Monday 12 November 2012

Urdu language had played a vital role in maintaining national integration and communal harmony: - Saroori

Kishtwar: - In connection with World Urdu Day and Birth Anniversary  of Maulana Abul Kalaam Azad, Kishtwar Campus University of Jammu in collaboration with National Council for promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) Ministry of HRD Government of India organised one day national seminar on the subject ‘Urdu in Jammu and Kashmir Problems and Solutions’.

In the valedictory function, Dept of Urdu Delhi University Prof. Ali Javed was presided over by while Former Minister MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori was the Chief Guest. Speaking on the occasion Saroori said that Urdu language had played a vital role in maintaining national integration and communal harmony. Being the official language of the State, it is the duty of the State Govt to promote the language and give it a due share as it is the official and constitutional language.

He assured the gathering that he could raise the issue of Urdu language on the floor of the coming session of State Legislative Assembly. The valedictory function was presided over by Dept of Urdu Delhi University Prof. Ali Javed.

Prof. Ali Javed informed that after partition, Mahatma Gandhi was intended to make Urdu official language of India but due to lack of one vote it could not become the official language of India. He said that after partition some fundamentalist related Urdu with the particular religion for their self planted interest by which Urdu got a timely set back. It was the State of J and K which made the Urdu official and constitutional language of the State but only in papers.

Various speakers highlighted the importance of Urdu in J and K State and said that the language has a great relevance in the State as it is not only the official and constitutional language but also a link language between the three regions of the State.

Those who presented papers in the academic session included Fida Kishtwari, Abdul Salam Zargar, Dr Mohi-U-din Zohar, Prof. Ali Javed, Dr Reyaz Ahmed, Dr Chaman lal, Dr A R Manhas, Prof Majid Mujmir, Prof Nazir Ahmed Malik, Altaf Kishtrwari and others. In this paper they too demanded that Urdu be given its due in the State of J and K as its official language. They also highlighted various problems being faced by the language in the State.  A national book exhibition was also organized on the occasion. 

Director Kishtwar Campus Prof. Shohab Inayat Malik read a message of Vice Chancellor University of Jammu Prof M.P Singh Isher who in his message said that Jammu University is keen to promote the official language of the State that is Urdu.

The seminar concluded with a vote of thanks presented by Director Prof Shohab Inayat Malik.

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