Tuesday 9 January 2018

Play the role of unifying force and defeat the designs of communal forces: Saroori to workers

PDP-BJP failed on every count leading to the restlessness and confusion in the entire State: Thakur Balbir Singh

Hundreds of PDP & BJP workers from Kahara joined in Congress party

KAHARA, JANUARY 09: - Urging the Party Cadres and leaders to play the role of unifying force and defeat the designs of communal and divisive forces hells bent upon to disturb the communal harmony and secular fabric in the regions of the State, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori stressed upon the need to isolate anti peace elements creating wedge between the people to take advantage of the situations. He also blamed both Centre and State Govts for not coming upto the expectations of the people, as a result people in all the three regions feel betrayed and backstabbed, Saroori was addressing a day long political convention at Kahara area of Inderwal constituency.

Addressing the Party Convention, Saroori urged the party leaders to defeat the designs of anti-peace elements creating fissures in the communities in order to take full advantage of the disturbances to serve their vested interests. He said Congress is committed for maintaining integrity of the State and is capable of defeating the forces harming the tradition of unity, together & brotherhood in the State.

Saroori said Jammu and Kashmir is a unique state in which people of every religions live in an atmosphere of friendship and brotherhood and respect the emotions of each other, but there are certain forces visible and invisible who want to disturb this age old tradition of communal harmony and brotherhood, but Congress Party being the only unifying force will defeat their designs and won’t allow any external or internal force to vitiate the atmosphere of peace in the State. Congress Party has a history of serving and strengthening the people and would continue to remain steadfast in strengthening the people

Referring to the failure of the State & Centre Govts, Saroori said that not only people of the Country, but the State also have fully realized that both Centre Govt and State Govt have exploited them on certain sensitive issues for the sake of coming into the Power. The promises made with the people of Jammu region, Chenab Valley by PDP-BJP in the State have not been fulfilled as yet, as a result the people of the state feel alienated. He termed the current unrest in the Valley as the outcome of the misrule and anti-people polices of the PDP-BJP Coalition, who have promised a lot to address the concerns of the people, but nothing was done on their Part. He further said that the people have realized they have been back stabbed by PDP & BJP for the sake of power.

Reminding the people about the steps taken under the leaders by the UPA I and UPA for the overall development for the Chenab Valley particularly for Sub-division Thathri and Gandoh, Saroori said that Ghulam Nabi Azad sahab left no stone unturned to bring the this region at par with other parts of the Country, but the present Govt at Centre seems to be in a state of confusion on this front also and is not able to carry forward the works already sanctioned by UPA Ist and UPA IInd, such as Rs. 100 crores RGGVY phase II project and other important developmental projects. He said this is unfortunate that Centre has not been able to understand the basic issues confronting people of not only Chenab Valley, but Jammu and Kashmir regions also, who are grappled with great difficulties in respect of development, employment etc.

While addressing the gathering, Thakur Balbir Singh (MLC), said coalition partners (PDP BJP) after securing votes from the people failed them on every count leading to the restlessness and confusion in the entire State.

Balbir Singh hit out at Centre and State Govt for the deteriorating situation in the State and blamed both for failing to create an atmosphere of peace, as a result, country & the State is passing though very crucial phase leading to the deep alienation among people. People are subjected to mental torture by the State Govt in order to hide its failures, for the fact, PDP BJP has miserably failed to deliver. The misrule and mismanagement on their part has added woes to the people, there seems no end to uncertainty prevailing in the State.

Congress MLC said all the promises made to the people by PDP and BJP after securing votes from them on sensitive issues, have fallen flat, people have realized that they have been misled very badly on the AoA between PDP BJP, Unemployment has risen considerably, developmental process started by the UPA I & UPA II has come to standstill, lack of policy on the part of State Govt has disturbed the socio political scenario of the State.

On the occasion hundreds of PDP and BJP workers from various parts of Kahara block joined Congress in presence of Mr. Saroori and Mr. Balbir Singh.

Those who addressed the gathering included Chowdhary Farooq Ahmed, Haji Ghulam Mohd, Mahinder Singh Parihar, Abdul Qayoom, Master Bashir Ahmed Sirwal, Zulfikar Ali Wani, Mohd Ramzan, Jaffar Hussain, Asgar Hussain Khangi, Sabdar Hussain Wani, Mehboob Mir, Sher Mohd, Jaswant Singh and others.

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