Tuesday 5 June 2012

Saroori conducts series of meetings in Sarthal areas.

Kishtwar: - Former Minister and MLA Inderwal G M Saroori during his continuous tour of his Inderwal constituency visited Sarthal, Doori, Ghan, Bhagran, and Angara. He conducted series of meetings with party workers and people and assured them that the NC-Congress government was committed for their development and to mitigate their sufferings and took stock of all ongoing works of the area.

Addressing meetings at Sarthal, Doori, Ghan, Bhagran, and Angara he apprised the people of various schemes launched by the state and the central governments for their development. While giving him rousing reception, the people told him that they faced problems on account of shortage of potable water, unscheduled power cuts and poor road connectivity. They told Saroori that certain areas had no road connectivity and they suffered problems on this account. The MLA Inderwal contacted the concerned authorities over phone and issued on the spot instructions to mitigate the sufferings of the people by making them available the basic amenities of life. When the people complained against the hanging electric wires, saying these were like death traps, he asked the PDD authorities to immediately repair the wires and replace the old poles with the new ones. The people of Sarthal area thanked him for having visited their village. Several locals, who spoke on the occasion, expressed their full faith in the leadership of Saroori.

While addressing a large gathering at Doori Poora the public demanded immediate construction of Ghan Poora road which has been sanctioned under PMGSY. They demanded opening of separate Ration depot for this area. They further added that road from Sheela to Bhagran needs immediate restoration what has got damaged due to construction of R&B Department.

Later on Saroori visited Moharwari with the officials of Electric Department where land has been identified for construction of receiving station at Moharwari under RGVKY and inspected ongoing road Sarthal to Jenwass where he found sub standard material being used while making the drain.

 Sarpanch Farooq Ahmed, Subash, Choudhary Kareem, and officers of various department accompanied Saroori during his tour.

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