectations and continue the developmental works and the welfare of the poor or down trodden people; he urged upon the incumbents and the party workers to work with dedication and zeal to mitigate the problems of the people.

Later Mr. Saroori visit Sarthal where he had to address the rally but he did not in view of the inclement weather, but interacted with the town’s people who told him about the difficulties faced due to the heavy snow and avalanches. He gave on spot directed the concern officers to mitigate the problems face by general public due to heavy snow fall in these areas. “While interacting he said we appreciate the support the Union Government is providing to the Coalition Government led by Chief Minister Jenab Omar Abdullah in its endeavor to improve the living standard of the people”.

Mr. Saroori also distributed cheques amounting Rs 4.25 lacks from his Constituency Development Funds (CDF); Rs 4.20 lacks among IAY beneficiaries and sanitation purpose at Sarthal.

Congress Leaders from Sarthal including Ikhlaq Dev, Mohd Shafi Saroori, Sher Singh, Mohd Aslam Saroori, Haji Ghulam Mohammad Lone, Rakesh Kumar, Thakur Surinder Singh, Abdul Subhan Hajam, Gh Nabi Lone, Zakir Khan, Sanaullah Butt and officers of various departments accompanied Mr. Saroori during the said tour.

Friday 22 February 2013

Sangpora-Viloo tunnel will be a reality soon: Saroori.

Committed towards development of Inderwal, distributes 12.5 lakh cheques.

Chatroo (Kishtwar) Feb 20:- Former R & B Minister and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori while addressing mammoth public gatherings at Dadpath, Mughal Maidan and Chatroo said that the dream of construction of Sangpora-Viloo tunnel connecting Kishtwar District with Kashmir will soon become a reality after Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh included the said tunnel in ten prestigious tunnel projects to be executed in the country including a tunnel for Ladakh. He said that Congress leadership at center including Ghulam Nabi Azad has assured him that GOI is committed towards construction of Sangpora-Viloo tunnel. He said that pre feasibility report of the tunnel already stands submitted with the GOI and hoped that Prime Minister of India will soon release the funds for construction of the said tunnel. He said that GOI has earmarked several funds for Jammu and Kashmir under various centrally sponsored schemes and urged the people of Chatroo area to avail the benefits of such schemes.

He said that Gujjar Hostel will start functioning at Chatroo in next few months, where the students from ST community will get free boarding and lodging facilities, beside free education up to middle standard. He said that under Prime Minister flagship schemes, nearly 5000 unemployed youths from Kishtwar District will avail job oriented courses training, beside job placement in various top leading companies of India. He said that nearly 160 students hailing from Inderwal constituency has been selected for various post graduation course in different colleges of the country free of cost. He said that centrally sponsored scheme MGNREA, GOI provides funds worth several hundred corers for poor people of rural areas and directed the RDD officials to make judicious use of the funds for the welfare of the poor people. He said that construction of various road projects under PMGSY are at advance stage and assured the people that he will work with zeal and zest for arranging the funds for various developmental project in Inderwal constituency. He said that the shortage of teaching staff in schools will be addressed within next few weeks and said that Deputy CM who holds the charge of Education department has assured him all possible help in this regard. In order to cool the temper of angry party workers, Saroori cleared before the people of his constituency that 2nd time in last couples of days that Ghulam Nabi Azad has no role in his exclusion from council of ministers.

Saroori while showing his unhappiness over unscheduled power in Chatroo and Thatri area of his constituency said that power ministry led by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah is doing step motherly treatment with the areas represented by the Congress party. He stress for immediate augmentation of 6.5 MVA transformers at Thatri and 3.5 MVA at Dadpath Chatroo so that the people living in these areas will get respite from power cuts of nearly 18-20 hours a day. He also issued the direction to people not to pay any electricity bills until and unless the problem gets solved. He said that by his non inclusion into the council of ministers, he get more time to take care of people of Inderwal and issued warning to his critics that he will not tolerate any injustice in terms of funds with respect to Inderwal constituency. In the end Saroori also distributed first installment of 12.50 lakhs worth IAY/BRGF cheques among 164 beneficiaries.

Later Mr. Saroori also chaired the meeting of various government officials at Dak Banglow Chatroo which was attended by Tehsildar Chatroo Mohsin Ahanger, BDO Chatroo Seema Parihar, Xen PMGSY, AEE PDD Kishtwar Sudhir Sharma, JE PHE Masood Ahmed Dev, JE PMGSY Mansoor Ahmed Tak, VLWs, Sarpanches and others. He directed them to enhance the field visits to address people’s problems on priority and discharge their duties with extra zeal.

Chenab power project to give jobs to unemployed: Saroori

Drabshallah (Kishtwar), Feb 22: - Former Minister and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today said the power projects coming up on Chenab at Rattlee-Drabshalla, Gursar, Pakaldoul, Karthai and Keru would provide electricity to several villages and jobs to the people of Kishtwar.
He asked youth to get training through Industrial Training Institutions to meet the job demands, adding Government had set up network of ITI aimed to train youth in different trades. He said the managements of these power projects had been asked to absorb local youth on 80 per cent posts.

People of the far flung areas gave rousing reception and were raises slogan in favour of Saroori. Addressing huge public at Drabshalla, Keshwan, Sirgwar, Mangthala, Shana & Feller he said the people of erstwhile district Doda were given special attention and government’s massive development programme would definitely transform the socio-economic status of the people living in remote areas of the district.

He said Government was aware of the problems of people living in the district adding measures had been initiated to ensure that every family, living below poverty line, could get a shelter shed under Indra Awas Yojna and unelectrified villages will get electricity under RAMSA. He said all un-electrified villages would be electrified by 2014 March and till then alternate arrangements of solar lights would be made.

Saroori urged the people to play their crucial and useful role in achieving this cherished agenda. He said the efforts of the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and Congress high command have resulted in generating a peaceful and conducive atmosphere which is reflected by the massive participation of voters in Panchayti elections. He reiterated that Congress party will play the role of bridge between grass roots level workers and the government functionaries. He called upon workers to be pro-active in their areas and help in mitigating their problems. He stressed the workers and people to get ready for the 2014 elections & work hard for the success in next election.

Saroori distributed Rs 35.20 checks among beneficiries of BRGF & IAY at Drabshallah & Rs 6 lakhs checks among beneficiries of BRGF & IAY at Thakrie & also distributed checks among people amounting to Rs.2.50 lacs for the dairy farm at Thakrie.

Saroori asked the engineers and all executing agencies to speed up and ensure timely completion of the projects.

Later at Saroori residence Son of Former Block President NC Gh Mouhiuddin Khandey, staunch BJP workers from Kontwara Dev Raj, Kuldeep Singh, Radha Krishan & others joins Congress in front of Mr Saroori. Welcoming the new entrants into Congress fold Saroori assured them to come up to their expectations and continue the developmental works and the welfare of the poor or down trodden people. He also said that the doors of the party are always open for all those who believe in the programme and polices of the Indian National Congress and have faith in its leadership. 

Mohd Iqbal Keen, Mohd Aslam Saroori, Bashir Hajam, Akhtar Hussain Tatani, Ramnath, Hesraj, Gian Chand, Captain Jagdish, Mohd Yusuf Shah, Krishan Lal Anjole, Fakir Chan, Ghulam Mohd, Basher Ahmed, Ronak Singh, Abdul Jabbar Sirgwari and Officers of various department accompanied Saroori during the said tour.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Saroori addresses mammoth gathering at Thatri, distributes IAY cheques worth 16 lakhs.

Ask cadres to brace up for Lok Sabah and State Assembly polls.

Kishtwar Feb 19: – Senior Congress Leader and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today asked its party cadres to brace-up for 2014 Lok Sabah and State Assembly polls adding Congress will come to serve the people again in 2014.

“You should keep this passion and sentiment alive because now the time for the test is coming. This is the time you have to make this party strong as 2014 is the election year. First the Parliament elections, then the state assembly elections,” Saroori said while addressing a mammoth gathering at Dak Banglow Thatri. While garnering the people support for the Congress party, Saroori ask the party carders to get united for the welfare of the people of Inderwal District and retreat that Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad has no role in dropping him from the list of cabinet minister, the expansion of which took place last month.

“Dropping me from council of minister is the decision jointly taken by the party and not by Azad Sb” added Saroori. He said that in order to make the state prosperous, the state of J & K needs a Chief Minister like Ghulam Nabi Azad to head the state after 2014 state Assembly elections and urged the people to vote Congress party to power. He made a desperate appeal to annoyed party workers to withdraw their resignation submitted by them after party denied Cabinet berth to him. He said that he believes in neat and clean politics and said that he always isolated himself from the politics over dead.

Saroori also distributed IAY cheques worth 16 lakhs among the beneficiaries. He highlighted the developmental work done by him as MLA as well as R&B Minister for Doda District. He said that Government is committed to provide improved basic facilities to the people in all the three regions of the State. He asked the people to maintain close coordination with the Government for ensuring overall development. Maintaining that Government has formulated a comprehensive plan for the development of hilly areas, MLA said that these areas will receive focused attention during the remaining period of the coalition Government.

He directed the officers to enhance the field visits to address people’s problems on priority. He also directed officers for making judicious use of funds and ensuring quality of work. Asking the Sarpanchs/Panchs to discharge their responsibilities with honesty and utmost care, Saroori maintained that elected representatives have greater responsibilities and they must work hard to fulfill the expectations of the people. He said Government has already taken measures to empower them and efforts are on to restore powers to the panchayats as per the Central Panchayati Raj Act after bringing necessary amendment in the State Act.

Saroori asked officers to discharge their duties with extra zeal and dedication and take care of Government assets for which they are the custodians. He said ground level functionaries have equal responsibilities, adding that without their active involvement the functioning of various schemes is not possible.

Senior Congress Leader including Bashir Ahmed Sirwal, Sarfraz Khan, Mansoor Ahmed, Farooq Ahmed, Asgar Khangi, Mohammad Iqbal Keen, Abdul Razzaq, Chaman Lal, Khalid Hussain, Iqbal Teli , Ghulam Qadir Sheikh, Haji Ghulam Mohammad Mir, Hajji Abdul Latief, Noor Mahi Chowdhary, Mohammad Ramzan, Chowdhary Abdul Karim, Safdar Wani were among the few who were present.

Later on Saroori held a review meeting with officers and directed officers to hold public darbar and mitigate the general public problems.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Saroori meets Azad, Singh in Delhi.

Urges construction of Singhpora-Vailo tunnel; sanction of Sub centre, PHC.

Creating extra 4000 SPO post; sanction of pending road projects under militancy affected area scheme.

New Delhi, February 17: - Senior Congress Leader J&K and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, yesterday evening called on Hon’ble Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare Jenab Ghulam Nabi Azad and discusses latest political and development scenario of the State especially Erstwhile District Doda.

Saroori appraised him about the Sinthan Tunnel (Vailoo Singhpora) connecting Anantnag and Kishtwar Districts in Jammu and Kashmir which has already been approved by Government of India among ten such projects approved by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Dr Manmohan Singh.

Saroori informed that this tunnel is of prime importance both from defence purpose as well as from road connective purpose. It shall serve as an alternate route for Amarnath Pilgrims from Batote to Anantnag via Kishtwar and also lessen the duration of journey from Jammu and Kashmir to Himachal Pradesh from 24 hours to 12 hours as it takes more than 24 hours to reach Himachal Pradesh from Kashmir valley. At present there is only one tunnel at Banihal on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway which is over burdened. He informed that DG BR had already submitted the pre-feasibility report of the tunnel to Government of India, now necessary funds for feasibility report, DPR/final survey of this tunnel are released to the concerned and Border Road Organization (BRO) is directed to start the execution of the work at an earliest.

Saroori also demanded establishment of sub health centre at every 5 km and one primary health centre at every 10 km in the hilly and remote areas to improve the healthcare facilitates in the State.

Mr Azad assured Saroori that the matter of Sub centre and PHC is in active consideration of the Centre and decision would be taken shortly. Mr Azad said that the Centre would provide every assistance to the State to ensure all round development besides improving Medicare facilities in Jammu and Kashmir. Regarding tunnel Mr Azad on telephone called Shri C P Joshi Hon’ble Union Minister for Surface transport and demanded for early release of funds for feasibility report of Vailoo Singhpora tunnel and concern Minister assured that he will release funds for feasibility of Vailoo Singhpora tunnel shortly.

In another separate meeting with Hon’ble Union Minister of Home Affairs Shri Kunwar Ratanjit Pratab Narain Singh, Saroori apprised him about various problems confronting people of erstwhile District Doda.

Saroori demanded that a special recruitment drive for the unemployed youth of the State in Central Government services may be undertaken, as the State has limited resources. He also sought minister’s personal intervention for creating extra 4,000 Special Police Officer (SPO) posts for erstwhile District Doda, he further demanded the wages of SPOs may be increased from Rs 3,000 to 10,000 in view of present market fluctuation.

Saroori also demanded to expedite sanction of all the pending road projects submitted to Union Government under militancy affected area scheme.

Mr Singh gave patient hearing and assured that the Central Government will consider his demands on top priority.

Friday 8 February 2013

Delegation from Kishtwar called upon Bashir Naz.

Noor Din appointed as Coordinator for Gujjar Hostel Chatroo.

Jammu, February 9: - A delegation from District Kishtwar including Ghulam Qadir Sheikh, Choudhary Noor Din, Choudhary Ghulam Mohammad Kohli and Noor Din called upon Vice Chairman, State Advisory Board for the Development of Gujjar and Bakerwal Board, Ch. Bashir Ahmed Naaz and appraised him about problems faced by the people of district Kishtwar especially Gujjar and Bakerwal Community.
Delegation appraised Mr Naaz about the progress of Gujjar Hostel building at Chatroo block, which was sanctioned in 2007 and said classes in Gujjar Hostel, will be taken up this year from the month of March. They demanded scholarships to the students of the Schedule Tribe (ST) community.

Mr Naaz patiently heard the delegation and said various welfare schemes have been launched in the State to improve the living standard of the people in general and Gujjar and Bakerwal in particular. He said special focus is being given towards the development of the people living in far flung and remote areas.

Mr Naaz took note of demands put forth to him and assured that the steps will be taken up regarding their redressal at an earliest.

Delegation also thanks Mr Naz for appointing Ch Noor Din as Coordinator of Gujjar hostel Tehsil Chatroo and also invite Mr Naaz to come at Chatroo and Hon’ble Chairman assure that he will fix the date with Hon’ble MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori and both will visit shortly.

Saroori believes in sustained action rather than rhetoric: Sarpanch taraq

Chatroo, February 8: - Preident Panchayat Association of Chatroo block Tariq Wani addresses public meeting at Rahalthal, Neera, Chaas and Nichaa of Tehsil Chatroo where he said that special thrust has been given to rural and far-flung areas for which several major welfare schemes have been introduced for improving the socio-economic status of these areas.

While referring to the Winstorm he said MLA Inderwal G M Saroori issued direction to concern Sarpanches and Panches to submit the detail reports about the losses suffered by the people and tour respected area so that necessary steps could be initiated for compensating the losses. He demanded timely disbursement of compensations to all the families who are affected with Rain, Snow and Windstorm.

Tariq said MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori believes in sustained action rather than rhetoric and in this regard several developmental programmes and schemes have been launched for ensuring that people get better living facilities. He said that the impact of these schemes can be easily seen on the ground. He said that Mr Saroori not only sanction the projects but ensured proper monitoring of these schemes so that they are completed within the stipulated time frame.

He also said that the people should come forward and avail maximum benefit of various flagship schemes of the Rural Development Department maintaining that these have been instrumental in changing the socio-economic profile of various rural areas by providing them the much needed employment at their doorsteps besides ensuring the development of the area. He said that MLA Saroori had already passed special instructions for ensuring early payment of wages under MGNREGA besides benefits of other schemes.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Timely disbursement of compensations to all the affected families in the State: Saroori

Directed DDC Kishtwar to depute team of officers/officials to visit the affected area

Jammu, February 6: - With heavy snow, rains and windstorm continuing to lash Inderwal Constituency of District Kishtwar. Atleast 50 houses got damaged due to strong winds, heavy rains, and snow in Inderwal Constituency. Thousands of fruit and non-fruitable plants got also damaged due to snow and strong winds yesterday.

Former Minister and MLA Inderwal Mr. G M Saroori today directed District Development Commissioner Kishtwar Ch Saleem Mohammad to depute teams of officers and officials to visit all the affected families covering rural and far flung areas like Kuchal, Singpore, Bunda, Basha, Simbole, Gorinal area of District Kishtwar in particular for proper assessments of the fully and partially damaged houses, including houses and roof of 6 Masjid Sharief damaged in Chatroo block from where rural public is approaching him.

Mr. Saroori demanded timely disbursement of compensations to all the affected families in the State. He also demanded more power supply for Doda and Kishtwar district. He said Kishtwar and Doda district has witness harsh power cut during this winter season. He appeals to Chief Minister Jammu and Kashmir Omar Abdullah to intervene personally in this matter.

Mr. Saroori also urged upon the concerned authorities of the State Government for early clearance of road blockades on Jammu-Srinagar and Jammu-Kishtwar National Highway I & II as vehicular movement remained suspended for the 4th consecutive day today, leaving over 400 vehicles and hundreds of passengers stranded on highway. So that all standard passengers buses, light motor vehicle, truck loaded with essential commodities reaches safely at their destinations, stressed Mr. Saroori.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Saroori, Ashok, Naresh & Sham condoles veteran Politician Aziz Zargar.

Jammu, February 5: - Former Minister and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, MLA Ramban Master Ashok Kumar, MLC Naresh Gupta and MLC Sham Lal Bhagat have expressed deep grief over the sad demise of Former Minister and MLA from Srinagar Abdul Aziz Zargar.

Leaders described Mr. Zargar as a veteran leader who always worked for the welfare of the people of the State and said that Mr. Zargar was a man of integrity and his death has created a void in the political field. He was also last surviving member of first constituent Assembly in 1951.

Leaders visited the Jammu residence of late Mr. Zargar at Bathandi Tuesday morning to personally expressed solidarity with the bereaved family, conveyed their sympathy.

They prayed to the Almighty Allah for blessing peace to the departed soul beside a place for him in heaven. They also prayed to Almighty Allah to give strength to the family members of the deceased to bear irreparable loss.