Monday 17 December 2018

Take measures to address winter vagaries in Kishtwar & Doda: Saroori to Administration

Urged J&K Governor to meet the required stock of Ration, fire wood and Kerosene oil in Kishtwar, Doda

MORI, DECEMBER 17: - Expressing serious concern over the erratic power supply and scarcity of essential commodities including ration, sugar, Kerosene oil and LPG supplies in twin district of Doda and Kishtwar, Senior Congress leader and Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today said the Administration must ensure that people in Doda and Kishtwar are not neglected and sufficient arrangements are made in before a snowfall in the areas.

Saroori who visited Mori Panchayat of Bunjwah block, said the prevailing poor power supply has virtually left the life in the erstwhile Doda district out of gear and the people face tremendous hardships due non availability of ration, sugar, kerosene oil and LPG.

“In the freezing temperature the people have not only been deprived of ration, sugar, kerosene oil and LPG but the unscheduled power supply has added into their problems. Despite a huge hydroelectric potential, the state has been energy deficit for long and now when the cap on LPG cylinders has aggravated the situation, the authorities seem hardly bothered about the problems faced by the common people,” Saroori remarked.

Saroori said that unfortunately the same situation is being repeated every winter soon and the people of the area are left helpless. “People here are being devoid of basic amenities. No power schedule is being followed on ground and even metered areas are facing long and unscheduled power cuts much to the annoyance of public,” Saroori added that to meet the challenges of winter vagaries, Divisional Commissioner, secretaries, Directors of concerned departments, DDC’s, the higher ups in the administration need to ensure a better coordination between different departments especially those providing essential services.

He also urged the J&K Governor N. N. Vohra to meet the required stock of Ration, fire wood and Kerosene oil in district Doda and Kishtwar before on set of snowfall. He said there is immediate need for effective measures to bridge the gap between availability and consumption of electricity, and set up a dependable power delivery system in the State,” Saroori suggested.

Saroori also exhorted the party workers to aggressively pursue the agenda of the party because people of the State have endorsed, from time to time, the policies and programmes of the party. He said that Congress had translated its promises into realities so people of the State have very high hopes from our party.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

BJP a sinking ship, Congress victory in 3 states is the begining of communalism, hatred free India: Saroori

BJP hegemony in state & center to end soon

Congress led government alone can meet the challenges confronted to the state 

Addressed public meeting at Thathri 

THATHRI, DECEMBER 12:- Senior Congress leader and JKPCC Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today said that the bubble of BJP hypothetical approach and it's agenda of hate and communal divide has been busted after the result of five state assembly elections out today wherein people has outrightly rejected the party's agenda of divide and rule among the different sections of the society.

Saroori while addressing the mammoth public gathering here at Thathri, said that BJP is a sinking ship which no one is ready to board on added that Congress victory in 3 states is the begining  of communalism free India. He said that BJP also draws blank in state like Talengana where Congress party ally and Mahagathbandan party TRS had won with thumping majority along with Congress party.

He said that the foundation of BJP lead Narindra Modi Government has been laid on false promises and propaganda being spread by the party though some big media houses added that the party is now started lossing the control on everything as the result came out of 5 states in which 3 main states won by Congress with thumbing majority gives the BJP and it's leadership a sleepless night ahead on 2019 Parliamentary Elections.

Saroori exhorted the cadre to gear up for upcoming elections, saying Congress led government alone can meet the challenges confronted to the state, adding that party under the leadership of Ghulam Nabi Azad will give a strong and stable government at the strength of the peoples’ massive support and Congress’s presence in every nook and corner of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. Exuding confidence about massive victory, Saroori said Chenab Valley will have to hugely contribute to the strength of Congress in giving a responsive and accountable government.

He said that BJP party during last over four years in Government had restore to every tectics where bearing few, even big media house  were forced to do favourable news in favour of the BJP added that those media houses who didn't favour the government or didn't toe there lines were blocked by way of blocking the Government sponsored advertisements which is the right of every registered newspaper or a media house. 

Saroori said that after the results of five states come to the fore, majority of the media house has started turning away from the BJP and slowly started to give coverages to genuine public issues and problems faced by the common people due to bad policy decisions of the BJP government both at centre and state. 

The state Congress Vice President said that India will see the beginning of new era with the return of the Congress party at driving seat after 2019 parliamentary elections. He said that Congress party has sacrifices the lives of great personalities like India Gandhi and Rajeev Gandhi for the prosperity of India. He said that Congress party under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi & Rahul Gandhi will took the country to new heights where the common people including farmers, unemployed youths will find solace. He said that the defeat of BJP in five states had given a clear signal that communal and hate politics had no space in the country and same will die a natural dead with the exit of Narindra Modi Government from the center.

The others who spoke on the occasion Asgar Hussain Khangi, Hab Lal, Mohd Sadiq, Nek Alam, Mushtaq Ahmed, Rafi Sheikh, Bilal Ahmed and others.

Sunday 9 December 2018

Stable government alone can deliver on ground and satiate the aspirations of the people: Saroori

Congress will register massive victory in 2019 under the leadership of Ghulam Nabi Azad

Addressed public meeting at Kahara

KAHARA, DECEMBER 09: - Seeking clear mandate for Congress in the coming elections, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori on Sunday said a stable government alone can deliver on ground and satiate the aspirations of the people.

Addressing a public meeting here at Kahara area of Inderwal constituency, Saroori said fractured mandate was detrimental to the interests of a sensitive state like Jammu and Kashmir, which needs a special dispensation to meet the challenges on developmental, economic and political fronts.

Saroori said the state has been a victim of destabilisation, which has affected governance and decision making in the past. “Despite all these shortcomings, the UPA I and II has endeavoured to give a new dimension to development after heralding peace in the wake of most turbulent situation”, he said adding this momentum has to be maintained at all costs.

He said that Congress was of firm belief that challenges faced to the state can only be met by taking every segment along. Making a parallel between the Congress and other parties, he said it is the only party where decisions about governance are taken by the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and not by the outsider. “Congress is a mass movement that knows no religious barriers or regional boundaries”, he maintained.

Saroori said those representing JK for 65 years have not done justice to their mandate by showing inertia to their bonafide obligations towards the region. He said Congress is the only party that can take care of genuine aspirations of the people. He said strengthening hands of the Congress is need of the hour”, and exuded confidence Congress registering massive victory to form a stable government in 2019 under the leadership of Ghulam Nabi Azad.

The other who spokes President District Congress Committee Doda, Sheikh Mujeeb, President BCC Thathri, Asgar Hussain Khangi, President BCC Kahara Chowdhary Farooq Ahmed, Bashir Ahmed Sirwal, Jaffer Parray, Hafiz Imtiyaz, Dilawar Parray, Jaswant Singh and others said that only Congress will devote themselves for the development of the constituency and welfare of its people. They said Mr. Saroori is fully aware about the gray areas that needed focussed attention in terms of upgrading infrastructure, improving facilities and ensuring various utility services. “As a foot soldier of Congress Mr.Saroori is committed to faster development of Inderwal”, they said and referred to his earlier efforts in this regard. They said Congress does not believe in emotive sloganeering and wants to take all segments of society together for heralding an era of progress and development.

Saturday 8 December 2018

Discard negative forces in the upcoming Parliament and Assembly elections: Saroori

People have to decide between communal forces led by BJP in the State and secular democratic society led by Ghulam Nabi Azad

Addressed public meeting at Drabshalla

DRABSHALLA, DECEMBER 08: - Thanking people of Inderwal for wholehearted support to Congress backed Sarpanches and Panches in the Panchayat election, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President Ghulam Mohammad Saroori exhorted the people of Inderwal to discard negative forces in the upcoming Parliament and Assembly elections to be held in 2019 by giving a massive mandate to secular parties, which reflect real ethos of Jammu and Kashmir.

Mr. Saroori was addressing the public meeting here at Drabshalla to felicitate the newly elected Congress backed Sarpanches and Pacnhes of the block.

Saroori hit BJP left, right and centre describing the party an amalgam of power hungry lot whose track record is sufficient proof of betray, opportunism, deception and double-face of its leadership. “Power hungry BJP leadership is known for political somersaulting and making alliances for their convenience”, he said and reminded the people of the broken promises made by this party to the people on providing ‘employments, Rs. 15 lakhs in each account’ and giving ‘healing touch’ to their wounds.

“All are aware that on employment front BJP got themselves employed as the Coalition partner in the J&K, and instead of giving healing touch to the people the leadership of BJP gave them killing touch and indulged in highest degree of nepotism, malpractices and misgovernance. So much so that they dislodged the government of their coalition partner for power thrust”, he said and cautioned the people of the habitual tactics of BJP leadership to blow its own trumpet and mislead the people by raising sentimental and false slogans.

Saroori said that BJP leadership is misleading the masses that they bought “Badlau” (Change) on the ground but in reality they are doing this to deceive the people again which they have done before in 2014 elections. He said that ‘Badlau’ (Change) has already been affected in Inderwal by me in peace scenario, prosperity and in the development process during the last over sixteen years through the implementation of people-friendly policies.

“You have to decide between communal forces led by BJP in the State and secular democratic society led by Ghulam Nabi Azad in the upcoming elections”, Saroori told the people and said that Jammu and Kashmir has always been abode of secular and pluralistic credentials. “We the people of Jammu and Kashmir have always rejected communal forces and the track record in this regard particularly of Inderwal is glaring and unblemished. We have to understand the game being played by BJP to divide us and garner support for its tutors from Nagpur”, he asserted.

The public meeting was also addressed by senior Congress leaders from Drabshalla block, Sarpaches and pacnhes, Youth Congress leaders and others.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

BJP a party of broken promises: Saroori

If people want peace, progress and prosperity, they should strengthen hands of Congress

Addressed mammoth public meeting at Mugalmaidan Inderwal

MUGALMAIDAN, DECEMBER 06: -Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori described BJP a party of broken promises, saying it is used to making hollow rhetorical promises with the least intention of keeping their word.

“Spell out even one of the promises that has been kept”, Saroori dared the BJP while addressing a mammoth public meeting here at Mugalmaidan area of Inderwal constituency.

Saroori listed some of the promises made by BJP, as latest as in the past four years, saying the people of Chenab have suffered a lot during PDP-BJP regime.

He said the PDP-BJP generated euphoria over peace, progress and development in Chenab Valley but once coming into power they left the people high and dry. Instead of increasing the pace of development in the region, the PDP and BJP government found it more convenient to decrease the funds for the development and in Kashmir they have increased the number of pellet bullets to target Kashmiris, he said and asked as to what had happened to the much hyped ‘battle of ideas’.

Saroori said they did not make any efforts to relieve the weaker sections of their hardships. He said incompetence of BJP and PDP Government pushed back State in all sectors and no progress has been recorded in the core sectors like PHE, PDD, R&B, Health, Education, etc during last four years. He said that while the insensitive PDP and BJP failed in assuaging urges and aspirations of the people on political front, its record in governance was quite dismal. “The State was virtually witnessing mis-governance with government nowhere to be seen on ground”, he said, adding that if at all there is any visibility of the PDP and BJP anywhere in the State, it was for all the wrong reasons of exploiting people and inciting them to fight each other.

He said the BJP has been instrumental in adding to the miseries of people. In an atmosphere of uncertainty and political instability, the people of the state in general and Chenab Valley in particular are passing through most difficult times.

“If you want peace, progress and prosperity in the state, you should strengthen hands of Congress. Ghulam Nabi Azad as Chief Minister of the State I had started two and three shift work in construction of important projects like road, hospitals and colleges.” “To steer them out of this predicament, the people must come out in large numbers and support in the upcoming Parliament and Assembly elections”, Saroori said, adding that it will be a vote against the broken promises of the PDP and BJP.

Congress-led Government alone can change the destiny of far flung areas: Saroori

Work for strengthening the organization at the grass root level and promote communal harmony

THAKRIE, DEEMBER 05: - Asserting that the Congress-led Government alone can change the destiny of remote, backward and far flung areas of the State, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said “Congress have demonstrated our will and ability since 2002 to spread the fruits of developments to the hitherto neglected and marginalised all rural and far flung areas of Inderwal constituency.

Saroori said that only Congress-led Government can assure development and progress in the State in the most equitable, balanced and just way. He was speaking at a public gathering at Thakrie areas to felicitate the newly elected Sarpanches and Panches from Thakrie block.

Giving an overview of the works done by him as MLA for Inderwal constituency, Saroori said that roads, colleges, hospitals, schools were constructed during the Congress-led regime in a coordinated and expeditious manner and that these landmarks are visible on the ground.

Saroori said that it is the Congress alone which has the capacity and determination to thwart the divisive agenda of BJP and therefore, the need of the hour is to strengthen the Congress in the State. Asserting that Congress has an agenda and roadmap which can accommodate the urges and aspirations of all regions and sections with fairness, equity and justice, Saroori called upon the people of the State to give a decisive and convincing mandate in the upcoming Parliament and Assembly election to the Congress in order to revive the process of development with renewed thrust. He said that “time-tested, credible and capable” regime of Congress-led Govt. alone can bring out the financial crisis out of morass & put the economy of the State on the path of reconstruction, prosperity and progress.

He predicted that Congress would emerge as the largest political force in the State as people from all three regions appreciate the policies and programmes of the party and its leadership, which are aimed at to serving the common masses. “Congress party feels duty bound to respect urges and aspirations of the people of all three regions in order to strengthen the unity and integrity of the State and the nation,” he said.

Saroori asked partymen’s to unitedly work for strengthening the organization in all parts at the grass root level and promote communal harmony.

The occasion was also marked by the joining of dozens of political activists in the Congress party which was welcomed into the party fold by Mr. Saroori. He said with the joining of many political activists, the party would be further strengthened at the grassroots level and plays its designated role.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Secularism is the hallmark of Congress success in Inderwal

Secularism is the hallmark of Congress success in Inderwal

Communal Politics had no tracker in developing nation like India : Saroori

Addressed mammoth gathering in Chatroo

KISHTWAR, DECEMBER 04: Former Minister and JKPCC Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today said that communal Politics has no tracker in developing nation like India added that handful of people in India had either turn themselves as cow vigilantes, self styled protectors of Hindutva and the contractors of the unholy nexus of radicalised RSS who are hellbent to divide the nation on the name of religion, caste, colour and creed.

While addressing a mammoth public gathering in Chatroo area of Inderwal constituency, the state Congress Vice President Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said that the secular approach of the Congress party towards the welfare of people is the hallmark of success of Congress party in recently held Panchayat Elections wherein Congress party manage to win 58 seats of Sarpanch and 405 seats of Panches which is 2/3rd majority.

Saroori who was on tour of various areas of Inderwal constituency to thank the people for overwhelming voting for Congress party in recently concluded Panchayat Elections said that the people of Inderwal has outrightly rejected the Politics of "hate" and "divide" by choosing development over divide and rule rule policy approach of United opposition in Inderwal.

He said that Inderwal in last 16 years of Congress representation had witnessed usher of development in terms of road network, opening of schools, PHC,s, CHC,s, Anganwari centers, sanctioning of new blocks, Tehsils, Sub Division,s, High/Higher Secondaries, ration distribution centers and other key initiatives to provide common facilities to the people at door step.

Saroori thanks the people for outrightly rejecting the communal and divisive agenda of BJP added that local PDP and NC backed leaders also join the BJP hand in Inderwal as a part of nefarious design to defeat the Congress party added that to the disappointment of United opposition, the people of Inderwal constituency gives them the befitting reply by voting Congress backed Sarpanches to power. He said that Congress party will continue its Pro People policies approach in the state.

He said that BJP and it's leadership is making all their efforts to divide the people by spreading false canrides to turn the attention of the common people from their failure in both state as well as in center. He said that Congress party is a binding force that held different section of societies, religions, ethencity together in the country since last over six decades while BJP is busy in dividing the people of the country to appease a perticular vote bank. 

Saroori said that Congress party will win majority of the seats in ongoing state assembly elections in Rajasthan, Madiya Pradash, Uttarakhand and other states going to poll. He said that BJP is day dreaming to form a government on its own in Jammu and Kashmir as well as in New Delhi. He said that Congress party under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi will be a credible force in 2019 parliamentary elections. He also warn the people about the nefarious design of BJP and it's alliance partner and urged upon the people to throw them out in upcoming assembly and parliament Elections.

The occasion was also marked by the joining of a prominent BJP leader and Sarpanchi candidate from Inderwal B panchayat. Shri. Munshi Ram along with his supporters, reposed his trust in the party and Saroori, saying he and his supporters were convinced that the area will get its right place in the ‘socio-economic profile’ of the state with right representation.

Monday 3 December 2018

Party with the support of the people would defeat the designs aimed at diluting the distinct identity of the state: Saroori

Bhalessa has been deliberately ignored by the BJP and PDP over the last four years

Holds public meeting at Jakyas

JAKYAS, DECEMBER 03: - Asserting that Indian National Congress (INC) was the only party which could stop communal forces in JK, Vice President JKPCC and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said Congress party with the support of the people would defeat the designs aimed at diluting the distinct identity of the state.

“People of the Jammu and Kashmir want a solution to their political problems through democratic process which is why they are increasingly participating in the elections,” Saroori said while addressing a public meeting here to felicitate the newly elected Sarpanches and Pacnhes from Jakyas block having 5 panchayats in which 4 Congress backed Sarpacnhes and 30 pacnhes have won.

Saroori said the collapse of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) in the state as major political forces has pitted the Congress directly against BJP. He said while it was legitimate for BJP or any other party to seek a majority in the assembly, the divisive agenda pursued by it to achieve its goal was detrimental to the interests of the state and the country.

He said the special status granted by the Constitution to the state was neither a concession nor was it subservient to the ideology of any political party. “The special status of Jammu and Kashmir was a historical necessity in view of the circumstances and realties of the situation that led to the partition of the country, post independence nation building efforts,” said Saroori.

Saroori said the people of Jammu and Kashmir will give a befitting reply to any attempts at communalizing the situation, eroding the state’s authority or diluting the constitutional position.

Referring to the local issues, Saroori said the entire Bhalessa has been deliberately ignored by the BJP and PDP over the last four years. “Once voted to serve again, the Congress will harness that potential to the best satisfaction of the people so that Bhalessa in real sense becomes a model region in the entire state,” he said.

Saturday 1 December 2018

Congress flexes its muscles, held show of strength in Kishtwar, welcomed 58 Sarpanches, 405 Panches

Congress victory a clear message to divisive forces: Saroori

KISHTWAR, DECEMBER 01: - In order to show the progress in recently concluded Panchayat elections in first four phases of Inderwal Constituency, the Congress party in under the leadership of Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori held a facilitation ceremony in which newly elected Sarpanches and Panches of Inderwal Constituency were warmly welcomed in a party function which was also attended by the prominent Congress leaders including new newly elected ward members from Municipal committee from Kishtwar and Thathri.

58 Sarpanches out of 82 Sarpanches and 405 Panches out of 580 paraded during the function which was amid to give a signal to opposition parties including BJP, NC & PDP a clean signal that they have lost the ground in Inderwal Constituency of Kishtwar District.

Speaking on this occasion, JKPCC Vice President Ghulam Mohammad Saroori extended his gratitude to people of Inderwal Constituency for voting in favour of the Congress party backed Panches and Sarpanches added that the victory of Congress in Inderwal shows that the divisive, muscle power and money power politics has failed in Inderwal.

Saroori said that he and Congress party is committed for equitable development of Inderwal constituency at par with other areas of the state. He said that he is highly thankful to people of Inderwal for today’s grand success in Panchayat elections and assured that he will extend all possible help to newly elected Panches and Sarpanches of Inderwal constituency added that Congress party will continue to advocate the strengthening the Panchayat Raj Institutions at grass root level which according to Saroori is the dream of former Prime Minister of India Rajeev Gandhi who is the one who brings Panchayat Raj Institution system in India so that poor people of the country could be strengthen.

He said that people of India including Jammu and Kashmir will continue to reject the divisive politics of BJP and other political parties in Assembly and Parliament elections who want to divide the people on the name of religion, caste, colour and ethnicity. He said that Congress party will carry forward the enthusiasm from Panchayat elections victory in upcoming J&K Assembly elections.

Saroori also assure the Congress candidates who fail to win the election that Congress party will firmly stood behind them and will fulfill all the promises made by them with the people during the election.

Meanwhile Youth Congress leader Sharik Saroori said that several newly elected Sarpanches and Panches are approaching them for joining into the party added that they are cautious while bring them into party fold as they are keeping different aspects into the focus and are not rushing into the things. He said that with day to day increase in Public support, Congress party is become a credible force in Kishtwar District as well as in state by each passing day.

Senior Congress Leaders also addresses the gathering and expresses gratitude to the people for supporting the Congress party in both Panchayat and Local bodies election. They said that Congress party will leave no stone unturned to fulfill the aspirations of people of the state and Kishtwar District in particular.