Thursday 8 September 2011

Saroori conducts extensive tour of Inderwal constituency.

Review progress of various development works.

MLA Inderwal and Chairman of Committee on Estimates Mr. Ghulam Mohammad Saroori conducts 5 days extensive tour of Inderwal constituency and review progress of various developmental works along with Panches and Sarpanches of respective Panchayats. While reviewing the developmental works at many places, Saroori stress for cooperation between the newly elected Sarpanch and Panches with employees of various department so that the developmental works could be monitored and implemented on grass root level. Mr. Saroori advised the Sarpanches and Panches to prepare the list of various developmental works in consent with prominent citizens of concerned Halqa Panchayat, so that he will take up the matter at both government as well as party leaders. He also directed newly elected representatives to prepare the list of genuine IAY cases along with pension cases both old age as well as handicapped. Mr. Saroori said that newly elected representatives will act as arms and legs for the implementation of funds for various developmental works as grass root level. He advised them to be honest and dedicated while preparing the list of developmental works so that general public could be benefited. He also review the progress of implementation of various decision taken during recently held Estimates Committee meeting at Chatroo, beside inspects the progress of construction of various road projects under PMGSY and R & B including Chatroo-Sangpora road.  On this occasion more than 150 BJP activists from Thakrie area joined Congress party in front of Mr. Saroori. Mr. Saroori welcomes all these BJP activists into party fold and hoped that they along with local people will work with zeal and zest for over all development of the Thakrie  area.

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