Saturday 22 November 2014

Inderwal people should cautious of opportunist politicians: Saroori


Has worked day and night to groom Inderwal constituency; addressed gatherings in Chatroo, Chamoti and Hasti

Chamoti/Chingam, November 22: - Senior Congress Leader and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori while addressing a number of public rallies in Chamoti, Hasti Chapran, Bonda, Shangam Chingam, Dumber, Deva, Neryan, Deller, Halwal, Marwar, Darbadan, Butt Gam Dadpeth, Thalaran, Kuriya areas of Inderwal constituency, said that that he has worked day and night from 2002-2014 to groom Inderwal constituency.

Recalling the number of achievements he has done in Inderwal constituency, he said that he is confident that the Congress party would emerge victorious with majority in the forthcoming Assembly elections.

Saroori said he has fulfilled his promise and brought the administration at the door-steps of common man by creating new administrative units like Tehsils/Niabat & Patwar Halqas which are landmark achievements for the benefit of common man to get their revenue related problems solved at their door-steps”, Mr Saroori said”.

People, especially living in far flung rural areas, have been fully empowered. People of Inderwal constituency are witnessed of setting up of three power receiving stations viz Dadpeth, Thathri and Batyas, electricity to all the villages under RGGVY, new degree colleges, a number of new higher secondary schools and hundreds of new primary schools opened up during last one decade. With commissioning of a number of major water supply schemes, people getting safe & hygienic drinking water, new ration stores have been opened up even in far flung areas.

The whole constituency, today, is connected through a network of roads and bridges. Now my next mission shall be to black top on all the roads and to provide ample employment opportunities to youth of Inderwal constituency in Power projects; for which plans have already been formulated.

Saroori lashed out at PDP, BJP and NC politicians and said them as opportunists who are misleading people by making false promises. “You (Inderwal) people should remain cautious of those opportunist politicians who have launched propaganda. Like the past they will be defeated by the voters this time also,” he said. “I am hopeful that people will give a decisive mandate in favour of Congress so that the developmental process started in 2002 continues,” Saroori said.

Other speakers while speaking said G. M. Saroori must be voted to Legislative Assembly to strengthen and watch the interests of Chenab region. They said Saroori’s role in upgradation of schools and bringing major share of Administrative units to Inderwal constituency. They appealed the people in all the public meetings to support Saroori and make him the MLA of Inderwal by pressing hand button on EVMs on November 25th, 2014 to defeat the nefarious designs of anti Chenab Valley forces who always create hurdle in settlement of the issues related to the people living in Chenab Valley including Inderwal.

Earlier more than 100’s of activist from PDP, BJP and NC including Duni Chand Sharma, Ghulam Hassan Khandey, Abdul Gani, Idries Hussain, Ch Noor Din, Daleep Kumar Sharma, Raj Kumar, Ghulam Qadir Butt, Ch Abdul Kareem, Abdul Gani Khandey, Mohd Irfan Wani, Mohd Iqbal Mir, Mohf Yusuf Butt, Sharvan Kumar, Shabir Ahmed, Brama Nand Thakar, Suresh Kumar, Brij Lal, Tariq Hussain Naik, Pardeep Kumar, Ramesh Kumar, Dev Raj, Kais Ram, Yash Paul Singh, Abdul Latief, Rattan Lal, Mohd Hussain and others from Keshwan, Thakrie, Kontwara, Chatroo, Chamoti have joined Congress party in front of Mr. Saroori.

Friday 21 November 2014

BJP seeking votes through false propaganda; 370 can’t be revoked: Saroori

Addressed series of public meetings at Thathri and Keshwan

Thathri/Keshwan, November 21: - Congress candidate from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori on Friday addressed series of public meetings at Thathri and Keshwan areas of Inderwal constituency.

While addressing Congress MLA from Inderwal, G. M. Saroori accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) of “trying to get votes through false propaganda”. “The BJP and PDP leaders say one thing in their closed doors meetings and another in public meetings”.

“They (the BJP leaders) are talking of revoking article 370 of the Constitution, but no central government has the power to revoke this article,” Saroori added.

He urged the people to rise above caste and religion based politics and vote for the Congress. Keeping in view the existing development works carried out Inderwal constituency, it becomes a matter of pride and gain, to vote and support Congress party on 25th of November, which is the only suitable party to safeguard our interest in the Assembly.

Saroori also asked the electoral not to waste their time elsewhere and vote for the Congress to help the party march ahead on the path of development. “The future is safe in the strong hands of Ghulam Nabi Azad who is sure to become the Chief Minister,”

He further said that Congress government is an ideal situation for state like Jammu and Kashmir and said that the BJP will not be in the interests of the state.

"Maintaining that there is need to further accelerate the process of progress and development in the Inderwal constituency, Saroori said that no stone will be left unturned to convert Inderwal into a ‘Model Constituency’ of the State characterised by excellent road network, power projects, tourist infrastructure, educational institutions, health facilities, etc and that he calls upon the people to vote unitedly in favour of Congress Party to ensure their relevance in the politico-governance structure of the State.

Other speakers while speaking appealed to the large gathering at various places during the full day campaigning in Inderwal Constituency, to come in large number along with their families to caste vote in Congress candidature Ghulam Mohammad Saroori’s favour and make him victorious in the ensuing elections by pressing hand button on EVMs on 25th of November.

Prominent among those local Congress leaders from Thathri, Keshwan, Youth Congress members and People in large were present in different different places to give warm reception to Mr. Saroori.

BJP’s Always Exploited People of Jammu on Article 370

Congress Can Address Urges & Aspirations of All Sections/Regions : Azad

Inderwal/Bhaderwah/Ramban, November 20: - Launching a blistering attack on BJP for taking a U-turn on issues like Article 370, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha & Former Chief Minister said that BJP and its earlier incarnations have been using such sensitive issues to flare up passions and exploit the sentiments of the people of the country in general and Jammu in particular, and today they seem to have sold the trust of the people by asking them to forget for the sake of gaining power in J&K.

Azad said that BJP has always betrayed the trust of the people of Jammu and the most recent and glaring example of this betrayal was the cross voting of seven BJP MLAs in the MLC elections.

Former Chief Minister was addressing largely attended public gatherings in higher reaches of Bhallessa, Nali Bunjwah, Thakrie in Inderwal and Ramban constituencies at Bharthi, Nali, Gondow, Kastigarh & Chill of Chenab Valley today to seek votes in favour of Congress Party candidates. He was accompanied by Senior Congress leader and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, Mohammad Sharief Niaz MLA Bhaderwah, Ashok Dogra, MLA Ramban.

Asserting that the people of J&K are slowly getting aware about the divisive and dual-faced politics of BJP, Azad said that the U-turn of BJP on Article 370 should leave none in doubt about the hunger of BJP to gain power.

He said, “People of Jammu & Kashmir, especially Jammu, feel cheated by the opportunistic politics of BJP and it is the ruse of BJP to hide under the grab of ‘national issue’ which no one in J&K is going to buy, and certainly they will be given a befitting reply by the people of the State”.

Lauding the Congress Party for having a consistent and practical stand on issues like Article 370, Azad said that we have the satisfaction of never having tried to befool people for the sake of votes and gaining power, and that we have tried to promote inter-regional harmony and communal amity as against BJP which thrives on discord, divisiveness and polarization.

“Congress Party empowered Jammu & for the first time ensured a fair and equitable treatment to all the regions of the State, and I feel sorry that BJP cheated the people of Jammu in the name of Article 370, only to leave them floundering for the sake of attaining power”, said Azad.

Castigating the BJP for openly hobnobbing with separatists and having under-the-table parleys in its desperation to attain power at any cost, Azad said that people have taken note of the somersaults and opportunistic politics of BJP.

Azad said that politically conscious and aware people of J&K cannot be duped by the contradictory stances the BJP is taking on various issues keeping in view the political expediency, adding that their nefarious designs will be defeated by the people with full force.

Countering the propaganda and canards being spread by the BJP about the rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits, Azad said that they are misleading the people by trying to float the impression as if something is being done for the first time, adding that he as Chief Minister of J&K, in a very short span of time, took real and meaningful steps for the rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits and that it was the UPA Government which sanctioned a financial package to this effect.

Regretting the non-seriousness of the State Govt towards the issue of dignified return of Kashmiri Pandits after 2008, Azad asserted that it is the Congress Party which can ensure the dignified return of Kashmiri Pandits, notwithstanding the hue and cry being raised by BJP for the sake of vote-bank politics.

Azad said that after stupendous efforts of Congress Party in persuading the National Conference, State Government had recommended a package for the POK refugees, and NDA Government has trashed the whole issue only for the sake of vote-bank politics.

“I want to tell the people of the State, especially the intelligentsia that those who have survived on perpetuating inter-regional tensions and pitting one community against another, cannot lead the State on the path of progress and prosperity, and Congress Party has the capacity to satiate and accommodate the urges and aspirations of all regions and sections of the society”, said Azad.

He said, “Congress-led coalition Government set examples of good governance and fast-track execution of developmental programmes as also ensured that all regions and sections of the society are treated with equity, fairness and justice and that this achievement remains the strength and vitality of the Congress Party”.

Describing the urge and awakening, that was infused in the minds of the people vis-à-vis the goal of development, as the most remarkable achievement of Congress-led regime of 2006-08, Azad said that Congress Party amply demonstrated to the people of the State how big projects can be executed in the shortest possible time and that development’ as a discourse won acceptability in the polity of the State.

“It is this mantra of ‘development’ and good ‘governance’ which we are presenting to the people of the State for seeking fresh and decisive mandate”, said Azad.

Asserting that the sanctioning of five medical colleges, five Cancer Institites and ‘National Institute of Medicinal Plants’ at Bhaderwah, two state-of-art Maternity Hospitals, in addition to upgradation of numerous hospitals, CHCs, PHCs, and setting up of new sub-centres in the State will transform the health sector of the State in the coming days, Azad said that as Health Minister, he also took a landmark decision of doubling the allocation of three Hill States of Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand and J&K under NRHM and this is hugely going to benefit the people of J&K.

“Those who have nothing to showcase, initially used to tell the people that these are mere announcements and now are shamelessly dying to claim credit for all his projects and achievements in the health sector”,said Azad.

Azad said that his performance as Union Health Minister is an open book and that it has been acknowledged not only nationally, but internationally.

“Eradication of polio from the country after sixty five years and setting up of six new AIIMS after independence, in addition to countless others, are enough to demonstrate his milestones achievements as Health Minister of the country”, said Azad.

Lambasting the parties who say nothing has happened in Chenab Valley, Azad said that it goes to the credit of the Congress Party to bring neglected Chenab Valley region on the developmental map of the State.

“Before 2002, Chenab Valley region remained neglected and marginalized for decades together due to the discriminatory policies propagated by the successive state governments and between 2006-08, massive infrastructure building was set in motion”, said Azad.

“Some parties are trying to divide and polarise the people of Chenab Valley only to stall their progress and development, but I am very happy that people have understood the gameplan of such parties and are ready to vote with sagacity and wisdom to frustrate their nefarious agenda”, said Azad

"Maintaining that there is need to further accelerate the process of progress and development in the Chenab Valley region, Azad said that no stone will be left unturned to convert Chenab Valley into a ‘Model Region’ of the State characterised by excellent road network, power projects, tourist infrastructure, educational institutions, health facilities, etc and that he calls upon the people to vote unitedly in favour of Congress Party to ensure their relevance in the politico-governance structure of the State.

Saroori addressed series of election meetings at Chatroo, Bhalessa and Kandoth



Appeal to the people of Inderwal Assembly segment not to give an ear to rumors spread by PDP, BJP and NC

Chatroo/Khara, November 19: - Congress candidate from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today addressed series of meetings at Sheri, Pahalgam, Gujjar Nag, Batwari, Bhata, Urigar, Chatroo, Zeydhar, Zarna, Maliknar, Naik Pura, Chabba, Shan Goila, Khan Goila, Malanoo, Gugara, Bitola, Kencha, Bhagdeyr, Nagni, Kandoth, Sharoth, Inderala, Parnoth areas of Inderwal constituency and sought vote & support for his candidature.

While addressing the public gatherings; Saroori said that only Congress can ensure better development in the State. He said Congress is committed for peace and development and this is the only agenda of this party.

Saroori reminded people that Congress led UPA Government has funded the State in big way by improving road, health, education, tourism infrastructure in the State in last five to 10 years. He said that Congress has rich and vast history of serving the nation and it has taken several revolutionary steps for the welfare of the people. He sought vote for himself to ensure all round development, peace and prosperity of Inderwal constituency beside highlighted the importance of Congress in the State.

Differentiating between the Congress, PDP and the BJP, Saroori said that PDP and BJP have the agenda of flaring up the communal tension and misleading the people on the name of religion, caste and creed which disintegrate the society. He cautioned the people to remain vigilant against these communal parties which weaken the social fabric of pluralistic society of the state.

Cautioning the people against the propaganda unleashed by the disruptive forces like BJP, PDP and NC against the Congress, Saroori said that these unscrupulous forces appear at a particular season (during election) and try to spread false rumours and made an appeal to the people of Inderwal Assembly segment not to give an ear to rumors.

Assuring the people to further accelerate the developmental activities in the Inderwal constituency, Saroori made fervent appeal to support his candidature as Congress nominee for another tenure. He said Congress party has experience of serving people for longest period in the country and people must support it and ensure the victory of its candidates for the welfare and prosperous Jammu and Kashmir.

Other speakers while speaking on the occasion appealed the people to ensure the victory of Ghulam Mohammad Saroori with thumping majority by pressing the hand button on EVMs on 25th November- 2014.

More than 30 activists from PDP, NC and BJP have joined Congress party at Bhata, Batwari, Chatroo, Gugara Khara in presence of Mr. Saroori.

Prominent among those local Congress leaders, workers, youth Congress members accompanied Mr. Saroori during the said tour.

Monday 17 November 2014

Saroori visits Sigdi; promise a new and prosperous Chenab Valley

BJP, PDP are bent upon wedging apart the people and divide them to grab power

Sigdi (Mugalmaidan), November 17: - Ahead of 25th November Election Day, Senior Congress Leader and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori on Monday appealed to the voters of Erstwhile Doda district to grant the Congress majority in all the six Assembly segments while promising them a new and prosperous region.

"You (people) give Ghulam Nabi Azad majority in the Assembly, I promise a new and prosperous Chenab Valley where empowerment of youth, women, economic development and work force will rule the roost," said Saroori who is a Congress candidate from Inderwal.

He was addressing public meetings at Hewal Mulchitter, Doey Mohallah Markhal, Mulchitter, Shah Mohallah, Sheikh Mohallah, Zabkul, Seri, Balana, Nanzalla, Bhata, Gwarion, Sigdi areas of district Kishtwar. "This time Congress party urges its supporters and well-wishers to come forward in large numbers and support Congress candidates all across the state in the upcoming Assembly polls to give it absolute majority in the House to settle and address all pending issues once for all for the overall benefit of the state particularly Erstwhile Doda district," Saroori said.

Saroori further said that people of Inderwal constituency could witness aura of unbeatable growth and development of this hilly backward region only after year 2002 when people voted against the then National Conference representative and got me elected as their representative in the legislative assembly. That time Inderwal constituency was suffering badly due to lack of basic civil infrastructure as well as problem of militancy. My prime duty was to get peace restored in the constituency, maintaining communal harmony among different sections of society, and also to ensure that no innocent youth got trapped either in hands of militants or security forces.

Secondly, it was a challenge to put Inderwal constituency on track of growth and development and to get major schemes for construction of civil infrastructure at a war footing. With love & support of Inderwal people and by grace of God, I could accomplish both the tasks with full honesty and sincerity. Inderwal, today, is fast put on map of perspective planning and my next task is to fight against menace of unemployment in this region and to start all the Power projects in the constituency.

“BJP and PDP, like always, are bent upon wedging apart the people and divide them to grab power”, Saroori said and maintained that people of Inderwal constituency are wise enough to read between the lines and vote in large numbers in his favour by pressing the hand button on EVMs on 25th November- 2014.

Various other speakers, speaking in the meetings, said that people of Inderwal constituency can never forget contributions of Ghulam Mohammad Saroori as its MLA. It was only his efforts that people of Inderwal constituency could be fully empowered. People of Inderwal constituency, in particular, are today proud citizens with state of the art best education and health facilities; far flung villages stand connected through a dense network of roads and bridges; hygiene drinking water is being supplies even to far flung remote localities.

More than 50 activists from BJP, PDP and NC has joined Congress today at Saroori residence and also at Sigdi in presence of Mr. Saroori

Prominent among those Bidya Lal Sharma, Piyaray Lal Sharma, Ch Noor Din, Altaf Hussain Malik, Mansoor Ahmed Mattoo, Ghulam Mohd Kohli, Ghulam Ali Naik, Latief Shah, Ghulam Rasool, Mohd Issaq, Ghulam Mohd Lone, Hafeez Butt, Farooq Ahmed Sheikh, Ghulam Mouhi Ud Din, Mohd Iqbal Shah, Ashiq Hussain Butt, Ghulam Mohd Butt, Shabir Ahmed Dev, local Congress leaders, Youth Congress members accompanied Mr. Saroori during the tour.

Saroori visits Bunjwah; expressed confidence that Congress will form next Government led by Ghulam Nabi Azad.

Did countless works from 2002-2014 in every sector for Bunjwah area

Bunjwah (Kishtwar), November 16: - Senior Congress leader Ghulam Mohammad Saroori contesting candidate from Inderwal Constituency today visited Binoon, Zarwaar, Chakroon, Noor, Jalapur, Nali, Toib Abad, Dehni, Girsal, Mori, Golu, Balgran, in Tehsil Bunjwah and expressed confidence that next Government in the State would be formed by Indian National Congress (INC) led by Ghulam Nabi Azad.

Saroori said that during the last twelve years (2002-2014) he did countless works in every sector like creation of new administrative units including Telsil status for Bunjwah, Nayabat for Patnazi and Balgran, CD block for Bunjwah, every panchayats of Bunjwah area got the patwar halqa as well thereby bringing the administration at the door steps of the common masses, and sanctioning of 10 bedded hospitals each at Nali Bunjwah and Patnazi and new health centres for Sirunga Bunjwah, Mori Bunjwah, Kewa, Indralla and Chamoti.

Besides, constructed and upgraded a number of roads and bridges, electrified rural and far flung areas, established and upgraded Primary Health Centres and numerous schools including the recently upgraded as Higher Secondary Dagroon and High School Moori and launched numerous schemes in Bunjwah area.

Saroori appealed the people not be taken in by those who believe in the caste and religion based politics and whole heartedly support and strengthen the hands of Ghulam Nabi Azad. He also cautioned the people of Bunjwah against the hollow slogan mongers and communal forces, which play the politics of dividing the communities. Such forces only surface at the time of election and mislead the people by spreading false propaganda, inciting the sentiments of innocents, Saroori alleged and asked people not to fall prey to the nefarious designs of such elements.

Other speakers while speaking in the meetings appreciated the works done by Mr. Saroori and appealed the people to vote for G. M. Saroori and press the hand button on EVMs on 25th November- 2014.

On this occasion dozen PDP, BJP and NC activists Girsal Bunjwah joined the Indian National Congress who were welcomed in the party by Mr. Saroori.

Prominent Mohd Iqbal Keen, Khalid Hussain Sheikh, Abdul Kabir Keen, Abdul Rehman, Ch Issaqq, Vinod Kumar, Ch Mehandiya, Liyakat Hussain, Ch Abdul Kareem, Ch Noor Maey, Ch Ghulam Mohd Masoodi, Girdari Lal, Adil Hussain, Rabi Ahmed, Yog Raj, Rehan Ahmed, Hameed Ahmed, Tanveer Ahmed, Bilal Ahmed, Musarat Ahmed, Basharat Ahmed, Musarat Ahmed, Shahid Ahmed, Jaan Mohd, Mohd Issaq, Yasir Mughal, Mohd Yasin, Tanveer Ahmed, local Congress leaders, workers, Youth Congress members and people in large were present on the occasions.

Laid much focus on road connectivity, health, PHE and power sectors from 2002-2014: Saroori

Saroori visits Saroor lambast BJP and PDP for thriving politics of divide and rule

Saroor (Kishtwar), November 14: - Cautioning the people to beware from divisive forces that are hell bent to create confusion among masses, just to grab power, Senior J&K Congress leader and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori on Friday described erstwhile Doda district as miniature of secular India and appealed the people to cast their votes to strengthen the secular forces.

Contesting Assembly election from Inderwal Assembly segment, G. M. Saroori, during his campaign in the higher reaches of Kishtwar district addressed various public meetings at Gujjar Khothan Drabshalla, Joshana, Salana, Bahdat, Bat Pura, Kral Pura, Bugrana, Barhoti, Chalosu, Kalchanda, Tatani, Hura, Patti, Londhari, Piyakul, Neju, Shrouti, today and said that after announcement of election, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) have started propaganda to divert the attention of the masses, which they call wave in befooling the people, now evident nowhere.

Lambasting BJP and PDP for its lust to come in power by hoodwinking the innocent people of the country, Saroori said that “the population of Chenab basin that comprises the Doda, Kishtwar, Ramban and Banihal belts is a symbol of secularism. “Only secularism can ensure development,” Saroori said.

He called upon the people to counter the divisive moves of certain political parties, which are least bothered about the addressing the miseries of the people and instead they (political parties) have just one hidden agenda i.e. to befool the people on the name of religion and caste and exploit their votes.

“Number of Hydro power projects worth thousands of crores of rupees has been made functional while number of such projects is in the process of its completion and shall be made functional in near future. Saroori said that he laid much focus on road connectivity, health, PHE and power sectors. The people of this constituency were facing lot of hardships due to lack of these facilities. There is still much more to do for minimizing the miseries of the people, he maintained.

Saroori said restoration of peace, construction of thousands of bridges, roads, schools, colleges, Administrative units, Medical colleges, cancer hospital, Sub-centres and other developmental schemes besides enactment of historic legislations to empower people and ensure transparency in all fields of administration by the Congress party “has been possible with the financial and logistic support by the Congress-led UPA I and UPA II.”

Other speakers have appeal to the people to come in large and vote for son of soil Mr. Saroori on 25th of November for Inderwal constituency as he has vast experience of serving the state in different capacities. They said there is hardly any leader of his stature in the constituency and people should give him whole hearted support and elect him for the Assembly so that he continue to play his role in the state politics and help the erstwhile Doda district for its development stride.

Prominent among those Akhtar Hussain Khurwaey, Zahid Hussain, Shahid Rashid Mattoo, Ashraf Mattoo, Abdul Majeed Rahi, Hari Ram, Master Sharief, Mohd Shafi Butt, Mohd Iqbal Zarger, Shamas Din, Baby Chand, Lekh Raj, other local congress leaders, workers, Youth Congress members and people in large were present in these public meetings.

Inderwal to develop on modern lines and a model constituency: Saroori

55 BJP, PDP and NC workers joins Congress in Inderwal

Chatroo (Kishtwar), November 11: - Senior Congress leader and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori has maintained that it is his endeavour to develop Inderwal on modern lines and a model constituency in the state. For cherishing this dream, he has sought people's support for another stint.

Addressing crowded public meetings at village Singpore, Baig Pura, Kalam Soey, Rahal, Passerkote, Khura, Chingam, Shan Gam, Pahalgawar, Parna, Paswaal, Thana, Saroori said there is no alternate to the Congress Party which has historical background. During the period of this party, the country and J&K state has progressed steadfastly in all sectors.

Cautioning the people against the propaganda unleashed by the disruptive forces like BJP, PDP and NC against the Congress, Saroori said that these unscrupulous forces appear at a particular season (during election) and try to spread false rumors incite the sentiments of innocent people in the name of religion, caste, creed and color.

Saroori asked the people will thwart the nefarious design of saffron party and elect the Government of secular character in the State.

Referring to the development of Inderwal Constituency, he (Saroori) asked the people to compare his two consecutive tenures as representative of the Inderwal constituency with previous 50 years and make the difference themselves on ground.

Other speakers also addressed the gathering and urged the people to support the candidature of G. M. Saroori during the assembly elections and have appealed to all the people to come in large to their voting booth on 25th November and cast vote in favour of Congress candidate from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori.

On the occasion 55 workers of BJP, PDP and NC from Inderwal constituency today joined Congress in the presence of party candidate from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori including Somnath, Moti Lal, Ramesh Kumar, Chet Ram, Krishan Lal, Nath Ram, Tariq Hussain, Abdul Rashid, Ghulam Ali, Abdul Rashid Ahanger, Mohd Akbar Malik, Ghulam Nabi Ganie, Mohd Shaban, Ghulam Hassan Malik and others.

Prominent among those Haji Ghulam Qadir Sheikh, Piyaray Lal Sharma, Mansoor Ahmed Mattoo, Santosh Kumar, Altaf Hussain Malik, Haji Ghulam Mohd Kohli, Mohd Amin Naik, Pershant Bhangari, Haji Jamal Din, Ch Mohd Rafiq, Ghulam Qadir Mattoo Retired ZEO, Ghulam Mouhi Ud Din Mattoo, Akhtar Hussain Ahanger, Bashir Ahmed, Pandit Mohal Lal, Daleep Kumar, Somnath, Bashir Ahmed Malik, Mohan Lal, Rustum Ali, and local congress leader, workers, Youth Congress members and people in large were present in these meetings.

Congress committed to create better infrastructure facilities in far-flung areas: Saroori

BJP senior leaders from Inderwal along with scores of workers join Congress

Addressed public meetings at Dadpeth, Tagood, Vethana, Dagar Nala and Singpora

Drabshalla (Kishtwar), November 10: - Senior BJP Leaders from Inderwal including Sarpanch Dugga Drabshalla Shahid Rashid Mattoo, Abdul Salam, Gulzar Ahmed, Manzoor Ahmed Retired BDO, Abdul Rashid, Haji Mohd Ayoob, Kunj Lal, Subash Chander, Dhara Singh, Roshan Lal, CHowdhary Abdul Rashid, Tanveer Ahmed, Rakesh Kumar, and Ram Prasad Gupta along with their supporters today joined the Indian National Congress (INC) Party. They were welcomed into the party fold by the Congress candidate from Inderwal and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori.

Speaking on the occasion, Saroori said the doors of Congress are open for all well meaning people, who want to contribute in the party’s efforts to bring about lasting peace, and development in the region. He said it is encouraging that the people in large numbers are joining the Congress and reposing their faith in the democratic process to find solution of their problems.

Saroori said the party represents hope and optimism in Jammu and Kashmir in the days of gloom and disenchantment.

Appealing people from different walks of life particularly youth to become part of the party, Saroori said Congress offers a platform for all well meaning people to encourage them and play their role in party’s vision of political resolution and good governance.

Speaking on the occasion, Shahid Rashid Mattoo and other new entrants reposed full faith in the leadership of Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad and Mr. G. M. Saroori and have inspired by the development scenario in the Inderwal Assembly segment. They also highlighted that Mr. Azad and Mr. Saroori are real representative of general public and is having transparent policies which attracted them to join Congress party. They assured that they will work hard for strengthening the party in the areas.

Later Saroori addressed many public meetings at Drabshalla, Tagood, Dadpeth, Vethana, Dagar Nala and Singpora areas Tehsil Chatroo and Mugalmaidan and said Congress is committed to create better infrastructure facilities for the people of the area especially living in the remote and far-flung areas without any kind of discrimination and people must see the performance of UPA I and UPA II from the last ten years.

While addressing large gatherings Saroori said that many people of different political parties will come to make their claims but the people must realize the performance of the candidate on the ground while making the choice for their candidate in the Assembly election.

Saroori exhorted the people to extend their full support to Congress party, saying this will be support to the forward looking policies and programmes being implemented by Congress government. He further said that there is a need for carrying forward the developmental activities in the J&K State especially in remote and far flung villages. He said that equitable development has been the main plank of Congress and the party has ensured that people irrespective of region, religion and caste get equal opportunities of progress.

Prominent among those local congress leaders, workers, members, youth congress members and people in large were present in these public meetings.

Congress donot make false promises: Saroori

Hold road show in Mugalmaidan, Chingam

Chingam, November 09: - Congress senior leader and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today staged road shows together with all workers from Kuchal, Nicha, Neera, Thal Dandoo, Mugalmaidan, Chatroo, Chingam, Zelna and interacted with cross sections of the society.

Holding his first road show in the Mugalmaidan and Chingam area, Saroori covered some 10 villages in Inderwal constituency of Kishtwar district.

Urging villagers to vote for him (Saroori), he said though the election was not linked to resolution of any issue, it was necessary to address day-to-day problems of the masses. At various places Saroori addressed to public and gave details of developmental works done by son of the soil, Ghulam Nabi Azad and by him since 2002.

Saroori asked the people not to be swayed by the “false promises of the BJP and PDP but be guided by their own good sense and take a decision to support the Congress and vote for him on 25th November”.

“We do not make false promises. What we promise, we deliver. The Congress believes in ‘Har Haath Shakti, Har Haath Tarakki (Each hand is power, each hand is progress”, Saroori said.

He said Congress party was like an ocean, which had faced several storms. “Even big ships which have collided with the Congress have sunk and are no more. Whosoever collides with us in the future will meet the same fate,” Saroori said. “The decision of constituting new administrative units, medical colleges, cancer institute, MGNREGA, Food security are historical steps taken by the Congress,” Saroori said.

Large number of people also participated in the road show and offered full support to Congress candidate from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori. Various Slogans were raised by the people in favour of Azad, Saroori and also in favour of Congress.

Other speaker while addressing called upon the people to vote for Mr. G. M. Saroori by pressing hand button on EVMs on November 25, 2014.

Prominent among those local Congress leaders, workers, Youth Congress members, people in large number were present in these road shows.

PDP, BJP incite the sentiments of innocent people: Saroori

Addressed series of meeting in Tehsil Chatroo, Mugalmaidan

Loidhar, November 07: - Congress senior leader and MLA Inderwal, G M Saroori who is also a congress candidate from Inderwal constituency today conducted series of meeting at Loidhar, Gorinal in Tehsil Mugalmaidan of district Kishtwar.

While addressing the gathering at Dadpeth, Loidhar, Khawjgam, Gorinal, Saroori said that only Congress party can provide stable, accountable and transparent governance in the State, adding that the party has devised a well-knit strategy to eradicate the poverty and meet the challenges of unemployment and food security. He urged the party workers to take the programmes and policies of the party before the people and seek massive mandate for the Congress party in the Assembly elections.

Describing Congress party as historical movement which has steered the country towards new heights during the past over five decades, he has maintained that party has given many sacrifices for the nation and has glorious history of serving the people for longest period.

Asking the Congress workers to expose the divisive design of PDP and BJP, who have hidden agenda of dividing the masses in the name of religion, regionalism and communal lines, Saroori said these parties are opportunists and only incite the sentiments of innocent people which ultimately create unrest in the society.

People must understand the game plan of these parties and give befitting reply in the elections. “People want development, peace and security, which can only be ensured by the Congress being the secular force in the country. People should fight against these disgruntled forces unitedly and ensure the victory of the Congress candidates in all segments so that the tempo of all round development and welfare of people is accelerated,” Saroori added.

At Gorinal Saroori highlighted his achievements after being elected as MLA by the residents of Inderwal constituency, Saroori said that the constituency has witnessed large scale development in all spheres. Electrification of number of areas in the constituency was done by getting a number of electric poles and transformers installed and upgraded, he said, adding that to overcome the water crisis in the constituency, adequate water supply was made available to the people of the area by laying pipes, installing hand pumps and number of tube wells constructed and got functional to augment the supply of drinking water in the area.

Saroori also exhorted the party workers to make people aware about the peace, prosperity and secular policies of the Congress, so that the communal forces, who are trying to create a wedge between Hindu and Muslim communities, are given befitting reply in the forthcoming Assembly elections.

Earlier many PDP, BJP, NC Panthers activists including Saroop Chand, Suresh Kumar, Akhtar Hussain, Mohd Ayoob, Bashir Ahmed, Shanawaz Hussain, Mohd Amin, Ashfaq Ahmed, Wali Mohd, Adil Hussain, Tariq Hussain, Mushtaq Ahmed and others from Dadpeth, Lass, Khori, Khara, have joined Congress party in presence of Mr. Saroori.

Prominent among those all local Congress leaders, Congress workers, members, Youth Congress members, and people in large were present in the meetings.

Vote for growth, development, Prestige, dignity of Chenab valley region: Saroori

NC Block president and 90 workers of PDP, BJP and NC joined Congress

Mugalmaidan, October 06: - As a part of election campaign, a meeting was organized by Indian National Congress (INC) workers of Mugalmaidan, Khawj Gam, Rahal, Hurna, Mian and Dadpeth in Tehsil Mugalmaidan which was attended by a large number of people.

Saroori while addressing the gatherings, thanked them for electing him as Member of Legislative Assembly twice in the years 2002 and 2008. He said that in the year 2002, a new era of development ushered in Inderwal Constituency which was undeveloped at that time.

He took it as a challenge for him and for that purpose, he got a number of bridges, culverts and roads constructed, thus connecting the different villages of the area with each other which is the prime necessity for the development of the area. Besides this, electrification of number of villages was done by getting a number of electric poles and transformers installed and upgraded. Adequate water supply was also made available to the people of the area by laying pipes, installing hand pumps and number of tube wells constructed and got functional to augment the need of drinking water in the area.

Saroori further stated that old age, widows and handicapped persons were given pensionery benefits and other financial assistance under different schemes, homeless persons also provided financial assistance under IAY schemes so that they could have their own houses.

He appealed the people to use their franchise keeping in view the development of area and benefit of common man, and requested them to cast their valuable votes in his favour on 25th November for prestige, dignity and self respect.

At Mugalmaidan Saroori exhorted the party workers to make people aware of the communal groups, their evil designs and mechanism adopted for dividing people on caste and religion basis. These communal forces try to create a wedge between Hindu and Muslim communities only to reach corridors of power. But the people this time shall teach such forces and groups a lesson and vote only for growth and development of this State as well as the Chenab valley region, Saroori stated.

In another function at Saroori residence Kishtwar, Block President National Conference from Mugalmaidan Mr. Abdul Rashid, 50 youths from Salana, and more than 40 political workers of BJP, NC, PDP have joined Congress party. While welcoming Saroori said that with the joining of people like Abdul Rashid and other political activists, Congress Party will be strengthened at grass root level in the Inderwal.

Among prominent including Ghulam Qadar Tappal, Altaf Malik, Tariq Wani, Mohd Irfan Tappal, Atif Irfan, Bukhtiyar Hussain, Ali Mohd Naik, Som Nath, Piyaray Lal, Ghulam Rasool, Abdul Rehman, Abdul Majid Khan, Youth Congress members, local Congress leaders, Workers and people in large were present in these meetings.

Congress Party gave a new paradigm of development to J&K State between 2006-2008: Azad

Saroori files nomination paper from Inderwal

Kishtwar, November 03: - Cautioning the people of Chenab Valley to stand united against the conspiracies being hatched by outside forces to divide them, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha and former Chief Minister of J&K, Ghulam Nabi Azad said that Congress Party has given a sense of belonging and identity to the backward and neglected region of the State called Chenab Valley.

Ghulam Nabi Azad said that those who donot want this neglected region of Chenab Valley to flourish are plotting and conspiring against it by dividing the people on religious lines. Expressing hope and confidence that people will see through the motives of vested interests, Azad said that Chenab Valley will re-assert itself to maintain its unity, strength as well as relevance in the State politics.

Earlier Congress candidate from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori who is also a MLA inderwal today filed his nomination papers for the Inderwal Assembly segment. Arriving at election office at Kishtwar in a procession, 59 year old Saroori filed his nomination papers in presence of Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha and former chief Minister J&K, Ghulam Nabi Azad.

Shouting slogans in their support, people waved party flags to greet Saroori, Azad, who arrived at the election office in a small open truck. Later a procession was taken out by the supporters of Congress Party which turned into a huge public meeting at Chowgan ground in Kishtwar.

Appreciating the wisdom and sagacity of the people of Chenab Valley, Azad said that people are fully conscious of the benefits of unity which they have reaped in the last ten years by reposing their trust in the Congress Party.

Underlining the need to empower t-he Chenab Valley and further devolve the powers to bring the process of governance and development further closer to the people, Azad said that tough terrain and remoteness of the region calls for the setting up of new and creative governance structure which can remove the deficit of development which this region has suffered before 2002.

Azad further said that the need to accelerate the process of progress and development in the Chenab Valley region, Azad assured the people that yet another united show will enable him to fulfill his dream of converting Chenab Valley into a “Model Region” of the State. “I have a dream of making a modern and progressive Chenab Valley which will be an example for the State and if people show their confidence in me, I will give them the desired results”, said Azad.

Recalling his thrust on power sector, Azad said during his Chief Ministership long pending DulHastiHydel Project and BaghliarHydel Power Project were got completed and inaugurated by Prime Minister, in addition to taking up of NimoBazgo and Chutak Power Projects. He further said that Rattle Power Project was put to tenders during his chief Ministership.

While addressing the gathering Congress candidate from Inderwal, G. M. Saroori said that the Inderwal got the highest number of new administrative units recently in entire state, he said that it is the pressure and persuasion of Congress Party which made this possible for the Chenab Valley region including Inderwal, adding further that he and Mr. Azad will continue to raise their voice for Chenab Valley with greater resolve and vigour in future also.

Saroori confidently declared that the Congress party will form next government and Ghulam Nabi Azad will be next Chief Minister of J&K. “People must believe in the leadership of the Congress as only those leaders will stay who are connected with the grass-roots. The Congress is the oldest party of India and people are connected with the Congress party,” Saroori said.

He said Congress party was like an ocean, which had faced several storms. “Even big ships which have collided with the Congress have sunk and are no more. Whosoever collides with us in the future will meet the same fate,” Saroori said.

Saroori reminded people of various developmental works done during the past 12 years. “The decision of constituting new administrative units, medical colleges, cancer institute, MGNREGA, Food security, NRHM are historical steps taken by the Congress,” Saroori said.

Saroori visited Bhalessa, addressed twenty public meetings

Congress stood for the welfare and upliftment of common man

Bhalessa, November 02: - Congress senior leader and MLA Inderwal,Ghulam Mohammad Saroori while continuing his endeavour to reach the general public of Inderwal constituency with policies and programmes of Congress party today visited Bhatyas, Kuthera, Jakyas, Kansoo, Beli, Challer, Hanoo, Chanyas, Drought, Kakota, ST Basti Drought, Batoli, Piyakul Khara, Thathri areas and addressed a public meetings which was attended by a large number of people.

In his address, Saroori counted numerous achievements and development works done during the past twelve years in the Inderwal constituency.

Saroori appealed the people to support and strengthen the hands of Ghuam Nabi Azad in the ensuing Assembly elections so that state is carried on the path of progress, development and prosperity to benefit the common masses particularly the down trodden sections of society.

He stated that Indian National Congress (INC) always stood for the welfare and upliftment of common man and fought for their legitimate rights. He also appealed the people to remain united while maintaining old age tradition of mutual brotherhood and communal harmony and frustrate the evil designs of those who are bent upon to divide the society on communal and regional basis.

Saroori asked the party workers to vigorously campaign highlighting the achievements of the UPA-Ist and UPA-II which had brought revolutionary legislations like MGNREGA, NRHM, RTI, Right to Food, Right to Work, Right to Education etc and taken care of the interest of each and every section of society. Wani said that State had witnessed a golden era of growth and development when Ghulam Nabi Azad served as its Chief Minister. Today the people of this State have been provided with a great opportunity to give befitting reply to all the divisive forces by polling their votes in favour of Congress Party candidates all over the State.

On the occasion more than 60activists including Abdul Latief Tak, Mohd Latief, Jaan Mohd Butt, Mohd Iqbal, Farooq Ahmed Sheikh, Mohd Amin, Iqbal Butt, Sabdar Hussain Sheikh, Bashir Ahmed, Naik Mohd, Khanday Sheikh, Omi Chand, Qamar Din, Girdari Lal, Mohd Amin Farash, Abdul Qayoom, Farooq Ahmed Wani and others from different parties joined in Congress party in presence of Congress candidate from Inderwa, G. M. Saroori.

Other speakers appealed to all the people to come in large to their voting booth on 25th November and cast vote in favour of Congress candidate from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori.

Prominent among those including Musarat Ahmed Naik, Choudhary Noormay, Hafiz Farooq, Firoz Din Malik, Rashid Mughal, Ghulam Haider Company, Ch Hasham, Ali Hussain Kasana, Haji Mir Ali, Haji Salam Din, Parvez Ganie, Dewan Chand, Abdul Rashid, Kandral. Senior Congress Leader Jay Dev, Choudhary, Noor Ahmed, Haji Rasheed, Haji Mohd Shafi, Ch Ali Bazdar, Ch Hasham Din, Ch Dalmeer, Ch Mod Shafi, Lal Hussain, Mohd Hanief, Choudhary Abdul Kassam, Abdul Majeed Khanday, Abdul Majeed Ganaie, Mohd Azeez Farash, Mohd Faiz Din, Javed Akhter Wani, Mohd Abbass, Shamas Din, and people in large were present on the occasion.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Discard negative forces by giving a massive mandate to secular parties: Saroori

Assailed PDP, BJP for scheming against the interests of the people

Patshalla (Kishtwar), November 13: - Senior Congress leader J&K and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori on Thursday exhorted the people to discard negative forces by giving a massive mandate to secular parties, which reflect real ethos of Jammu and Kashmir.

Addressing hugely attended public meetings at Batogra, Chabba, Gwas, Gugara, Trankhle, Goila, Jaba, Nagni, Sulda, Hiryana, Patshalla, Saroori assailed PDP and BJP for scheming against the interests of the people by furthering their divisive agenda.

“By dividing people on religious and communal lines, these forces will not succeed in pushing the State to frenzy”, Saroori said adding that the politically sagacious people have always given a befitting reply to negative forces. He referred to the sinister game plan of PDP to divide votes as per a secret understanding with BJP. “The people are sagacious enough to see through their designs and determined to vote them out in the ensuing elections”, he maintained.

Saroori said that Congress will form the next Government and have appealed the people to vote and support Congress for the future development of Inderwal constituency. He highlighted the achievements of Ghulam Nabi Azad led Government during the 2006-2008 and said so many schools have been upgraded from existing to the next level to provide better education facilities to the children at their door steps. He said that Inderwal constituency has witnessed massive development in all the sectors.

The Congress candidate from Inderwal said that the higher academic and technical education facilities are being upgraded across the State especially in rural areas.

Saroori further asked the people to reject the negative forces and facilitate the victory of all the Congress candidates. He described the ensuing elections battle between communal and secular forces and said that ultimately reason will prevail.

Other speakers exhorted the people to make a conscious use of their vote and be part in decision making at the state and hoped that the politically sagacious people will make the Mr. Saroori Congress candidate win with a big margin. They have also appealed to all the voters of Inderwal Assembly segment to come in large and cast their votes in favour of Congress candidate from Inderwal, Mr. G. M. Saroori on 25th November.

On the occasion around 50 PDP, BJP and NC activists including Mahinder Singh, Dev Raj, Omi Chand, Jiya Lal, Krishan Lal, Silma Devi Member Panchayat Nagni, Pawan Kumar, Chander Prakash, Subash Kumar, Bher Singh, Naseeb Singh, Tek Chand, Om Prakash, Sukh Dev, Sukh Raj, and others from Nagni, Trankhle, Gatar Nhi, Jaba, Goila, have joined Congress party in front of Congress candidate from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori.

Prominent among those Sabdar Hussain Wani, Abdul Wahid, Haji Abdul Latief, Ch Farooq Shikari, Ghulam Haider Wani (Company), Gul Mohd Butt, Bashir Ahmed Sirwal, Musarat Ahmed Naik, Haji Mohd Hussain Parray, Mohd Ramzan, Abdul Majid Rahi, Nazir Ahmed Butt, Jaan Mohd, Mohd Rafiq, Mohd Sharief, Shokat Mir, Ch Abdul Rashid Kander, Abdul Kareem, Manzoor Ahmed Shan, Mohd Sharief Khangi, Maneer Ahmed, Haji Din Mohd Parray, Akhtar Hussain Parray, Ghulam Rasool, Shameem Ahmed, Bilal Ahmed, Ch Ghulam Mohd Masoodi, Ch Issaq, Ch Misroo, Ch Ahamdu, Mohd Yusuf, Haji Qasam, Noor Maey, Somi Raj, Ratan Chand, Kamar Lal, Dilawar Parray, local Congress leaders, workers, members, Youth Congress members and people in large were present in these meetings.