Saturday 30 July 2016

Not to allow time overrun in execution of various ongoing projects in Inderwal: Saroori to executive agencies

Visited sub-division Chatroo took stock of pace of progress on various mega projects

Distributed regularization orders to ReT teachers

Chatroo, July 30: - Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal G. M Saroori today took stock of pace of progress on various mega tourism projects under execution in Chatroo area.

Tehsildar Irshad Ahmed Butt, Executive Engineer R&B division Chatroo R. K Bhagat, BDO Chatroo Subuh Shad, BDO Mugalmadain Mohsin Raza, ZEO Chatroo Jagan Nath, TSO Tariq Rasool, SHO Anayat Hussain and other sectoral officers besides this local Congress leader accompanied Mr. Saroori during the tour.

He visited Chatroo, Dadpeth, Helipad area and inspected ongoing works. The Rs 8 crores project is being almost complete on the tourism projects in the Chatroo and another Rs 7.87 crores Chatroo-Sinthan tourism project is under execution.

Saroori also took round of the area and took on spot appraisal of the progress on the Chatroo beautification project. He issued instructions to executing agencies not to allow time overrun in execution of various ongoing projects in health, education, tourism and other connected sectors and asked them to work with utmost zeal and dedication for the early completion of this prestigious project. He said that beautification of Chatroo, would add to the tourism attraction of the area and reviewed the progress on land levelling, tyles works and other works.

The MLA Inderwal was informed that construction work on the buildings has already been completed, while the interior finishing work is remaining.

Saroori also visited Gorinal, Rahal, Passerkote, Chatroo, Mugalmaidan, Dadpeth areas and listened to the demands of the common people which include clean drinking water facility, installation of hand pumps, early start of MGNREGA work for the current year, distribution of adequate ration to the customers, un-schedule electricity cut in the area and other day to day problems being faced by them. Mr. Saroori directed on spot to the officers for early redressal of demands raised by general public and assured them that he will leave no stone unturned in developing sub-division Chatroo on modern lines and redressal of genuine demands at an earliest.

Later Saroori distributed regulization orders to 22 ReT teachers of educational zone Chatroo who have completed their 5 years of service as ReT at a function organized by ZEO Chatroo at Dak Bungalow Chatroo here.

During the occasion, Saroori stressed upon the teachers to work with zeal and honesty. He said that the future of the new generation is in the hands of teacher, and a teacher should show his dedication. Teacher is considered as builder of nation, try to provide quality education to the society. He said it is duty of all of us to build a strong nation and Teacher should understand his duties.

During the occasion teachers who got regularisation orders thanked the higher authorities of the concerned department and MLA Inderwal for fulfilling their long pending demand.

Saroori condole Muzaffar Khalil Waza death

Kishtwar, July 30: - PCC Vice President G. M Saroori today expressed deep grief over the passing away of Muzaffar Khalil Waza son of Mohd Khalil Waza resident of ward no 13 Kishtwar. He was 29 years old.

Saroori said the demise of a young Muzaffar Khalil Waza is a great loss for the Kishtwar. 'May his soul rest in peace. I pray to Allah to give strength to his family," he added.

Recalling his exemplary services, behavior with general public and family, Saroori said that contribution will be remembered for years to come.

Saroori said Muzaffar Khalil Waza’s loss will be felt by all. He expressed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.

Friday 29 July 2016

Saroori review on-going PHE projects in Inderwal

BJP led government has constraints the funds for the completion of water supply schemes in J&K under NRDW

Kishtwar, July 29: - Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori reviewed the status of on-going PHE schemes in Inderwal Constituency at a meeting of officers held here.

Executive Engineer Ravi Kant, AEE Chatroo Suman, Indu Bushan, Abdul Wahid Sheikh, Mohd Aslam, Tariq Parvez, Suhail Mir and others officials were also present in the meeting.

Saroori discussed the present scenario of on-going schemes under PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control sector and obtained detailed feed-back from the concerned officers.

He instructed the officers of PHE department to speed up the pace work on all ongoing projects including Batogra water house, Bitola house, Chabba, Naan Gwas, Dugroon, Lonepura, Upper Dugroon, Kohli Pura, Kashmiri Mohalla, issuing of tender for three thousand Gallons at Naan and Chan Goila, Katishalla, Kathawa, Khan Pura, Zarger Mohalla, Kral Pura, Badhat, Bugrana, Tatani, Bangar, Seva Darasga, Gagri mal, Dumber, Sheikh Pura, Batwari, Kahara, Bhatyas, Kencha, Chinyas, Challar, Drought, Thathri, Phagsoo, Pernote, Sharekh, Patshalla, Patnazi, Nali, Bunjwah, Drabshalla, Bugrana, Saroor, Moharwari, Bhagra, Angara, Kuriya, Keshwan, Sirgwari, Srawan, Kuchan, Dadpeth, Kuchal, Sigdi, Chatroo, Chingam, Passerkote, Singpora and others.

Saroori said that BJP led government at center has constraints the funds for the completion of these schemes, as the government has released only 100 crores out of 500 crores under NRDW water supply schemes for the Jammu and Kashmir. He emphasized the need for maintaining quality of work and judicious use of funds.

He also directed to complete all the water supply schemes within a shortest possible time and also instructed to regularize all drinking water supply connections and to repair all defunct tube wells. He directed the Executive Engineer to personally monitor the execution of works so that targets are achieved in time.

Expressing dissatisfaction over the performance of the department in Bunjwah, Saroor, and some parts of Kahara, Chatroo and Thathri areas, the MLA Inderwal stressed the need for speeding up the pace of works to complete the on-going schemes within the stipulated time frame.

In view of continuous depletion of water resources, Saroori directed the engineer to take necessary measures for maintaining sustainability of existing sources. He also called for formulation of comprehensive programme for upgradation of existing schemes to enhance their efficacy. He also instructed to regularize all drinking water supply connections and to repair all defunct tube wells in Inderwal.

Executive Engineer PHE gave resume of the activities of the Department and steps initiated to improve the drinking water scenario in the Inderwal. He also informed that 12 project have been submitted for sanctioning under NABARD for the Inderwal constituency for the improvement of drinking water supply including Dadpeth lift scheme, Filler scheme, Keshwan scheme, Jungna Balna, Niccha, Kuchan, Mori ST Basti, Kansoo and others. He said the monitoring mechanism has been made effective and encouraging results are visible on ground. He said the overall work culture in the offices and water installations have also improved considerably and every officer/official has been made accountable towards their duties and responsibilities.

Thursday 28 July 2016

G. M Saroori felicitated newly nominated office bearers of Youth Congress

Will sincerely work for strengthening party at grass-root level: Firdous Mingnoo, Waseem Maker

Kishtwar, July 28: - Newly nominated district coordinator Youth Congress Kishtwar Mr. Firdous Ahmed Mingnoo and Assembly Youth President Kishtwar Mr. Waseem Maker was felicitated by Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori in a function held at Kishtwar.

Both the newly nominated office bearers thanked Mr. Saroori for nominating in the Kishtwar Youth congress committee.

“You have to live upon the expectations of the party and have to work tirelessly to strength Youth Congress from grass roots,” Mr. Saroori told the newly nominated office bearers and congratulated them.

Saroori told the Youth Congress activists that need of the hour is to close ranks and work with dedication and renewed vigour to rejuvenate Youth Congress which has become victim of conspiracies in the past in Kishtwar constituency. He further stressed upon them to work like a team under the leadership of President JK PYC Pranav Sagotra and asked them to propagate programme and policies of Youth congress among masses.

While extending gratitude to Mr. Saroori, Firdous Mingnoo and Waseem Maker said that they will sincerely work for strengthening party at grass-root level.

In another function at Kishtwar area, asking the BJP, PDP to refrain from misleading the people by raking up divisive issues, Saroori said Jammu & Kashmir is a symbol of communal harmony and politicians of all shades in the state must not play politics of religion and region and work towards peace and harmony in the state. He said nobody should divide the people on regional, religious or communal lines. Ghulam Ali PDP President Kencha area has joined the Congress party.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Saroori condemns ‘bloodbath’

No words are enough to describe the tragedy or condemn

Kishtwar, July 14: - Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori strongly condemned “bloodbath in Srinagar.” “Human life in JK has been devalued completely as a result of callousness of government and a license to kill that has been granted to police and security forces,” Saroori said.

“The cold-blooded murder of over 40 people and injuring around 1400 without any provocation is heartrending and no words are enough to describe the tragedy or condemn it.” Saroori said and added that many “elements in police and security forces in the state have been enjoying atrocities on the people and it seems that their entire attitude has become sadistic.”

Saroori said it is unfortunate that rule of law has completely collapsed in JK and the police and security forces have become the law unto themselves. “The continued inability of the government to take cognizance of any killing, excesses or atrocity has reinforced the impression of the police state, where the political leadership and administration are subservient to them,” he said.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Saroori offer Eid prayer at Kishtwar

Wish peace, prosperity, well-being to people

Kishtwar, July 07: State Congress Vice President and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori offered Eid Nimaz at Eidgah Kishtwar here where a huge congregation of Muslims offered Eid prayers.

Saroori mingled with people, shared Eid greetings and good wishes. He prayed for peace, prosperity and well-being of people of Jammu and Kashmir and the Country.

During the day, large number of people from different walks of life visited the residence of the MLA Inderwal to personally convey their Eid felicitation to him.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Saroori greets people on on the EID-UL-FITR

Eid-ul-Fitr comes after a month of fasting, a period of soul elevation

Kishtwar, July 05: - Vice President JKPCC and MLA Inderwal Mr. G. M. Saroori today have greeted people on the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr.

In his message Saroori said “Eid-ul-Fitr comes after a month of fasting, a period of soul elevation in which the essentials of faith are rejuvenated. These include Islam's message of peace and fraternity of all humankind".

Saroori said that the festival evokes feelings of brotherhood, compassion and sharing in all and strengthens the pluralistic bonds of the country's composite society. He also said that the auspicious occasion brought to the fore the noble instincts in people.

May the values that Muslims throughout the world venerate during Ramadan-charity, sacrifice, and compassion – point the way to achieving freedom, tolerance, and peace among all peoples.

“May this year's Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations strengthen mutual goodwill and inspire each one of us to follow the path of love, compassion and is marked by the spirit of brotherhood and sacrifice," he said.

I (Saroori) wish all Muslims a blessed and joyful celebration. Eid Mubarak,"

All the Sarpanches, Panches, Congress leaders, workers and members from Inderwal constituency have also greeted the people on the auspicious occasion of EID.

Monday 4 July 2016

Release salaries before Eid-ul-Fitr, Saroori to Govt

Provide better services to people on Eid

Kishtwar, July 04: - Senior Congress leader and MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori asked government to release pending payments of contractors and wages of thousands of daily wagers, casual laborers as well as salaries of the employees of various corporations including teachers before Eid-ul- Fitr, who he said have not been paid a single penny for a long time now.

In a statement issued today, Saroori said: “The Teachers, daily wagers, casual laborers who work with dedication have not been paid their wages for the past several months. These people do a lot of hard work without any returns. He said that in view of the festivals of “EID and DIWALI” this is a time that Government would realize the difficulties of these employees and issue orders for release of salaries.

The PDP-BJP government had promised that it will bring change in the state, but it seems the only change they have brought so far is to deny wages to the hardworking employees,” “It is irony of sorts that these employees are not being paid even minimum wages,” Saroori said.

Speaking to the group of workers and employees of various corporations who called on him here today and have not received salaries for more than three months, Mr. Saroori assured them that he would take up the matter with the top authorities in the administration and also talk to the Chief Minister and Finance Minister in this regard.

Voicing concern over their plight, Saroori urged upon the government to release the payment of contractors, teachers and wages of these laborers on the auspicious day of Eid-ul-Fitr.

In view of ensuing Eid-ul- Fitr, Saroori directed the officers to ensure that the people do not face any inconvenience on account of security, traffic management, drinking water, power supply, healthcare services and sanitation during the auspicious days.

He said that all the concerned departments should work in close coordination and proper measures should be put in place to ensure availability of essentials including rations, Atta, sugar, Kerosene oil, LPG, meat, poultry etc on reasonable rates. He also called for intensifying the market checking to curb profiteering and black-marketing of essentials.

The Power department was asked to replace all the damaged transformers before Eid and ensure uninterrupted power supply during these days. “There should be no disruption of electricity supply especially during Eid-Ul-Fitr,” Saroori urged Chief Engineer PDD Jammu.

The Municipality officers of Thathri and Kishtwar were asked to ensure proper sanitation especially in and around the shrines and mosques in Thathri and Kishtwar areas besides also directed the RTO Kishtwar and Doda to ensure that proper transportation facilities are provided to the devotees during these days.

Saroori also urged DIG (Doda-Kishtwar Range), Nissar Ahmed, to ensure all security arrangements are in place before the festival in Chenab Valley to avoid repetition of “any type of violence” there on the occasions of “Eid-ul-Fitr”. Saroori has urged the both the communities not to hurt the religious sentiments of each other and asking all the communities to come together and strengthen the cords of brotherhood, peace and harmony in the State besides urged administration to ensure peaceful celebration of the festival.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Saroori greets people on Shab-e-Qadr

Kishtwar, June 02: Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee Vice President and Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today felicitated people on the auspicious occasion of Shab-e-Qadr, also known as Lyla-tul-Qadr, the holy night when people congregate to pray to Almighty Allah seeking His forgiveness.

Highlighting the importance of Shab-e-Qadr, the MLA Inderwal, in his message, stated that the holy night in which Almighty Allah revealed the Glorious Qu’ran to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) for the guidance of mankind, has given us an opportunity to seek His mercy and blessings.

Saroori prayed for betterment of the people and hoped that the holy night would bring Allah’s generosity to all. He also prayed that the auspicious occasion would strengthen the bonds of communal harmony and brotherhood and be a harbinger of peace and prosperity in the state.

Saroori reviews Eid-ul-Fitr arrangements

Directs for providing better services to people

Chatroo, July 02: - The arrangements for Eid-ul-Fitr were finalized in a meeting convened here at Chatroo under the chairmanship of Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori.

SDM Chatroo Massood Ahmed Qazi, Tehsildar Irshad Ahmed Butt, BDO Chatroo Subuh Shad, BDO Mugalmaidan Mosin Raza, AEE PDD Sudhir Sharma, TSO Tariq Hussain Munshi, SHO Chatroo Anayat Hussain, other sectoral officers and local peoples were present in the meeting.

While reviewing the functioning of the departments and arrangement, Saroori directed the officers to ensure that the people do not face any inconvenience on account of ration, sugar, security, traffic management, drinking water, power supply and healthcare services during the auspicious day. He said that all the concerned departments should work in close coordination and proper measures should be put in place to ensure availability of essentials including rations, sugar, Kerosene oil, LPG, meat, poultry etc on reasonable rates.

Saroori directed Tehsildar to verify the genuineness of data under National Food Safety Act (NFSA) and to ensure that no deserving beneficiary is left out besides this CAPD department was asked to ensure distribution of adequate ration to the consumers and said that concerted efforts should be made to streamline the system and avoid inconvenience to the people. He also called for intensifying the market checking to curb profiteering and black-marketing of essentials.

He directed BDO Chatroo and Mugalmaidan to clear all liabilities under the Indira Awaas Yojna (IAY), CDF, MPLAD, MGNREGA to the beneficiaries by disbursement of payments to them immediately so that they do not face any inconvenience in this regard.

The Power department was asked to replace all the damaged transformers before Eid and ensure uninterrupted power supply during these days. “There should be no disruption of electricity supply especially during Eid-ul-fitr,” MLA Inderwal directed AEE PDD Chatroo. The PHE department was asked to ensure adequate supply of potable water especially in the areas which have been of late facing acute scarcity of drinking water. He also directed the field functionaries of rural development, Health Departments to activate the field staff to ensure best possible services in all the areas for convenience of the people. He cautioned that any negligence in this regard would be viewed seriously.

Earlier, SDM Chatroo Masood Qazi gave a brief regarding the arrangements put in place in the sub-division Chatroo for the auspicious day. He also informed the steps taken by the administration during the last six months in the area to ensure that the public services are delivered in a hassle free manner at their doorstep besides this he briefed about the working of the various departments and action taken against erring officials for not giving their duty.

Later, Saroori also visited Chingam, Chatroo, Mugalmaidan, Dadpeth areas of Inderwal constituency and took stock of people’s problems and developmental needs. He listened to people’s problems and directed concerned officers for early redressal. He asked the people that if they face any inconvenience for getting ration or other essentials call him directly.

Friday 1 July 2016

Fill vacant posts sanctioned under administrative units in Inderwal: Saroori

Govt to Pursue Additional Hajj Quota: Andrabi

SRINAGAR, JULY 01: Minister of State for Haj and Auqaf, Syed Farooq Ahmad Andrabi today said that Government would take up the matter with Central Government for sanction of additional Hajj quota to the State.

The Minister was responding to the issue raised by Mr. G.M Saroori today in the House soon.
Mr. G. M. Saroori during zero hour demanded for expediting the construction work on all ongoing road projects under PMGSY in Inderwal constituency. He also demanded for early macadamization of all major roads in his constituency.

He also said that hilly areas like Chenab and Pir Panchal valley have only 20 per cent road connectivity. He said that there is no development in these areas and Hill Councils can help in this regard. He urged Governemt to give Hill development council status to Chenab valley like Leh so that far flung and rural areas could be develop.

Congress lawmaker from Inderwal also demanded filling up of vacant posts sanctioned under administrative units at Chatroo, Chingam, Mugalmaidan, Kuchal, Sigdi, Dadpeth, Thakrie, Keshwan, Sarthal, Drabshalla, Tatani Saroor, Bunjwah, Patnazi, Thathri, Phagsoo, Kahara, Jakyas, Bhalessa and other areas in his constituency.