Saturday 10 February 2018

Expressed concern over growing intervention of Nagpur in daily affairs of J&K: Sharik Saroori

BJP has completely failed in its sinister mission of inciting and swaying the people of Jammu

Three dozen PDP and BJP workers from Chanseri Mugalmaidan joined Congress

MUGALMAIDAN, JANUARY 26: - Three dozen ruling parries PDP and BJP workers from Chanseri, Mugalmaidan areas today resigned from their basic membership and joined Congress Party in presence of Youth Congress Leader, Sharik Ahmed Saroori.

The newly joined PDP and BJP workers were welcomed in the party in a function organized at Chanseri area where Senior Congress leaders Hafiz Ali Mohd, Tariq Hussain Wani, Seva Ram, Bidya Lal Sharma, Mohd Shafi, Nazir Ahmed, Anoop Kumar and other Congress leader’s whole heartedly welcomed them into the party.

Sharik Saroori speaking on the occasion, slammed the PDP-BJP government in Jammu and Kashmir for “challenging the dignity of people of Jammu and Kashmir, to keep their irrelevant dispensation relevant and relish the loaves of power.” “Hunger for power of the opportunistic alliance is overtly and covertly weakening the very idea of Jammu and Kashmir at the behest of Nagpur (RSS headquarters),” Sharik Saroori said.

He expressed concern over “growing intervention of Nagpur” in daily affairs of Jammu and Kashmir, saying this “alarming tendency can have serious ramifications for the unity and tranquility of the state.” “A vicious atmosphere is being generated on the border area and mistrust created by bringing the people and the regions eyeball-to-eyeball situation over various sensitive issues,” he said.

“The BJP has completely failed in its sinister mission of inciting and swaying the people of Jammu including Chenab Valley and Pir pinjal who realize the crucial importance of this legislation for their honorable survival,” he said. “We decry the politics of hate and divide, as we are inheritors of Mahatma Gandhi’s all-time relevant slogan of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist Unity,” Sharik Saroori said, cautioning the people against “divisive politics being played by the coalition partners which has already alienated Kashmir from the mainstream.”

Sharik Saroori said the state is passing through “most difficult times and if the situation is not handled with political farsightedness and sagacity, the consequences could be grave not only for Jammu and Kashmir but the entire country.” “While the insensitive coalition has failed in assuaging urges and aspirations of the people on political front, its record in governance is quite dismal. The state is virtually witnessing mis-governance with government nowhere to be seen on ground,” he said, adding: “If at all there is any visibility of the PDP and BJP anywhere in the state, it is for all the wrong reasons of exploiting people and inciting them to fight each other.

“In such a grim scenario, the role of Congress as a public movement, representing the urges and aspirations of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh becomes more pronounced,” Sharik Saroori said and urged the cadre to “realize their crucial responsibilities.”

Local Congress leaders while speaking on the occasion said Congress cannot “afford to be a fence-sitter when the state remains standing at a crossroads where the secular credentials are at stake in the wake of elements inimical to amity and tranquility taking center-stage.”He made a passionate appeal to the people to “maintain vigil against the elements inimical to the inclusiveness of the State.”

The Congress leaders welcomed the new entrants into the party fold, saying that their joining will add colours to the party activities in Chanseri area. ''It is our pragmatic approach and political agenda which attracts people to our party folds,'' they added.

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