Saturday 24 February 2018

Congress laid strong foundation for accelerating developmental activities in the state: Saroori

Announced span on Damber to Mullar road and blacktopping on Guzzer to Gurinal road

Concluded week long tour of Inderwal constituency

MUGALMAIDAN, FEBRUARY 24: - Observing that mis-governance and trust deficit are the main reasons of growing alienation among people, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori who concluded his week long tour of Inderwal constituency said that three and half years of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) is a big zero because this dispensation has failed on all fronts.

“Encouraging corruption, supporting nepotism and abusing State apparatus to deprive people of their democratic rights are only noticeable achievements of the present dispensation”, Saroori said and regretted that present regime has miserably failed to carry forward the process of peace, development and reconciliation which was initiated by the UPA Government in the State.

Saroori said Congress had changed political discourse of the State and also restored dignity and honour of the people by pursuing the pro-peace agenda. “The process of reconciliation is still incomplete because the present regime during the last three and half years has failed to connect itself with the common masses”, he said and added that alienation among people have been increasing with every passing day due to widening of the gap between the commoners and ruling elites.

He said that after 2014 Assembly elections it is only the Congress which has been pursuing agenda for establishing lasting peace and tranquility. “It is result of the convictions and vision of our party that Congress has again earned credibility and trust of the people of Jammu and Kashmir”, he said, adding, “successfully connecting with people in the biggest achievements of Congress”. “Our party laid strong foundation for accelerating developmental activities in all regions and sub-regions”, he said and reminded that it was only during the Congress that equal treatment was given to all regions of the State.

On the occasion Mr. Saroori also announced various developmental projects for the sub-division Chatroo including construction of 45 Mtr. Span Bridge on Dumber to Mullar road for that Rs. 1.87 crores have been sanctioned and blacktopping on 7.5 kms long Guzzer to Gurinal road which was the long pending demands of the area.

Friday 23 February 2018

Congress emerged as genuine, credible voice of all regions of J&K: Saroori

PDP youth President among dozens of youths joined Congress party

KISHTWAR, FEBRUARY 23: - Terming Indian National Congress (INC) as a movement to establish a new system of justice and equality, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said our party has emerged as genuine and credible voice of the people of Jammu and Kashmir through its convictions and visionary policies.

Addressing a function to welcome Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Youth President Mugalmaidan, Jaffar Hussain Ganie, Youth President PDP Sigdi, Ashraf Hussain and dozens of Youths from Kishtwar Assembly segment under the leadership of Waseem Maker President AYC Kishtwar, Randeep Bhandari and others joined Congress, Saroori said that it was matter of satisfaction that Congress, has emerged as strong political force in the state as well as a credible voice of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Saroori expressed satisfaction that Congress’s agenda of the peace and development was now again seen positively throughout state was welcomed as a serious statewide political force with credibility and established credentials in governance and political acumen. “Though Congress has originated as an idea for restoration of dignity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, the party has with inputs from various sections of opinion has evolved an agenda that it believes could lead to get the state and the region rid from the strife, bring a sense of achievement to its people and usher in a new era of sustainable peace and prosperity again which was started in the year 2006 under the leadership of Ghulam Nabi Azad”, he said and added that overwhelming response to party from all regions of the State was a clear indication that people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh were again looking towards Congress as only credible political force of the State.

The party has emerged as the biggest political force of the State”, Saroori said and added that it was a historical fact that it was the Congress under the leadership of Ghulam Nabi Azad in the state that revived the people’s confidence of in democratic institutions.

Terming joining of youth as big boost for the party, Saroori said that people who want to contribute to the political discourse and development of the state must become part of the Congress’s growth story. The doors are open for the people who want to contribute in the party’s efforts to see the state out of the present mess,” he said. “Congress is committed for the people’s cause and will always uphold their aspirations and sentiments”, Saroori said and hoped that with their joining Congress would be further strengthened in the area.

Newly joined Youths said they were impressed by the party’s agenda which aims at bringing in a change in the mindsets about the problems facing Jammu & Kashmir. He said they were also influenced by the Ghulam Mohammad Saroori who is working selflessly in order to bring about a complete change in the exploitative system that has impacted adversely several generations of the people.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

PDP-BJP kept Chenab Valley in poverty, backwardness and deprivation: Saroori

Ghulam Nabi Azad broke the myth that development is a utopian dream of the state

Addressed party workers meeting at Thathri

THATHRI, FEBRUARY 20: - Unfolding his party’s development agenda for the Chenab Valley region, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said in spite of being a store house of natural resources the present regime PDP and BJP has kept the area in poverty, backwardness and deprivation.

Addressing a workers meeting at Thathri area of Doda district, Saroori said PDP and BJP Government has earned the anger and people will disapprove them all across the State because of their misdeeds, corruption, scandals, and inefficiency. He said the previous three and half years have witnessed the worst ever Govt in the State and it won’t be a surprise that the coalition partners will be dumped by the people.

Saroori said the formation of next Government by Congress was a foregone conclusion but it is in the hands of the people how strong a mandate they would give in the next Assembly election to Ghulam Nabi Azad to address the heavy challenges the State is faced with.

He said that that the Ghulam Nabi Azad broke the myth that development is a utopian dream and it was practically demonstrated by the Congress party to deliver the fruits of development equitably and judiciously to all the regions of the State. He said that this proactive developmental agenda left a deep imprint on the hearts and minds of the people. “We made ‘development’ as a narrative and discourse in the State, and dispersed the fruits of development beyond the confines of Jammu & Srinagar city”, Mr Saroori said and added that the landmark decision of creating new sub-divisions, tehsils, blocks by previous coalition government have alleviated the hardships of the people of this backward region, and has given a new thrust to the developmental process in the Chenab region but the present regime totally failed to continue the development process started during our regime.

Saroori said that the falsehood at the Modi regime at the Centre and PDP-BJP at the State has been exposed because of their politics of duplicity. He said that people of the State were fed up with Centre and State Govt. in a very short span because of the false promises and U turn on all important commitments made with the people during elections. Lauding the people of Inderwal, Chenab Valley belt who have always given a befitting reply to the communal and divisive forces and maintained their tradition of harmony, Mr. Saroori said that the innocent people were made to believe the falsehood spread by BJP-PDP as per their tactical strategy to rouse the emotions of the people. The unholy alliance by the two ideologically opposite coalition partners have made the people to be cheated and betrayal.

Congress MLA further said that from the last four years, people of the state have felt that the people have rejected the sheer opportunism and total surrender of their ideological commitments and core issues upon which they won election. He lashed out at the coalition Govt. for its wrong policies and failure to address the genuine issues like providing of hassle free basic essential things, employees of different categories, ReT teachers, the daily wagers, casual labours, functioning of various administrative units, unemployed youth leading to unrest in various sections of the State. He said that Congress is the only secular force in the Country which has a history of respecting the aspirations and protecting the rights of different sections of society.

Among others Asgar Hussain Khangi, Mohd Iqbal Teli, Abdul Razzak, Mushtaq Ahmed, Noor Mohd, Ghulam Hussain Butt, Nek Alam, Om Prakash Bhagat, Mohd Rafi, Abid Hussain, Rashid Mughal, Chowdhary Abdul Karim, Bilal Ahmed Sheikh, Shameem Ahmed and others addressed the workers at Thathri.

Monday 19 February 2018

Ensure Justice to the eight year old girl by seeing that the accused is hanged publicly: Saroori

Organizing rally and using national flag by a Hindu Ekta Manch is unfortunate

50 dozens of deputations met Saroori, many political activists joined Congress

KISHTWAR, FEBRUARY 19: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today said J&K Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti should use her powers to ensure that the accused SPO Deepak Khajuria in the case gets the death sentence for the heinous crime.

While meeting with 50 dozens of deputations at Kishtwar, Saroori termed the rally organised by a Hindu Ekta Manch, whose activists carrying Tricolor had held a protest rally to press for release of the SPO Deepak Khajuria, who has been arrested for his alleged complicity in the rape and murder of the minor Gujjar girl from Kuthua, “If such protests are attempt to save the accused culprits, then it is most unfortunate, shameful act and against human values. Using national flag during the rally is an insult to tri-colour and things can’t get more horrible than this," he said.

Body of the minor girl was recovered from Rassana forest on January 17, a week after she went missing while grazing horses in the forest area.

Saroori said that the some fringe elements in Jammu are "hell bent" on giving religious colour to this heinous crime. He also said that the CM J&K should monitor this case personally to ensure justice to the eight year old girl by seeing that the accused is hanged publicly for the crime. “The accused is not entitled to any leniency by taking refuge of Hindu Ekta Manch,” he said, adding that this case should be taken as an exception to send a strong message to law breakers and will set examples for the other criminals.

He also expressed hope that the all politicians, civil society and general public without any politics, caste, colour and creed must unite against the culprits to seek justice for the eight-year old girl.

The deputations apprised Mr. Saroori about their day to day problems pertaining to their areas. The problems which were highlighted included early blacktopping on various link roads, upgradation of schools, early clearance of payment to job card holders under MGNREGA and IHHL scheme, correction in the CAPD ration cards and issuing the category (BPL, APL) of ration cards correctly, early filling of vacant post of Doctors and Para medical staff in the PHC and sub-centres, improvement in power supply and better drinking water facility.

Mr. Saroori heard the deputation patiently and releases various funds under his CDF for various developmental works. He also gave full assurance to take up the issue vigorously with the State government and assured that he will leave no stone unturned for early redressal of the genuine demands.

On the occasion many political activisits from Udeel, Batwari, Sheeri Mugalmaidan joined Congress. Reiterating resolve of his party to restore peace and tranquility in Jammu and Kashmir, Saroori said Congress has earned faith and credibility through its convictions and commitments.

“Getting power in not the only agenda of Congress, our party is movement to change destiny of the people and to establish a system of justice and equality in Jammu and Kashmir”, Saroori said and added that Congress had changed political discourse of the State and restored dignity and honour of the people Jammu and Kashmir. “Our party, through its pro-peace policies, has consolidated reconciliation process and facilitated the efforts of establishing lasting peace in this region”, he said but regretted that the present regime has derailed the whole process of peace and development. “Prevailing chaos and instability is outcome of the wrong policies of the present regime”, he said but asserted that Congress would continue to work for peace and stability in this region. He said the newly joined workers have joined Congress due to the policies and programmes of the party. They said that that visionary agenda of Congress was the only practical and viable solution of all problems of the State.

Saturday 17 February 2018

G. M Saroori visited Kishtwar town to personally condoles demises who recently passed away

KISHTWAR, FEBRUARY 18: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori visited the residence of those who recently passed away in Huller, Kuleed, Sangrambhata, Pohi, Akhyarabad, Panditgam, Hidyal, Umar Mohalla, Palez and other areas of Kishtwar town.

Vice President JKPCC was accompanied by local Congress leaders including Bashir Ahmed Sheikh, Sharik Ahmed Saroori, Noor Hussain, Ravi Kumar, Raj Kumar, Bidya Lal Sharma, Firdous Ahmed Mingnoo, Waseem Maker, Randeep Bhandari and others.

“I am deeply saddened by the loss of the deceased’s as they would be truly missed by everyone by the people,” he said and added that words are not enough to express sorrow over the demises. He stayed with the bereaved families and expressed his sympathy and solidarity with them, offered fatiyah, consoled the family members and prayed to the Almighty Allah for eternal peace to the departed souls beside a place for them in heaven. He also prayed to Almighty Allah to give strength to the family members of the deceased to bear irreparable loss.

Thursday 15 February 2018

PDD Lineman died due to electrocuted in Kahara

Conduct inquiry into the death of lineman, Sanction SRO-43 case: Sharik Saroori

Departmental enquiry has been constituted, assured all financial help: Executive Engineer PDD Kishtwar

FIR has been lodged investigation has been ordered to ascertain facts: JK Police

KAHARA, FEBRUARY 15: - A lineman of power development department (PDD) Mohd Iqbal Butt son of Dien Mohd resident of Kencha Kahara died after he received a severe electric shock while repairing a transformer at village Kencha area of Tehsil Kahara, district Doda. Iqbal Butt was shifted to sub-district hospital of Thathri where he was declared as brought dead by the doctors.

Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori expressed grief over the death. “Sad to hear of a Power Development Department worker demise at Kencha Kahara. My deepest condolences to his family,” Saroori said.
Mohd Iqbal Butt nimaz-e-jinazah was offered at Kencha village which was attended by thousands of people including Congress leader from Inderwal, Sharik Ahmed Saroori. After the Jinazah large number of people gathered at Kencha and accuses PDD department for its failure to remove wooden, rotten polls and barbed wires installed in the area.

While addressing the gathering, Congress leader from Inderwal, Sharik Ahmed Saroori demanded an inquiry into the death of lineman who was the only bread earner of his family. He asked Executive Engineer PDD Kishtwar to sanction the financial assistance should be provided to the family members besides a job under SRO-243 to the son Tariq Hussain Butt of the deceased. He asked Police and PDD department to conduct a fair and transparent enquiry into the incident in a time bond manner to ascertain the truth behind the death.

On the wooden, rotten polls and barbed wires installed in the area, Sharik Saroori Rs. 104 crores have been sanctioned for the improvement and up gradation of electricity including a receiving station for Kahara area under RGGVY phase II and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojna by UPA II government.

Sharik Saroori described both the scheme envisaged to provide continuous power supply to rural areas, a non-starter, saying the PDP-BJP dispensation has failed to initiate even the preliminary process in this regard. “Like every other scheme, the BJP has been creating much hype over development but on ground zero nothing is visible”, He said by not showing any inclination to implement the RGGVY phase II and DDU Gram Jyoti Yojna, the present dispensation has negated and put into back burner the already existing rural electrification scheme, which may prove detrimental in achieving the objective of electrifying rural areas. He lambasted PDP-BJP Government for its inability to initiate the RGGVY phase II and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojna in Jammu and Kashmir, saying this proves beyond doubt the incompetence and lack of bandwidth of the present dispensation to carry forward so-called developmental agenda in the state. He further added that with these schemes all the electricity problem not only of Inderwal constituency but of whole Chenab valley will get solved that will give sigh of relief to the common masses of rural and far flung areas.

He also announces funds under the constituency development funds (CDF) of MLA Indewal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori for installing the three link sets from Kahara to Kecha areas.

Executive Engineer PDD Kishtwar, Mr. Niaz Ahmed said that a departmental enquiry has been constituted and the guilty persons will be soon brought to justice. He also assured that funds will released from the Welfare Fund to the deceased family members and said he will pursue the SRO-43 case to the deceased son himself in the Chief Engineer PDD Jammu office for sanctioning.

Sub Inspector Kahara said an FIR has been lodged at police station Kahara and an investigation has been ordered to ascertain facts that led to the killing of the lineman. He assured the general public that an enquiry will be conducted without any pressure or politicians and the case is being closely monitored by the administration.

Later Sharik Saroori, Xeen PDD, SI Kahara, Haji Ghulam Mohd Mir, Chenab Youth Volunteers, local peoples stayed with the bereaved families, consoled them, offered fateh and expressed their sorrow over the sad demise of the head of the family. They prayed to the Almighty Allah for blessing peace to the departed soul beside a place for him in heaven. They also prayed to Almighty Allah to give strength to the family members of the deceased to bear irreparable loss.

Monday 12 February 2018

Sharik Saroori conducted extensive tour of Saroor; took stock of the people’s problems

Announced blacktopping on Tatani road which was sanctioned due to efforts of MLA Inderwal

PDP-BJP failed to fulfill the promises made with the people

SAROOR, FEBRUARY 12: - Congress Leader from Inderwal, Sharik Ahmed Saroori conducted extensive two days tour of the different villages of Saroor areas and took stock of the problems being faced by the people.

During visit to the villages namely Tatani, Lonepura, Banjar, Horra, Hamra, Gadh, St basti Mander, Londhri, Chudusu, Kerni Kokerwas, Lass, Khori areas of Inderwal constituency, Sharik Saroori interacted with the local people, former Panchs and Sarpanchs and prominent leaders of the area, who apprised him about the problems faced by the people of the areas.

Sharik Saroori while interacting with the people of these villages hit out the coalition for failing to fulfill the promises made with the people in respect of development, peace, safety and security, which have become a distant dream in the State. Describing the present regime as complete failure on all fronts, he said even the essential commodities remain invisible in markets.

Reacting over the Budget presented by State Finance Minister, Dr Haseeb Drabu, Sharik Saroori termed it nothing for Chenab Valley but a jugglery of figures and same old words spoken in a new tune. “The Budget has caused disappointment to almost every section of the society especially to the people of Chenab Valley”, he added. He also drew attention towards slow progress on preparing Adhar cards as nearly 80 percent of the population was still left out.

During the tour, Sharik Saroori also said that due to efforts of MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori the blacktopping on Chalasu to Tatani road has been sanctioned to which the work will soon be started, which was the long pending demand of this area. The work shall be executed by the PMGSY department. He also assured people of Chudusu, Kerni, Ghad, St basti Mandir that with the efforts of local MLA soon the road for the area will be sanctioned.

Sharik Saroori also met with several deputations on the occasions who apprised him of their demands pertaining to up gradation of roads, regular supply of drinking water, distribution of ration cards, sanctioning of transformers, clearance of MGNREGA payment, Construction of bathroom under IHHL scheme to which he assured the general public with the support of Mr. G. M Saroori all the genuine demands will be addressed in a time bond manner.

Sunday 11 February 2018

Sunjwan Army camp attack: Ghulam Nabi Azad meets injured at hospital

Jammu, February 11: - Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha (MP) and Former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad today visited Army Hospital to enquired about the condition of those injured in today’s attack at Sunjwan Army camp. 

Shri. Azad met all the injured and wished them a speedy recovery. He also interacted with the doctors and enquired about their condition and assured all support in the treatment of the injured. 

Senior Congress leader Sham Lal Sharma, Nawang Rigzin Jora, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori and others accompanied Mr. Azad.

Mr. Azad has also strongly condemned the dastardly act of Fidayeen who attacked the army camp at Sunjwan yesterday morning resulting in martyrdom of two brave Army men and injuries to others including family members of Army personnel.

In a strong worded statement, Azad termed it a barbaric act. He said the terrorists have acted in a cowardice way and attacked the families of soldiers and children who were innocent.

Senior Congress leader said people from all shades of opinion have condemned this barbaric act and by these cowardice acts the terrorist can’t achieve anything as India is strong enough to frustrate the designs of forces inimical to it.

Saturday 10 February 2018

Saroori raised the issue of mysterious death of Young boy Salaud Din Khanday from Keshwan Kishtwar In the Assembly

Demanded to conduct swift and thorough investigation into the case

Where is the 56-inch chest: Saroori on the issue of innocent people getting killed on the border

JAMMU, FEBRUARY 07: - Congress Legislator Ghulam Mohammad Saroori raised the issue of mysterious death of Kishtwar labour Sala Ud Din Khanday resident of Jungna Keshwan from district Kishtwar in Haryana last week at Royal Garden. 

PDP MLA’s who objected the Speaker not to allow Congress MLA to raise any issue during question hour. "He'll with your question hour-- here people are dying" Saroori told PDP MLA’s and blames the PDP-BJP off failure where people are being beaten and killed. While hitting out at PDP MLA’s, Saroori said that the raising issue of a death of a 25 year old youth is more important than the question hour. 

While Speaker J&K Assembly, allowed Mr. Saroori who told the House that earlier a young man of 25 years of age was killed outside the state. Informing the House that the young man had aged parents and two sisters to take care of, he was working in Royal garden Haryana and his body was found in Gali No 9 in Sector 4 of Kushwala Chowk. Saroori said the state government must take up the issue with the Haryana government and the murder should be solved at the earliest.

You even fail to give justice to a Gujjar girl brutally murder in Kathua - - how can I expect justice for Kishtwar youth killed in Haryana " Saroori said which erics CAPD Minister Zulfkar Chowdhary who said don’t advocate us Gujjar cause.

While countering CAPD Minister, Saroori said that PDP-BJP is responsible for atrocities on Gujjar’s in the State who are being driven from their own lands and advice the Minister to delete sir-name Chowdhary from his name.

Incidents like this should be investigated expeditiously and the guilty should be punished," Saroori demanded and ask government to conduct swift and thorough investigation into the case and arrest of the culprits and severe punishment to them.
Saroori also alleged attack on two students namely Aftab and Amjad, both residents of Rajouri J&K who were studying at Central University, Mahendragarh, Haryana by some people in Haryana. “Students from Jammu-Kashmir who have been studying outside the state are not safe,” said Saroori and demanded to conducted thorough enquiry into matter.

He also raised the issue of people getting killed on the border, in the Assembly and demanded that the government issue a statement. Saroori attacked the BJP for its alleged failure. “Where is the 56-inch chest?” He alleged that the BJP talked about J&K in the rest of the country, but no action was being taken in the state to save the lives of people and said not to do politics over the bodies of soldiers. He also asks government of India to come clear over its foreign policies. The Speaker adjourned the House for 10 minutes. Later, the House resumed proceedings amid sloganeering.

Congress legislator also train it’s gun on the Minister added that his constituency Inderwal has only 30% Road connectivity and accuses the Minister of ignoring his constituency since it belongs to Congress. He said that no new Road Project was taken from Inderwal constituency while those already forwarded were not approved by planning department. He said that whatever Road schemes were framed in R&B department, it was framed for those areas that lack Road connectivity but since Nayeem sahib has taken over the department all the process has reversed.

G. M Saroori congratulates Ghulam Nabi Azad for Outstanding Parliamentarian Awards for 2015

JAMMU, FEBRUARY 04: - Jammu and Kashmir Pranesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori congratulated leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha (MP) and senior Congress leader, Ghulam Nabi Azad after being selected for Outstanding Parliamentarian Awards for 2015.

We are very proud of the excellent work Mr. Azad is doing across the country. His noble efforts have always created a major impact ", the Congress leader said. ‘I am extremely happy to know that the Indian Parliamentary Group (IPG) recently has conferred one of its highest Parliamentarian honours — 'Best Parliamentarian award' upon you, making you the first from Jammu and Kashmir ever to receive this award," Saroori said in his message to Mr. Azad.

"This important recognition is testimony to the immense service rendered by you over the years for the peace, progress, humanity and development of the Country," he added. This is a fitting award to the hard-working parliamentarian.

Education backbone of society needs focused attention: Saroori

Demanded sanctioning of GDC for Bunjwah, Kahara and Padder areas; Sought creation of R&B Division Thathri

Staged walkout from the House

JAMMU, JANUARY 30: - Senior Congress lawmaker from Inderwal G.M Saroori termed Education as the 'backbone of society'. He stressed the need for focused attention on education sector and then the fortune of poor people can change thereby ushering their lives with a new era prosperity and happiness.

While speaking in the legislative Assembly, Saroori recalled the urgency in undergoing a major overhaul in education sector and major revolutionary steps which are the need of hour in order to revive the lost glory of vital sector. Education sector can't be undermined as education is the only way through which poverty can be eradicated.

Saroori said that centrally sponsored schemes like RAMSA, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan could have been a boon for education field but government has failed to implement such schemes properly. Such innovative schemes could have changed the fortune of state but the poor implementation has led it to be a failure. There should be the provision of compensation in centrally sponsored schemes so that it could be utilized fully in fruitful way. He called for posting of Urdu teachers in educational institutions of Chenab Valley in general and Inderwal constituency in particular, besides introduction of Kashmiri subject up to secondary level. He also demanded that the vacant posts of teacher, junior assistants should be filled up on fast track basis.

He also raised many issues of public importance which include; completion of school buildings, regularization of Rehbar-e-Taleem teachers and other central sponsor scheme employees working under education department, early release of pending salary of teachers and disposal of new ReT cases in time bound manner which is pending since long. He also demanded Government Degree College for Bunjwah, Kahara and Padder areas in order to mitigate the increasing demand and to lessen the dropouts, sorted the need for introduction of Kashmiri, Dogri and Persian subjects at elementary level, starting up of more subjects at GDC Kishtwar, Chatroo, Thathri and Kilhotran, early construction of KGBV, College buildings. Up gradation of 800 schools to the next level which were announced by previous government, cabinet orders should be implemented with letter and spirit.

Earlier Mr. Saroori staged a walkout from the House over "unsatisfactory reply" to his supplementary question by Tribal Affairs Minister Choudhary Zulfikar Ali for not sanctioning ST model village in Sarthal area. "People of my constituency (Inderwal in Kishtwar district) are denied basic facilities like roads, water and electricity," he said before walking out of the House. Choudhary Zulfikar Ali had responded to the questions related to the tribal population and the steps taken by the state government for the development of the scheduled tribes in Jammu and Kashmir. "The gujjar and bakerwal constitute about 90 per cent of the total Schedule Tribe population of the state and an advisory board is functional for their development. The board is exclusively for Gujjars and Bakerwal communities.

He also demanded revocation of SRO-105 and urged the government to provide industrial estates at Kishtwar and Doda districts to facilitate the establishment of local industries besides facilitating local youth to start their own units. He also urged the government to strengthen and bring accountability and transparency in JAKFED, SIDCO, KVIB, J&K Cements etc. He further said that the government had taken a good step to remove the managing director of the JKPCC but they haven’t elaborated the reference to a certain “lady” in the audio clip who was the alleged beneficiary of the kickbacks. He said that his region was being punished by PWD Minister Naeem Akhtar because he didn’t join Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on his request. He urged new road projects under NABARD in far-flung areas of the State including Warwan, Dachan, Chatroo, Thathri, Drabshalla, Bani, Basoli and Sudmahadev. He sought early completion of Dak Banglows, School, Hospital buildings being constructed by the R&B Department in Doda and Kishtwar districts. He further sought the creation of R&B Division Thathri. He also demanded the early release of compensation for fruit trees being cut for construction and upgrading of roads under NABARD, CRF, PMGSY, District Sector and State Sectors in Doda and Kishtwar districts during the last three years.

Saroori said the residents of far flung areas of Kistwar district were receiving 13 kilograms per soul however the government has reduced the quantity to 5 kilograms per soul and urged the government to enhance quantity of the ration for the people living in far flung areas especially tribal community. He also urged the government to provide sugar to consumers of every category in far flung areas and enhance the quantity of Kerosene oil. He also urged the government to establish Sale depots in left out areas of his constituency. He however appreciated the government’s decision to provide three month ration to the consumers in advance in the rural areas. He also called for opening of more mobile schools and regularization of teachers of already existing Mobile schools.

Expressed concern over growing intervention of Nagpur in daily affairs of J&K: Sharik Saroori

BJP has completely failed in its sinister mission of inciting and swaying the people of Jammu

Three dozen PDP and BJP workers from Chanseri Mugalmaidan joined Congress

MUGALMAIDAN, JANUARY 26: - Three dozen ruling parries PDP and BJP workers from Chanseri, Mugalmaidan areas today resigned from their basic membership and joined Congress Party in presence of Youth Congress Leader, Sharik Ahmed Saroori.

The newly joined PDP and BJP workers were welcomed in the party in a function organized at Chanseri area where Senior Congress leaders Hafiz Ali Mohd, Tariq Hussain Wani, Seva Ram, Bidya Lal Sharma, Mohd Shafi, Nazir Ahmed, Anoop Kumar and other Congress leader’s whole heartedly welcomed them into the party.

Sharik Saroori speaking on the occasion, slammed the PDP-BJP government in Jammu and Kashmir for “challenging the dignity of people of Jammu and Kashmir, to keep their irrelevant dispensation relevant and relish the loaves of power.” “Hunger for power of the opportunistic alliance is overtly and covertly weakening the very idea of Jammu and Kashmir at the behest of Nagpur (RSS headquarters),” Sharik Saroori said.

He expressed concern over “growing intervention of Nagpur” in daily affairs of Jammu and Kashmir, saying this “alarming tendency can have serious ramifications for the unity and tranquility of the state.” “A vicious atmosphere is being generated on the border area and mistrust created by bringing the people and the regions eyeball-to-eyeball situation over various sensitive issues,” he said.

“The BJP has completely failed in its sinister mission of inciting and swaying the people of Jammu including Chenab Valley and Pir pinjal who realize the crucial importance of this legislation for their honorable survival,” he said. “We decry the politics of hate and divide, as we are inheritors of Mahatma Gandhi’s all-time relevant slogan of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist Unity,” Sharik Saroori said, cautioning the people against “divisive politics being played by the coalition partners which has already alienated Kashmir from the mainstream.”

Sharik Saroori said the state is passing through “most difficult times and if the situation is not handled with political farsightedness and sagacity, the consequences could be grave not only for Jammu and Kashmir but the entire country.” “While the insensitive coalition has failed in assuaging urges and aspirations of the people on political front, its record in governance is quite dismal. The state is virtually witnessing mis-governance with government nowhere to be seen on ground,” he said, adding: “If at all there is any visibility of the PDP and BJP anywhere in the state, it is for all the wrong reasons of exploiting people and inciting them to fight each other.

“In such a grim scenario, the role of Congress as a public movement, representing the urges and aspirations of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh becomes more pronounced,” Sharik Saroori said and urged the cadre to “realize their crucial responsibilities.”

Local Congress leaders while speaking on the occasion said Congress cannot “afford to be a fence-sitter when the state remains standing at a crossroads where the secular credentials are at stake in the wake of elements inimical to amity and tranquility taking center-stage.”He made a passionate appeal to the people to “maintain vigil against the elements inimical to the inclusiveness of the State.”

The Congress leaders welcomed the new entrants into the party fold, saying that their joining will add colours to the party activities in Chanseri area. ''It is our pragmatic approach and political agenda which attracts people to our party folds,'' they added.

Congress leaders express grief over Kahara road accident

Express concern and dismay over the recurring loss of lives from sustained road accidents in Chenab Valley

Demanded ex-gratia relief in favour of next kins of the deceased

Doda, February 25: - Indian National Congress leaders today expressed extreme grief and sorrow over loss of innocent lives on Thathri-Kahara road accident on Thursday.

In a joint statement by Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Vice President JKPCC Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, General Secretary Abdul Majid Wani, MLC Naresh Kumar Gupta, Executive member Mohammed Sharief Niaz and others have expressed grief over the loss of lives in a tragic road accident in Kahara area of sub-division Thathri.

In their condolence message, Congress leaders have conveyed their sympathy to the bereaved families. They expressed deep concern and dismay over the recurring loss of lives from sustained road accidents in Chenab Valley. In this context, Congress leaders recalled the important discussions held in Assembly, in various meetings and house committee recommendations that need to be implemented on ground but unfortunately the reports and recommendations submitted by me before government is gathering dust.

The repeated road accidents in Doda, Kistwar, Ramban and Udhampur districts, Congress leaders said, must be a grave concern for the state government. “It is a situation which demands immediate measures and attention of all of us especially the officers of transport, traffic police and Border Roads Organisation to put forward their departmental specific assignment of the causes responsible for causing accidents in these hilly districts,” they added.

The Congress leaders hoped that the officers of various departments shall urgently enforce the strictest possible measures to reduce the incidence of tragic accidents. They assured all possible assistance to the kin of the deceased and have also appealed to Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir to immediately release Rs. 5 lakhs ex-gratia relief in favour of next kins of the deceased.

Govt announces probe, to approach Ministry of Minority Affairs; Embezzlement of scholarship funds by pvt institute

Saroori’s seeks blanket ban on liquor in Jammu & Kashmir

Appoint Numberdar, Chowkidars in all Panchayat Ghars; highlighted deficit in PHE scheme in Kishtwar

JAMMU, FEBRUARY 10: - As Congress legislator from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori produced a documentary proof on the floor of the Legislative Assembly to establishment embezzlement worth Rs 1.09 crore in the minority scholarship fund, Minister for Social Welfare Sajjad Gani Lone announced to conduct a thorough probe into the case.

“Evergreen Institute of Training situated at Shastri Nagar has embezzled Rs 1.09 crore meant for scholarship to the minority community and released by the Union Ministry of Minority Affairs”, Saroori said, adding “the scholarship amount has been disbursed to a wholesale shopkeeper, Government employee, medical shop owner by the owner of the institute and a huge chunk of this amount has been transferred in the accounts of some private firms,”.

Pointing towards the bank statement of the institute having account in the J&K Bank’s Bakshi Nagar branch, Congress MLA said, “The owner has usurped the scholarship funds for his own use instead of providing to the students of minority community”. “This is the question of students of minority community who have been deprived of the scholarship released by the Union Government”. He demanded thorough probe into the embezzlement of funds and strict action against the accused persons. He also handed over some documents to Speaker Kavinder Gupta to substantiate his allegation.

Taking serious note of the allegation, Minister for Social Welfare Sajjad Gani Lone announced a probe into the case. “The funds have been directly transferred to the beneficiaries, but if the embezzlement as alleged by the legislator is proved, the government will conduct an inquiry and also request the Minister for Minority Affairs to apprise the state whether any scholarship amount meant for the minority community has been transferred to any other institution,” Lone said. The minister also assured the House that the J&K Government would take up this matter with the Union Ministry of Minority Affairs as the alleged embezzlement was made in a scheme, which was directly funded by the Central government.

Meanwhile the private member's bills seeking the blanket ban on liquor in Jammu & Kashmir moved by Congress MLA from Inderwal G. M Saroori in the legislative assembly was introduced for consideration by the government after pandemonium in the assembly. As the bill was presented in the house the opposition members equivocally supported the bill seeking ban on liquor but the ruling PDP-BJP alliance was divided over the issue. 

Saroori questioned the opposition of BJP members to bills seeking ban on liquor with the argument the BJP government in Gujrat the home state of Prime Minister Modi has already banned liquor. He also said that several BJP rule states have also based interests. “It is a matter of conscience, let members support this bill as alcohol has ruined our youth and given bad name to the society,” Saroori said. He said when incumbent Law minister was in opposition he had also moved this bill. “We committed a mistake by disallowing your bill as it landed us on this side (Opposition). You should not repeat our mistake,” Saroori told Law minister Haq Khan. Replying to Saroori, Haq Khan told the House that government would take up both bills for consideration. “Government has no objection if the bill is introduced for consideration by the government,” he said. The bill was put to vote for consideration by the government which the house passed in the assembly.

Saroori also raises demanded appointment of Chowkidars in all Panchayat Ghars of the State and also urged the government to give preference to one of the member of the land owners who donated their land for construction of Panchayat Ghars besides this Saroori highlighted the service deficit in PHE sector in Kishtwar district and demanded up-gradation and further streamlining the supply scenario and speedy completion of on-going schemes