Monday 9 June 2014

Public strike against 850 MW Rattle HEP ended

Kishtwar June 8: The week long phased wise strike of general public of Drabshalla and its adjoining areas against 850 MW Rattle Hydro Electrical Power Project ended today after company Vice Chairman Prasona Reddy on the initiative of MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori agreed all the demands raised by the people of Drabshalla.

As per the details, the dead lock between the public and management of the project ended during a meeting between MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, project management headed by Vice Chairman Prasona Reddy and general public at Drabshalla where various demands related to the unemployment were discussed at length.

Speaking on the occasion, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori showed his anger and resentment against the management for adjusting the outsider in Rattle power Project at the cost of jobs reserved for local unemployed youths of District Kishtwar and urged upon the Chairman M/S GVK Energy Limited to give preference to local un-employment youth of Drabshalla block at first instance including to those families who give their land for the project.

He said that after adjustment of unemployed youths from I Drabshalla, the company must give preference to unemployed youths of Kishtwar District and adjoining areas as the same was agreed in principal by the management while signing the MoU with government of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that one member of each family whose land has come under the alignment of the said project must be given job opportunity and thanked the management for adjusting 50 land owners who today joined in the project.

Saroori also urged upon the management to speed up Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (RR) plan so that people of the area will take benefit).

He also appeals to the people to allow project management to carry on with the work in the project and hail the progress of ongoing work. He urged the company to complete the project at stipulated time.

While addressing the gathering, Prasona Reddy assured the people and local representative that the company will stick to its guide line and added that all the demands with regard to RR Plan will be implemented in totality which includes construction of hospital, school, roads and several other welfare initiatives that has been promised by the company during various public and government meetings.

On the assurance of company head, the protesters called off the protest and assured the project management that they will cooperate with authorities in case all the demands raised by the people will be agreed.

The project management along with MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammed Saroori will also held a meeting with administration today wherein the final touch will be given of RR Plan and other public related welfare programs to be taken in hand by the project management in future.

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