Monday 18 June 2012

Saroori conducts extensive tour Khara, Drought, Challar of Inderwal constituency.

Releases 5 lacks for improvement of power out f his CDF.

Kishtwar: - Former Minister and MLA Inderwal G M Saroori visited Khara, Batole, Drought, Kansoo, Challar and Chanyas area of Inderwal Constituency.

While addressing, Public apprised Saroori in respect of slow progress of Nagni-Drought road where with his effort road has been sanctioned earlier this year of amounting Rs 4.90 crores. MLA Inderwal desires Tehsildar Gondoh and XEEN R&B Gondoh to expedited construction of roads.General public also apprised him that due to bad condition of PHE and PDD public is suffering badly for redressed of grievances.
During the series of meeting at Drought, Nagni, Kansoo, Batole public and student community impressively demanded for up gradation of High School Nagni, Drought, Batole, Payakul and Kansoo. They also demanded for opening of Health Sub Centre in these areas. Saroori assured the public and students that there demand would be redressed. Public also apprised MLA Inderwal that Rural Development Department (RDD) Officer/Officials have not paid the work done amount of MGNREGA and 30% commission had been taken by some official of RDD. Saroori on spot directed SDM Gondh to lodge the FIR against earning officers/officials and inquire the matter and he told SDM Gondoh hold a public Darbar at Challar, Drought and Chanyas.

Saroori releases 5 lacks from his Constituency Development Funds (CDF) for improvement and up gradation of power supply at ST Basti Drought, Kathyan and Kansdoo.
Sarpanch Choudhary Noormay, Hafiz Farooq, Dewan Chand, Abdul Rashid, Kandral. Senior Congress Leader Jay Dev, Choudhary, Noor Ahmed, Choudhary Abdul Kassam, Abdul Majeed Khanday, Abdul Majeed Ganaie and Officers of various department accompanied Saroori during his tour to Inderwal Constituency.

Over 300 BJP NC workers joins Congress in Inderwal Constituency.

Kishtwar: - More than 300 BJP - NC workers joins Congress party in presence of former R & B Minister and MLA Inderwal G M Saroori who is presently on tour Saroor area of inderwal constituency. The BJP-NC works joins Congress in villages Lass, Neju, Kokarwas,Patshallah, Tatani, Kalchanda, and Chalasu area of Saroor in Inderwal Constituency where the former minister held a series of public meetings to aware the people about various government run schemes, beside to check the progress of ongoing developmental work in the area.

While interacting with public various speakers highlighted organizational and other issues and also gave detailed account of public difficulties and sought intervention of the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, Union Health Minister and Family Welfare Ghulam Nabi Azad for early redresser of the public grievances.
Several deputations met Saroori and apprised him about day to day problem faced by them due to Lack of Water, Electricity, Health care, Road connectivity, Educational infrastructure in the area. People also put forth several demands which include up gradation of Girls Middle School Tatani to High School, Opening of Primary Health Sub Centre in Lass, Tatani, Londhri, Neju, and Construction of Link road from Bulchittar – Tatani, beside Power for Banjar, Londhri, Kerni, Teyr Gwari, Upper Hora and Dhounoni villages of the area.

Saroori directed the concerned officers to redress the problems and demands of the people. He also highlighted various welfare schemes unleashed by State and Centre Government for the welfare of the youth of state. He said the government is concerned for employment and employability and the government was addressing both through creating avenues of employment as also focusing on skill development to ensure that the youth of the state are employable. He said that a special recruitment drive has also been started by state government in every area of the state to provide employment to the educated UN employment youth and hundreds of youth are being benefited by on the spot police recruitment drive.

Saroori informed that the areas without electricity are being electrified in a phased manner and work has already been started under RGGVY in and other areas which will benefit thousands of people especially living in remote areas.

Among the prominent BJP - NC workers who joins Congress party in presence of Mr. Saroori including Sher Singh, Hens Raj, Pritam Chand Bhagat, Paras Ram, Roshan Lal Bhagat, Narender Gupta, Madan Lal, Ashok Kumar, Paras Ram, Girdari Lal, Surjeet Singh, Mastram Manhas, Mohan Lal, Ved Raj, Somi Raj Shan, Ratan Lal, Rajender Kumar, Ranju Bhagat, Pappu Kumar, Om Prakash, Hem Raj, Ram Prasad, and others. Mr Saroori Welcomed all the people who had joined congress party. He assured them that he along with newly joined people will jointly work for the development of the area.

Sarpanch Akhtar Hussain , Ved Prakash, Bashir Ahmed, Hari Ram. Senior Congress Leaders Sarfraz Khan, Mohammad Sultan Malik, Youth Congress President Inderwal Segment Mohammad Latief Mughal (Rashid), BDO Drabshallah, Xen PMGSY and officers of various department accompanied Saroori during the tour.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Saroori visits Inderwal area, interacts with people

KISHTWAR: Former Minister and MLA Inderwal, G M Saroori during his continuous tour to his Constituency visited Keshwan area and took stock of all ongoing schemes taken up for the welfare of the backward area.
The MLA showed his serious concern for delaying work of Sergwari -Keshwan road being constructed under PMGSY and improvement of water supply schemes to various areas of Keshwan.
During the series of meetings at Keshwan, Pathna, Gamas, Nagrana, public apprised Mr Saroori about their problems. The MLA redressed various problems of people on spot. He urged the Revenue Department to disburse the compensation to people whose land has been taken for construction of Sergwari-Keshwan road.
The people demanded opening of sub centers of Health at Keshwan, Gamas, and Pathna. He assured the people that their demands will be mitigated soon and several welfare schemes have already been launched for the upliftment of people living in these far-flung areas.
On the occasion MLA distributed cheques amounting to Rs 15 lakh under Indira Awas Yojna (IAY) among the house less people.

Sarpanch Krishan Lal, Mohd Saleem, Ab Hamid. Senior Congress Leaders Bashir Ahmed Sheikh, Shahnawaz Ahmed, Soba Ram, Roshan Lal, Abdul Aziz and Officers of various department accompanied Saroori during his tour.

Monday 11 June 2012

Saroori held public darbar at Thatri.

Releases 3 Lakh for ambulance van out of his CDF.

Kishtwar: - Former Minister and MLA Inderwal G M Saroori held a public Darbar at Dag Bunglow Thatri where
people put forth various demands and grievances which included compensation of land under the alignment of various roads, Plying of JKSRTC Buses on Thathri – Bunjwah, Phigsoo, Gondoh, Khara and Bhatyas, settlement of pending various work dondxze liabilities, allotment of funds and initiation of works under BRGF, timely availability of fertilizers.
While interacting Saroori said that the government is aware of the problem faced being by the people leaving in rural and far flung s of the state and especially instruction has been passed by Hon’ble Chief Minister Omar Abdullah to all concerned to ensure these all redressed within the shortest possible time. He said several welfare measure & schemes have already being put in place for Socio - Economic upliftment of people living in these areas.

Saroori assured them that their genuine demands would be looked into and steps would be taken by me for their early redressed for which he gave on spot directions to the concerned officers to take action. He also directed the officers to work strictly as per the norms laid down by the government.
Later on he along with SDM Bhadarwah Dr R.K Bharti and Tehsildar Dr Umesh Shan visited Community Health Centre Thathri here.

Saroori met various delegations and assured that he will try his best to solve their demands.  He also held a meeting with doctors and other staff members of CHC.  He also issued direction to R and B Department for renovation of hospital building. He sanctioned Rs 3 lack for ambulance van out of his CDF.  BMO Dr S.L Manhas and Jonson Chandail President of J and K Medical Employees Union thanked Saroori for his generosity, guidance and help.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Government is keen to bring the far flung areas at par with rest of the State: - Saroori

Inaugurated Government High School Trankhal under RMSA.

Kishtwar:- Former Minister and MLA Inderwal G M Saroori who is on continuous tour to Inderwal Constituency visited Goila, Terankal, Tanta, Chabba, Batogra and Non, said the Government is keen to bring the far flung areas at par with rest of the State in terms of poverty alleviation and other developmental initiatives.

On this occasion Sherdin Magray a prominent NC worker Former block president khara with his 300 supporters , Zakar Hussain Wani with his 100 worker and Abdul Wahid with his 100 supporter and Manzoor Ahmed Naib Sarpanch Panchayat Goila with his supporters joined Indian National Congress in presence of Mr Saroori. Saroori Welcomed all the people who had joined congress party and said that the joining has strengthened the party and that they will jointly work for the development of the area.

Addressing a series of public meetings at Bhalesha area, Saroori said Government’s all out offensive is towards eradication of poverty and backwardness among the people particularly belonging to remote and far off areas. He said that government is committed to ensure equitable development of all the areas of the State, adding that focused attention is being given to unattended areas. Priority of the Government is to provide basic amenities to the people besides improving the existing infrastructure in rural and hilly areas of the State, he said and added that peace is imperative for development and appealed to the people to extend their cooperation to the executing agencies in implementing development programmes. Special attention is being given to improve the education, power, health and road.

Saroori inaugurated Government High School Trankhal under RMSA and releases 3 Lack for improvement and up graduation of power supply at Trankel and Gogara village under his constituency development funds (CDF) and releases 10 lacks for different developmental works at Bhalesha area. 

Sarpanch Haji Abdul Latief, Mohd Ramzan, Haji Mohd Hussain, Bashir Ahmed Sirwal, Ghulam Mohd Mir, Hafiz Farooq Ahmed and officers of various department accompanied Saroori during the tour.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Saroori conducts series of meetings in Sarthal areas.

Kishtwar: - Former Minister and MLA Inderwal G M Saroori during his continuous tour of his Inderwal constituency visited Sarthal, Doori, Ghan, Bhagran, and Angara. He conducted series of meetings with party workers and people and assured them that the NC-Congress government was committed for their development and to mitigate their sufferings and took stock of all ongoing works of the area.

Addressing meetings at Sarthal, Doori, Ghan, Bhagran, and Angara he apprised the people of various schemes launched by the state and the central governments for their development. While giving him rousing reception, the people told him that they faced problems on account of shortage of potable water, unscheduled power cuts and poor road connectivity. They told Saroori that certain areas had no road connectivity and they suffered problems on this account. The MLA Inderwal contacted the concerned authorities over phone and issued on the spot instructions to mitigate the sufferings of the people by making them available the basic amenities of life. When the people complained against the hanging electric wires, saying these were like death traps, he asked the PDD authorities to immediately repair the wires and replace the old poles with the new ones. The people of Sarthal area thanked him for having visited their village. Several locals, who spoke on the occasion, expressed their full faith in the leadership of Saroori.

While addressing a large gathering at Doori Poora the public demanded immediate construction of Ghan Poora road which has been sanctioned under PMGSY. They demanded opening of separate Ration depot for this area. They further added that road from Sheela to Bhagran needs immediate restoration what has got damaged due to construction of R&B Department.

Later on Saroori visited Moharwari with the officials of Electric Department where land has been identified for construction of receiving station at Moharwari under RGVKY and inspected ongoing road Sarthal to Jenwass where he found sub standard material being used while making the drain.

 Sarpanch Farooq Ahmed, Subash, Choudhary Kareem, and officers of various department accompanied Saroori during his tour.