Saturday 23 September 2017

G. M Saroori handed over regularisation orders among 15 Rehbar-e-Taleem teachers

Visited Al-Hilal Educational institute Hudri; interacted with staff and students

DRABSHALLA, SEPTEMBER 23: - Terming teachers as role models for the society, Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said they have a greater role to play, particularly in present times, in shaping the destiny of their students.

Addressing a gathering of teachers after handing over regularisation orders among 15 Rehbar-e-Taleem teachers in Drabshalla education zone here, the MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori said that teaching profession has been held in high esteem by all religions and societies. He said teachers have an immense influence on the lives of their students, sometimes greater than that of their parents. “In the present times when the working parents have little time for their children, teachers also need to do the role of parents and provide them all the requisite emotional cushion which they are in need of,” Saroori remarked.

Regretting that the students of present times have little to rejoice and entertain, Saroori asked the teachers to create avenues of extracurricular activities at schools like varied types of arts, sports, physical activities, picnics etc and let the students explore the universe on their own and move beyond the realms of exams, tests, classes and grades. “Our kids are living in an atmosphere of strain, who have very little to cheer about. It is the teachers who have to steer them out successfully by supervising a complete personality development in them,” he said.

Saroori hoped the teachers regularized today would infuse new blood in the working of the Education Department. He said state government should be sensitive to the demands and needs of teaching community and their resolution accordingly should be prioritized.

Earlier, in his address, ZEO Drabshalla, Bhagwan Das Sharma, enumerated several steps taken by the Department for the welfare of teaching community and students in the Drabshalla education zone.

A deputation of All Jammu and Kashmir ReT Teachers Forum from Education zone Chatroo led by its Chatroo Education zone, president, Siraj Ud Din also met MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori at his residence here and put forth their demands. While interacting with the MLA, the deputation discussed their pending demands, which included regularization of Education Volunteers (EVs), who have completed seven years of service, as general line teachers, inclusion of five years of service period of ReTs, seven years of EVs in their service record, release of salary for the month of August and creation of separate education zone for Mugalmaidan.

The MLA Inderwal listened to the deputation quite patiently and asked the incharge CEO Kishtwar to release the salary of the teachers within 5 days of time. He also assured the deputationist that he will leave no stone unturned for the creation of separate education zone for Mugalmaidan. He also informed the deputations about the steps taken to create infrastructure for several new educational institutions being established in the Chatroo and upgrading that of existing ones.

Mr. Saroori also visited Al-Hilal Educational institute Hudri Kishtwar and interacted with staff and students there. He sought better synergy and frequent interaction between teachers and parents for achieving the common objective of shaping the destiny of children and making them useful citizens for the society. “Without active cooperation of parents, the schools cannot succeed in moulding the younger generation in a better way”, Saroori said and stressed the need for periodical meetings to take appraisal of the progress achieved.

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