Friday 19 January 2018

Government needs to take innovative measures for revitalizing the Revenue department: Saroori

Implement Ganie Commission report; Demanded eviction of 6,242 kanal wakf land

JAMMU, JANUARY 18: - Calling Revenue Department as the backbone of the administration, Senior Congress Lawmaker from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori G. M Saroori said government needs to take innovative measures for revitalizing the department by undertaking digitization of records, constitution of high level committee for Land Use Planning besides committee for evacuee property.

While taking part in the discussion on Demand of Grants for Revenue, Parliamentary Affairs, Hajj and Auqaf departments in Legislative Assembly, Saroori said that government last year announced that a separate new department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction has been created which totally failed to do any good for the common masses.

Saroori said that the said that lot of compensation cases are pending in the state added that there is need to hold district level meetings to be chaired by the Minister himself to clear compensation and other revenue related cases. He laid stress that section 6 and 7 should be continue as earlier like DC was disposing off final award at District level and not by Commissioner Secretary for which Powers was decentralized. He said that title verification should be given on time and should be without corruption. He said there is no RR plan policy and rued delay in sanctioning of RR Plan for Dunadi, Kalnai-2 and other power projects of Doda and Kishtwar districts which is yet to be sanctioned. He said that if authorities fail to come up with proper RR plan people of the areas will close the projects.

He stress for implementation of Ganai commission report in letter and spirit in which new administrative units were sanctioned including Thakrie as Tehsil, Sarthal as tehsil & block, Kontwara as block, Chilli as tehsil, Kilhotran as tehsil, Bella as tehsil and others were sanctioned, but the government failed to give administrative approval which will benefit directly to the poor people of far flung areas.

Saroori asked why there is delay in increasing of the salary of Chowkidar’s and Lambardar’s when cabinet has approved the increasing of the salary and added that there should be one numberdar and Chowkidar in every panchayat so that system will become good. He also demanded fulfilling of vacant posts in the revenue department and said many Naib Tehsildar posts are vacant including Kuchal, Lass Saroor, Tatani, Jakyas Chingam, Patnazi, Karool and others in Inderwal constituency. He said that selections of Naib Tehsildar posts are pending since past three years which should be filled on fast track basis and should be on Urdu knowing base. He said that there is need to fill up vacant posts of Patwari and girdawar’s and demanded construction of Naiyabat and tehsil buildings at an earliest.

Demanded directions to all DC to send relief file to GAD for Rs 1 lakh and 50 thousands to transport department of all accidents that took place during past two years in Chenab Valley, appointment of SRO 43 cases or compensation, issuance of green card to land owners and lastly demanded that the revenue records should be online. He also sought written response from the government on the points raised by the legislators during Zero Hour in the Assembly. He also demanded immediate eviction of 6,242 kanal and 7 marla Waqf land are under illegal occupation of the army, paramilitary forces, government departments and private individuals in the Jammu and action against the grabbers. He said that government should made efforts to retrieve the Waqf land and should take up the issue with the Home department and other departments to either vacate the land or pay user charges as per the provisions of the Waqf Act, 2001.

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