Saturday 11 June 2016

Saroori staged walkout over ignoring indoor stadium for Kishtwar

Restore SRTC bus between Srinagar to Kishtwar via Sinthan top;

Animal and sheep husbandry sector is very important and it needs focus of the Government

Srinagar, June 11: - Congress MLA Ghulam Mohammad Saroori staged walk out from the Assembly over ignoring the indoor stadium for district Kishtwar.

Saroori said he want to know from the minister who is also MLA Kishtwar that why Kishtwar is being ignored in terms of sanctioning of indoor stadium despite having an area of more than 7800 Sq KM and want assurances from the minister in this regard.

“When BJP was in opposition, they kept on ranting that Jammu has been discriminated. Now they are in power but they are not doing anything concerning development of the region, which makes it evident that they were making hollow slogans,” he said. “They have sold Jammu and aspiration of its people.” Congress MLA GM Saroori said that Chenab Valley has been ignored too in establishing sports stadia.

He also demanded restoration of SRTC bus between Srinagar to Kishtwar via Sinthan top and also shows his concern over theft of crash bearers on Kishtwar-Batote road. He said that crash bearers installed on approximately on 20 KM stretch on Batote-Kishtwar National Highway was stolen and sold to scrape dealers besides this release of 6th pay commissioner in favour of employees of JKSRTC.

Saroori also raised the issue of statement of VHP leader Sadhvi Prachi and demanded that the house should condemn the statement of the VHP leaders which according to Saroori is against the ethos and secularity of the country. Saroori was supported by the other Congress members, NC legislators, Independent MLAs including Er. Rashid, M Y Tarigami and Hakim Mohammad Yaseen.

He accused the BJP-led government at the Centre for “destroying secular fabric of the nation”. “These people, who spew venom on the name of religion, are hell bent of dividing the nation, besides destroying its social fabric,” said Saroori.

Saroori said that the statement of Sadhvi is aimed to create another Gujarat added that BJP is trying to terrorize the Muslims in the country. He said that the secular parties like Congress will act as a wall to prevent the communal forces from dividing the nation. He said that Congress party will not let the sacrifices of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawal Lal Nehru, Molana Abu Kalam Azad to go waste. He said that Congress will always withstand for the secularity and integrity of the nation.

On Animal and Husbandry sheep department grants; Saroori said this sector is very important and it needs focus of the Government. “This is a big sector and it has been ignored when it can tackle the unemployment problem”, he added. Saroori said that Government should use new technologies to improve Animal and Sheep Husbandry sector and should send teams in far flung areas for training. He also demanded improvement of fishery hatcheries in Inderwal constituency and demanded holding of awareness camps for breeders and opening of new animal husbandry centres in his constituency.

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