Tuesday 29 November 2011

Saroori conclude tour of Inderwal constituency.

  MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori conduct 6 days extensive tour of Inderwal constituency. While addressing a public gathering at Chatroo, he said that government is committed to ensure equitable development of all the areas of the State, adding that focused attention is being given to unattended areas. Priority of the Govt is to provide basic amenities to the people besides improving the existing infrastructure in rural and hilly areas of the State, he said and added that peace is imperative for development and appealed to the people to extend their cooperation to the executing agencies in implementing development programmes. Special attention is being given to improve the education, power, health and road. Referring to the problems of the locals, MLA directed the concerned authorities to address all the problems being faced by the people. .Saroori also demanded that on spot Recruitment in police by authorities for the youths of area. He also stressed upon the authorities to check the menace of overloading and also take steps to curb the traffic mess to avoid Road accidents. Saroori also distributed cheques amounting to Rs 8 lakh among 40 beneficiaries under centrally sponsored Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) at Chatroo. Saroori also visited the bereaved families of Sh.Maqbool Hussain wani (MPW) and Ghulam Mohd Ganaie who got killed in a traggic accident at Synthan Top Officers of various department accompanied the MLA.


  1. yu tu mirza b hoo syed b hoo afghan b hoo
    tum sabhi kuch hoo bataoo tu sahi kia musalmaa b hoo

  2. I hope that i will hear some thoughtful replies from your side. As you are a man of wisdom and truth so lets see what will you say.I would love to hear from your side Mr G M saroori.
    warm regards
    wisdom lover
