Saturday 19 May 2012

Forests as a natural gift bestowed by the Almighty Allah on the people of the universe: Saroori

In order to aware the people about the importance of forests in human life, Marwah Forest Division of Kishtwar District today organized forest awareness camp at Udil Range of Chatroo in Kishtwar District. The forest awareness camp which was presided over by MLA Inderwal Ghulam Muhammad Saroori was attended by Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar Mohammad Hussain Malik, ACR Kishtwar Rajesh Kumar Shavan, Sarpanches, Panches and by over 5000 local people of Chatroo Tehsil.

In his welcome address DFO Marwah forest Division Dr. Anand high lights various programs taken by the forest department for prevention of forest in Kishtwar District. In his address, Dr. Anand stress for public cooperation for forest protection. He said that without people cooperation forest could not be saved.

Former Minister and MLA Inderwal G M Saroori in his public address termed the forests as a natural gift bestowed by the Almighty Allah on the people of the universe. He said that it was due to greedy nature of human beings who are hell bent to destroy the forest wealth that ecological balance has been disturbed. He said that due to large scale cutting of green gold, the lands are becoming barren as a result of which the animals living in forest have become homeless which ultimately leads to increase in man animal conflict.

Saroori informed the people about the global change that has been taken place due to large scale cutting of trees. He said that it was due to cutting of green gold, the weather in many parts of the world has witnessed tremendous change. He said that it was due to climatic change Kishtwar District witnessed snowfall in many areas in the month of May this year. He urged the people not to damage the forest wealth and also urged the Sarpanches and Panches of the area to play an important role in preservation of forest wealth. He also directed DFO Marwah to organize more such camps in other areas falling under his jurisdiction.

Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar Mohammad Hussain Malik in his address urged up on the people to plant more and more tress so that the environment could be prevented from further degradation. He said that due to large scale cutting of green trees, Honorable Supreme Court of India finally decided to impose blanket ban on cutting of green trees. He told the people to approach forest department for their requirement so that the forest department will provide them the wood as per the norms set by the honorable court as well as by the respective government.
In the end Range Officer Udil Altaf Hussain Shah presented the vote of thanks with the hope that people in general and Sarpanches and Panches in particular will help the forest department in moving forward with his mission in terms of preservation of forests in Kishtwar District.

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