Thursday 31 May 2012

Over 200 BJP workers join Congress at Tagood Kishtwar.

Kishtwar May 31:- Former Minister and MLA Inderwal G M Saroori during his visit to Tagood Panchayat of Kishtwar District inspect various developmental works including the progress of construction of Dadpath-Tagood road constructed under PMGSY.

During his visit of Tagood release an amount of Rs. 50000/ out of his Constituency Development Fund for construction of Passenger shed at Tagood, besides he also release an amount of Rs. 1 lac for Construction/up gradation of Ram Lilla ground. During his visit Mr. Saroori also inspect the progress of construction of Dadpath-Tagood road and held a series of meeting with the local people so as to clear some bottle necks aroused due to some private disputes over land acquired for construction of the said road. After soughing out the despite among various parties, Saroori instructed the officials of PMGSY to expedite the construction work so that the road project could be finished without any further delay.

On this occasion more than 200 BJP workers joins Congress party in presence of Mr. Saroori including Raj Kumar, Babu Ram, Sikandar Singh, Satish Kumar, Jughal Kishore, Chuni Lal, Puran Chand, Lal Chand and others. Mr Saroori Welcomed all the people who had joined congress party and said that the joining has strengthened the party and that they will jointly work for the development of the area.

Altaf Malik, Piyare Lal Sharma, Seva Ram, Bidya Lal, Bashir Ahmed Sheikh and Abdul Latief Shah beside officers of various government departments accompanied Mr Saroori during his tour.

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