Thursday 22 March 2012

People participation important for implementation of development schemes: Saroori

Inaugurated JK Bank Branch at Chatroo.
Kishtwar: - With the aim to reach out and redress the grievances of the poor people living in far flung areas of Chatroo at their doorsteps, Former Minister and MLA Inderwal G M saroori today convened a Public Darbar at Chatroo, Dadpath and Mugal Maidan.

Sarpanches and panches of respective panchayats besides various other district and sectoral officers were also present in the Darbar. Saroori was given enthusiastic and rousing reception by the people of the area enroute to the venue of Darbar. Saroori was appreciated by the people on the occasion also for proactive redressal of their genuine problems. Various issues and demands were put forth by the representatives on the occasion which includes shortage of Doctors, construction of various other link roads, upgradation/augmentation of existing Water Supply schemes in these areas for adequate drinking water supply, implementation of agriculture, horticulture, sericulture and other developmental and beneficial schemes in the area on priority basis, providing of good quality timber in the forest sale depots at affordable rates, timely availability of ration, adequate transport facility from Chatroo-Mugal Maidan-Kishtwar, besides these various other issues also came up during the darbar.

Saroori gave patient hearing to the demands of the people on the occasion and issued on spot instructions to the concerned officers to mitigate their genuine demands. Saroori directed concerned officers to organize awareness camps in the area so that poor people get the benefits of various benefit and welfare schemes of the government. He also said that unemployed youth of the area can avail the benefits of various self employment schemes and establish their own income generating units. He also directed ARTO Kishtwar to deploy adequate transport facility and fix the passenger fares of Matadoor and other vehicles for the area so that the passengers could not be overcharged by any means.

“Administration at all levels should be responsive to public demands and work with zest and dedication to ensure that benefits of works percolate to the people,” he said and added that an effective mechanism to register peoples’ grievances at block, tehsil and district levels be put in place so that action is taken to redress the genuine grievances.

For improvement / development of Agriculture and other allied sectors in the area. Saroori asked the poor farming people of the region to use modern and advanced methods of farming , cultivate good variety/ high yielding crops for the upliftment of their socio-economic status and District as well.

Saroori distributed 5 lakhs relief cheques among the beneficiaries and also he inaugurated JK Bank branch at Chatroo which will benefit 20 thousand people.

Later, on he inspected various ongoing developmental works in the area

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