Thursday 7 June 2012

Government is keen to bring the far flung areas at par with rest of the State: - Saroori

Inaugurated Government High School Trankhal under RMSA.

Kishtwar:- Former Minister and MLA Inderwal G M Saroori who is on continuous tour to Inderwal Constituency visited Goila, Terankal, Tanta, Chabba, Batogra and Non, said the Government is keen to bring the far flung areas at par with rest of the State in terms of poverty alleviation and other developmental initiatives.

On this occasion Sherdin Magray a prominent NC worker Former block president khara with his 300 supporters , Zakar Hussain Wani with his 100 worker and Abdul Wahid with his 100 supporter and Manzoor Ahmed Naib Sarpanch Panchayat Goila with his supporters joined Indian National Congress in presence of Mr Saroori. Saroori Welcomed all the people who had joined congress party and said that the joining has strengthened the party and that they will jointly work for the development of the area.

Addressing a series of public meetings at Bhalesha area, Saroori said Government’s all out offensive is towards eradication of poverty and backwardness among the people particularly belonging to remote and far off areas. He said that government is committed to ensure equitable development of all the areas of the State, adding that focused attention is being given to unattended areas. Priority of the Government is to provide basic amenities to the people besides improving the existing infrastructure in rural and hilly areas of the State, he said and added that peace is imperative for development and appealed to the people to extend their cooperation to the executing agencies in implementing development programmes. Special attention is being given to improve the education, power, health and road.

Saroori inaugurated Government High School Trankhal under RMSA and releases 3 Lack for improvement and up graduation of power supply at Trankel and Gogara village under his constituency development funds (CDF) and releases 10 lacks for different developmental works at Bhalesha area. 

Sarpanch Haji Abdul Latief, Mohd Ramzan, Haji Mohd Hussain, Bashir Ahmed Sirwal, Ghulam Mohd Mir, Hafiz Farooq Ahmed and officers of various department accompanied Saroori during the tour.

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