Thursday 13 November 2014

Discard negative forces by giving a massive mandate to secular parties: Saroori

Assailed PDP, BJP for scheming against the interests of the people

Patshalla (Kishtwar), November 13: - Senior Congress leader J&K and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori on Thursday exhorted the people to discard negative forces by giving a massive mandate to secular parties, which reflect real ethos of Jammu and Kashmir.

Addressing hugely attended public meetings at Batogra, Chabba, Gwas, Gugara, Trankhle, Goila, Jaba, Nagni, Sulda, Hiryana, Patshalla, Saroori assailed PDP and BJP for scheming against the interests of the people by furthering their divisive agenda.

“By dividing people on religious and communal lines, these forces will not succeed in pushing the State to frenzy”, Saroori said adding that the politically sagacious people have always given a befitting reply to negative forces. He referred to the sinister game plan of PDP to divide votes as per a secret understanding with BJP. “The people are sagacious enough to see through their designs and determined to vote them out in the ensuing elections”, he maintained.

Saroori said that Congress will form the next Government and have appealed the people to vote and support Congress for the future development of Inderwal constituency. He highlighted the achievements of Ghulam Nabi Azad led Government during the 2006-2008 and said so many schools have been upgraded from existing to the next level to provide better education facilities to the children at their door steps. He said that Inderwal constituency has witnessed massive development in all the sectors.

The Congress candidate from Inderwal said that the higher academic and technical education facilities are being upgraded across the State especially in rural areas.

Saroori further asked the people to reject the negative forces and facilitate the victory of all the Congress candidates. He described the ensuing elections battle between communal and secular forces and said that ultimately reason will prevail.

Other speakers exhorted the people to make a conscious use of their vote and be part in decision making at the state and hoped that the politically sagacious people will make the Mr. Saroori Congress candidate win with a big margin. They have also appealed to all the voters of Inderwal Assembly segment to come in large and cast their votes in favour of Congress candidate from Inderwal, Mr. G. M. Saroori on 25th November.

On the occasion around 50 PDP, BJP and NC activists including Mahinder Singh, Dev Raj, Omi Chand, Jiya Lal, Krishan Lal, Silma Devi Member Panchayat Nagni, Pawan Kumar, Chander Prakash, Subash Kumar, Bher Singh, Naseeb Singh, Tek Chand, Om Prakash, Sukh Dev, Sukh Raj, and others from Nagni, Trankhle, Gatar Nhi, Jaba, Goila, have joined Congress party in front of Congress candidate from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori.

Prominent among those Sabdar Hussain Wani, Abdul Wahid, Haji Abdul Latief, Ch Farooq Shikari, Ghulam Haider Wani (Company), Gul Mohd Butt, Bashir Ahmed Sirwal, Musarat Ahmed Naik, Haji Mohd Hussain Parray, Mohd Ramzan, Abdul Majid Rahi, Nazir Ahmed Butt, Jaan Mohd, Mohd Rafiq, Mohd Sharief, Shokat Mir, Ch Abdul Rashid Kander, Abdul Kareem, Manzoor Ahmed Shan, Mohd Sharief Khangi, Maneer Ahmed, Haji Din Mohd Parray, Akhtar Hussain Parray, Ghulam Rasool, Shameem Ahmed, Bilal Ahmed, Ch Ghulam Mohd Masoodi, Ch Issaq, Ch Misroo, Ch Ahamdu, Mohd Yusuf, Haji Qasam, Noor Maey, Somi Raj, Ratan Chand, Kamar Lal, Dilawar Parray, local Congress leaders, workers, members, Youth Congress members and people in large were present in these meetings.

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