Monday 17 November 2014

Saroori visited Bhalessa, addressed twenty public meetings

Congress stood for the welfare and upliftment of common man

Bhalessa, November 02: - Congress senior leader and MLA Inderwal,Ghulam Mohammad Saroori while continuing his endeavour to reach the general public of Inderwal constituency with policies and programmes of Congress party today visited Bhatyas, Kuthera, Jakyas, Kansoo, Beli, Challer, Hanoo, Chanyas, Drought, Kakota, ST Basti Drought, Batoli, Piyakul Khara, Thathri areas and addressed a public meetings which was attended by a large number of people.

In his address, Saroori counted numerous achievements and development works done during the past twelve years in the Inderwal constituency.

Saroori appealed the people to support and strengthen the hands of Ghuam Nabi Azad in the ensuing Assembly elections so that state is carried on the path of progress, development and prosperity to benefit the common masses particularly the down trodden sections of society.

He stated that Indian National Congress (INC) always stood for the welfare and upliftment of common man and fought for their legitimate rights. He also appealed the people to remain united while maintaining old age tradition of mutual brotherhood and communal harmony and frustrate the evil designs of those who are bent upon to divide the society on communal and regional basis.

Saroori asked the party workers to vigorously campaign highlighting the achievements of the UPA-Ist and UPA-II which had brought revolutionary legislations like MGNREGA, NRHM, RTI, Right to Food, Right to Work, Right to Education etc and taken care of the interest of each and every section of society. Wani said that State had witnessed a golden era of growth and development when Ghulam Nabi Azad served as its Chief Minister. Today the people of this State have been provided with a great opportunity to give befitting reply to all the divisive forces by polling their votes in favour of Congress Party candidates all over the State.

On the occasion more than 60activists including Abdul Latief Tak, Mohd Latief, Jaan Mohd Butt, Mohd Iqbal, Farooq Ahmed Sheikh, Mohd Amin, Iqbal Butt, Sabdar Hussain Sheikh, Bashir Ahmed, Naik Mohd, Khanday Sheikh, Omi Chand, Qamar Din, Girdari Lal, Mohd Amin Farash, Abdul Qayoom, Farooq Ahmed Wani and others from different parties joined in Congress party in presence of Congress candidate from Inderwa, G. M. Saroori.

Other speakers appealed to all the people to come in large to their voting booth on 25th November and cast vote in favour of Congress candidate from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori.

Prominent among those including Musarat Ahmed Naik, Choudhary Noormay, Hafiz Farooq, Firoz Din Malik, Rashid Mughal, Ghulam Haider Company, Ch Hasham, Ali Hussain Kasana, Haji Mir Ali, Haji Salam Din, Parvez Ganie, Dewan Chand, Abdul Rashid, Kandral. Senior Congress Leader Jay Dev, Choudhary, Noor Ahmed, Haji Rasheed, Haji Mohd Shafi, Ch Ali Bazdar, Ch Hasham Din, Ch Dalmeer, Ch Mod Shafi, Lal Hussain, Mohd Hanief, Choudhary Abdul Kassam, Abdul Majeed Khanday, Abdul Majeed Ganaie, Mohd Azeez Farash, Mohd Faiz Din, Javed Akhter Wani, Mohd Abbass, Shamas Din, and people in large were present on the occasion.

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