Saturday 31 March 2018

JK facing financial crisis: Saroori

Urged Government to provide basic amenities to the rural areas

Conducted extensive tour of Sigdi, Mulchitter and Mugalmaidan areas

SIGDI/MUGALMAIDAN, MARCH 31: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today undertook extensive tour of various localities of his constituency and listened to the issues of the people.

He visited areas of Bhata, Gowarian, Sigdi, Mulchitter, Mugalmaidan areas of Inderwal constituency and interacted with the local residents.

MLA Inderwal was briefed by the people of Sigdi and Mugalmaidan areas regarding replacement of rotten and barbed polls and wires, early completion of blacktopping on Sigdi road, early commission of new water supply scheme Sigdi, filling of staff in various schools of Sigdi, hassle free ration supply, early clearance of MGNREGA and IHHL payments.

While addressing the public at various places, Saroori expressed deep concern at the financial crisis sate is facing during the present regime. He said the PDP and BJP are pushing Jammu & Kashmir into a virtual financial emergency through its inefficient governance and politically motivated commitments.

Saroori said the development done on the ground by various executive agencies but have not been paid since 2015 by this government because of an acute fiscal crisis. He said: “It is a mismatch between revenues and expenditures; revenue inflows have been delayed even as committed expenditures have been made. This mismatch has been aggravated by unfunded liabilities of around Rs 3000 crores that have been created by this government.”

He said developmental works have come to a grinding halt as the government according to media report owes more than one thousand crores to the contractors and suppliers. Urging the government to immediately release salaries, pension, GP fund and other dues to the employees, pensioners and Contractors; Saroori said there are reports of even regular employees of not being able to get salaries on time. The casuals, daily wagers and seasonal laborers have not been given the salary since past 6 months which is unfortunate on part of government.

At Mugalmaidan, Saroori today distributed regularization orders among 4 Rehbre-e- Taleem (ReTs) teachers of Inderwal education zone at a function organized by Education Department today. Speaking on the occasion, Saroori asked the teaching fraternity to put in all efforts to upgrade the standard of education and make the students participate in challenges and competitions at various levels. He asked them to regularly hold interactions with parents as they will benefit the students in their academic and extra- curricular activities.

Saroori urged the Government to provide basic amenities like adequate drinking water, health, power and education facilities besides civic facility to the people giving special focus to rural areas. On the demand of general public Saroori announced Rs. 25 lakhs out of CDF for the different works to be carried in Mugalmaidan block and assured that he will leave no stone unturned in redressing the genuine demands. He assured his full support to the locals and asked that all their genuine demands will be fulfilled on priority. In some cases, Saroori gave on-the-spot instructions to the concerned for immediate redressal.

Later dozens of PDP and BJP workers from Sigdi and Mugalmaidan joined Congress. Welcoming the new entrants into the party fold, Saroori said it is heartening that the people in sufficient numbers are becoming part of the Congress and reposing their faith in the party’s agenda which aims at bringing peace, development and prosperity in the entire State.

Officials of various departments, Block Congress Committee Mugalmaidan, local Congressmen’s, besides people in large were present on the occasion.

Friday 30 March 2018

Unite and strengthen the Congress to oppose policies of ruling PDP-BJP Government: Saroori

Will leave no stone unturned to ensure equal development in all the areas of Inderwal

Addressed public meetings at Barnari, Balana, Nazla, Seri areas of Sigdi

BALANA, MARCH 30: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today ask the people to unite, strengthen the Congress party and oppose the policies of the present regime in the State which is most opportunist alliance of two ideologically different parties, who are together for the sake of power but are also following a divisive policy on sensitive issues.

While addressing series of public meetings at Barnari, Balana, Nazla, Seri areas of Sigdi in tehsil Mugalmaidan, Saroori said Congress always worked for strengthening the bonds of unity and integrity of three regions and ensured equitable development and all out war against communal and divisive forces is the test of the time to maintain unity in diversity’’ said Mr Saroori

Saroori said that both PDP and BJP are indulged in rhetoric’s to address their respective constituencies and as a result the situation has worsened a lot in the state. He however, criticized the failure of the PDP-BJP for failing to come to the expectations of people and both are equally responsible for the prevailing unrest and financial crunch that state is facing. “People of Jammu and Kashmir have never in the history experienced such a government, despite passing through the turmoil, the present PDP-BJP coalition has disappointed the people to a large extent,” Saroori said.

During the public meetings, Saroori interacted with the public, listened to their grievances and assured to redress their issues. People demanded various issues including up gradation of school, filling of vacant posts in the schools, early clearance of MGNREGA liability, issuing of new ration BPL cards, repairment of water supply scheme, early completion of Balana road and installation of 63kv transformer in the area.

Terming education as a basic factor for welfare and overall development of the society, Saroori said that he has recommend the up gradation of High School Sigdi to the level of Higher Secondary school and said he is hopeful that Education Ministry will upgrade this vital school so that student community of Sigdi area will be benefitted. He further announced the construction of Sigdi to Balana road under PMGSY scheme. The work shall be completed within a year.

Saroori further announced a new water supply scheme for Sigdi area which will solve all the problems related to the drinking water facility in the Sigdi belt. Saroori said he will leave no stone unturned to ensure equal development in all the areas of Inderwal Constituency. He said prosperity of poor people is high on the agenda, adding the steps taken in this direction are showing encouraging results. He asked people to extend full cooperation in taking forward development projects in the areas.

Block Congress Committee Mugalmaidan, Local Congress leaders, worker and people in large attend the function.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Thrust should be on providing quality education to needy people: Veeri to Auqaf Islamia

Chaired 18th meeting of State Wakaf Council

JAMMU, MARCH 29: - Stressing on the need for utilizing its donations for the welfare especially for providing quality education to poor people, the Minister for Revenue, Haj & Auqaf and Parliamentary Affairs, Abdul Rehman Veeri asked the State Wakaf Council to take requisite steps in this regard.

“Efforts should be made to establish model educational institutions or to upgrade the existing schools being run by Auqaf Islamia with modern facilities so that quality education is provided to the people of beneficiary community”, the Minister said.

The Minister said this while chairing the 18th meeting of State Wakaf Council, here today. The meeting was attended by Member Parliament Fayaz Ahmad, Legislators Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, Shah Mohammad Tantray, Firdaus Ahmad Tak, Commissioner Secretary, Revenue, Shahid Inaytullah and Secretary Law, Abdul Majid Bhat.

While taking a detailed review of the status of action taken on the decisions of the 17th meeting of the Council, the Minister was briefed regarding developmental activities being carried out by Auqaf department including the status of establishment of three nursing colleges by the Wakaf Council at Rajouri, Jammu and Kishtwar.

It was informed that all three Nursing Colleges are functional. At Rajouri, the college is being run in the BGSBU campus while as in Jammu and Kishtwar; classes are being run in a private building on rent basis. The meeting was further informed that the 8 marla each has been identified for setting up of college building and proposal submitted to the BGSBU for further process. Regarding construction of student’s hostel in Jammu, the meeting was informed that the hostel building is ready and soon the applications would be called for utilizing it properly and making it fully functional. Progress in other issues as decided in the last meeting including preparation of Master plan for Shahdara Sharief, status of establishment of Skill and Employability Enhancement Institute at Smailpur, construction of flats/shopping complexes on wakaf land and others were also discussed.

With regard to leasing out the wakaf property situated at Palika Bazar, Residency Road Jammu, the Minister asked Special Officer Auqaf to give wide publicity through all the mediums in both the divisions so that people would apply for leasing process. He also urged the council members to publicize it on personal level so that objective behind constructing the Shopping Complex would be fulfilled. The council approved construction of building for school established by Auqaf Islamia at Ziarat Chottey Shah Sahib Mendhar where at present 55 students are being provided free education, lodging and boarding facilities. To make the Millat International School, Chowadhi in Jammu as one of the best educational institution of the state, the council decided for constitution of a sub-committee and to engage some renowned educationist to help in revamping the school.

The Minister, who is also the Chairman of the Council said that serious efforts need to be taken not only from Auqaf side but on personal level also so that this school comes up as a premiere institution in the state. All the members also gave their suggestions for better functioning of the school. Regarding the renewal of rent of Wakaf properties, the Minister asked for renewing the existing rent in accordance with the market rates by working out a proper method for the same to bring in uniformity in the process. He asked the Commissioner Secretary to personally look into the issue.

The meeting also discussed construction of flats and commercial complexes on Wakaf land at various other places to augment the revenue base of the Council. It also accorded approval for the construction of properties at these places as per the proposals already submitted. During the meeting, status of construction work on Jamia Masjid, Talab Khatikan was also reviewed. The Council was briefed about the present status of works with required funding to complete the works. The Minister asked all the Auqaf Units to contribute so that works are completed at the earliest.

The Budget of State Wakaf Council and its 25 Units for the year 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19 was also presented and discussed in the meeting which was later approved by the Council. During the deliberations, the performance of Auqaf, Shahdara Sharief in terms of its income and other initiatives was applauded by all. Veeri appreciated the efforts of Auqaf Administrator, Shahdara Sharief and his staff for the performance.

The Administrator also informed the meeting about the welfare initiatives taken for helping the needy people of the beneficiary community. To provide financial assistance to the destitute and physically disabled poor people of the state, the Council accorded approval for creation of a corpus fund of Rs 10 lakh per annum in the office of CEO, State Wakaf Council with contribution from various Units of Wakaf Council. The financial assistance would be provided to the needy people suffering from life consuming diseases for their treatment after proper medical verification process. The Council also proposed for creation of a kitty of Rs 5 lakh so that students of the community, below poverty line pursuing technical course including preparation for civil services would be provided financial assistance.

The Minister asked the Special Officer, Auqaf to come with a separate proposal for this noble cause. He said that this initiative will surely provide relief to the needy and Wakaf Council should take such initiatives for the betterment of the people. It was informed to the Council that digitization of the land record of Auqaf department is under process and documents are being scanned for the further process.

Predicting total annihilation of BJP and PDP from erstwhile Doda district in 2020 elections: Saroori

Newly joining will reinvigorate the party further in Inderwal

Kick started one month long tour of Inderwal constituency

KISHTWAR, MARCH 29: - Predicting total annihilation of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) and People’s Democratic Party from erstwhile Doda district in 2020 elections because of its duplicity and anti-people policies, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said the process of its degeneration has already begun.

Welcoming the new entrants including BJP’s senior leader from Balgran area of Tehsil Drabshalla, shri Roshan Lal and others from Dharbadan Thakrie, Balgran Drabshalla, Durbeel Mugalmaidan and Jakyas Bhalessa areas of Inderwal constituency here at MLA Inderwal residence in Kishtwar, Mr. Saroori said their joining will reinvigorate the party further, enabling it to achieve the cherished agenda of the Congress by making Jammu and Kashmir economically stable and politically vibrant state.

Saroori referred to the dubious role of BJP and PDP in dividing the people with a sinister objective of weakening Congress from time to time and said in one manifestation or the other, the power hungry leaders have been intriguing against the Congress stalwarts.

He said divisive politics of the parties like PDP and BJP are detrimental to the growth and prosperity of Jammu and Kashmir which is facing peculiar problems on economic and political fronts that need unique treatment with a sense of urgency. He assured that Congress will maintain people’s sacred trust and continue to work for their betterment irrespective of caste, creed, colour or region as enshrined in the charter of Congress. He stressed the crucial need of maintaining discipline, forging unity and foiling the attempts of opponents who want to divide the people of Jammu and Kashmir on communal and regional lines.

Saroori while welcoming Roshan Lal and others into the party fold said expressed hope that newly joined workers would work with enthusiasm and energy to give fillip to the policy programme of the Congress. PCC Vice president further said he will leave no stone unturned for redressal of their genuine demands.

While speaking on the occasion the newly joined workers said their joining into the Congress is a home coming for them and said that like a true soldiers of the party they will put all their energies for the betterment of the party. They also pledged to carry forward the mission of Congress party forward as a foot soldier of the party, saying Congress is the only political party which has always espoused the cause of people irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

PUC members laud Jamali for his contributions in JKSCCC

Jammu Ropeway Project is nearing completion and shall be commissioned soon

JAMMU, MARCH 29:- Chairman of Public Undertaking Committee, (PUC) Sat Paul Sharma and other members of the Committee including, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, Mohammad Khalil Band, Raja Manzoor Ahmed, Abdul Majid Larmi and Vikram Randhawa, during their visit to the Golf Course today felicitated Badrul Jamali Bhat, General Manager (Mechanical) Jammu & Kashmir Cable Car Corporation Limited, who is attaining superannuation on March, 31st.

The members acknowledged the outstanding role of Jamali in the Jammu & Kashmir Cable Car Corporation (JKSCCC) and made a mention of his contribution in the execution and operation of ropeway projects in the State. He has been instrumental in making JKCCC a viable and sustainable commercial unit in the State and conducting surveys for ropeway projects at various destinations across the State. Due to his efforts, the Jammu Ropeway Project is nearing completion and shall be commissioned soon, the members observed.

The members wished him a healthy and prosperous post retirement life. It may be mentioned here that Jamali, worked in different capacities in the JKSCCC for nearly three decades and has been ranked as one of the best ropeway engineers in the country.

On the occasion, Managing Director, JKSCCC Shamim Ahmed Wani, Special Secretary Assembly, R L Sharma, Additional Secretary, Tourism, Gulzar Ahmed, Secretary, Jammu Tawi Golf Course, Manav Gupta and other functionaries of Cable Car Corporation and Tourism Department recalled their long association with Jamali and lauded his remarkable role in the department of tourism in various capacities.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

PUC inspects Jammu Cable Car Project, Sidhra Golf Course

Examines CAGs audit paras of JKTDC

JAMMU, MARCH 28: The Committee on Public Undertakings (PUC) of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly under the Chairmanship of MLA, Sat Paul Sharma conducted an extensive inspection of State Cable Car Project at Bahu Fort-Mahamaya-Peerkhu and Sidhra Golf Club Jammu.

Legislators, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, Mohammad Khalil Bandh, Raja Manzoor Ahmed, Abdul Majid Larmi, Rajesh Gupta and Vikram Randhawa besides Special Secretary, Assembly, R L Sharma, Additional Secretary, Tourism, Gulzar Ahmed, Managing Director, JK Cable Car Corporation Limited, (JKCCCL) Shamim Ahmed Wani, General Manager, JK CCCL, Badrul Jamali Bhat, Secretary, Jammu Tawi Gold Course, Manav Gupta also accompanied the Committee during their visit to the spots.

MD, JKCCCL assured the Committee that the project would be completed by July 2018. The Committee was also informed that the first trial on Bahu Fort to Mahamaya stretch will be conducted on 15th April next month.

The Chairman of the Committee on the occasion said that the project shall be a major tourist attraction and will help boost the tourism sector in Jammu. The Chairman and members of the Committee also appreciated the Managing Director, JKSCCC and his team for progress on the project.

Meanwhile, the Committee also visited the Jammu Tawi Golf Course (JTGC) and took stocks of its functioning. During the visit, the Committee asked the concerned authorities of Tourism, JKSCCC and JTGC to take necessary measures for better upkeep and utilization of its assets and to augment the tourism related infrastructure.

Earlier, the Committee also held a meeting here at meeting Hall Assembly Secretariat to examine the CAG’s Audit Paras pertaining to the Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Development Corporation Limited (JKTDC). The concerned officers of JKTDC, Tourism Department apprised the Committee about the action taken on the directions given by the Committee in its previous meetings and also assured the Committee that the Corporation will take all necessary steps to clear all issues in this regard.

The Committee directed the concerned that projects should be taken up after getting requisite NOCs from Forest department and also to work in synergy with forest department to complete all ongoing projects as early as possible. The Committee also dropped some audit paras after receiving satisfactory reply from the Corporation.

Deputy Accountant General, Audit, V K Bakshi also highlighted the observation pointed out by the CAG in its audit report and gave some suggestions for necessary action by the concerned. Among others, Director Finance, Lateef Ahmed, FA JKTDC, Yasir Sharif, General Manager, Operation, (J), Anju Gupta, other senior officers and officials of concerned department and Assembly Secretariat were also present in the meeting.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

G. M Saroori grieved over Khanpura Thathri accident

Sanction ex-gratia relief in favour of the next kin

KISHTWAR, MARCH 27: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today expressed shock and deep grief over the loss of precious lives in Khanpura area of Thathri, Doda district.

“Our hearts go out to the families of those who have lost their dear ones in the unfortunate accident”, Saroori said in a statement while expressing solidarity with the bereaved families, praying for strength to them to bear irreparable loss. He also prayed for peace to the departed souls.

While wishing speedy recovery to those injured in the accident, Mr Saroori sought their specialized treatment on government expenses. He has also urged the Government to sanction immediate ex-gratia relief in favour of the next kin of those who lost their lives and relief to the injured.

At least two person namely Nissar Ahmed son of Barket Ali and Fatima Begum wife of Saif Din Khan were killed and four others passengers namely Noor Din son of Jamal Din, Shameem Ahmed son of Noor Din, Khalid Hussain son of Abdul Latief, Misra begum wife of Abdul Latief all resident of Khanpura Thathri were injured today when a vehicle bearing no JK06-7732 they were traveling in skidded off the road and rolled into a deep gorge in Khanpura area Thathri.

Meanwhile Block Congress committee Thathri including Asgar Hussain Khanday, Presidenr BCC Thathri, Mohd Iqbal Teli, O. P Bhagat, Abdul Razzak Hajam, Noor Mohd, Waseem Zargar, Mushtaq Ahmed, Rashid Latief, Ramesh Kumar Bhagat, Abid Butt, Mansoor Ahmed Butt, Nazir Ahmed Hajam, Parvez Ahmed Kichloo, Altaf Ahmed Butt, Chaman Lal, Bilal Ahmed, Mohd Ashraf Sheikh, Rafiq Teli, Mohd Rafi Sheikh, Ghulam Hussain Butt, Mohd Maqbool Butt, Ghulam Haider Magray, Mohd Amin Zargar, Iftkhar Kichloo, Chain Singh have also expressed extreme grief and sorrow over loss of innocent lives on Thathri-Khanpura road.

Monday 26 March 2018

Ghulam Nabi Azad visit Anil Chopra’s and Arvinder Singh Micky’s residence; conveys condolence

JAMMU, MARCH 26: - Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha (MP) and Former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Monday visited the residence of Anil Chopra a veteran Congress leader from Jammu and Arvinder Singh Micky – former Dy Chairman Legislative Council to offer condolence to the bereaved families.

Senior Congress leader Sham Lal Sharma, Nawang Rigzin Jora, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, Raman Bhalla, Manohar Lal Sharma, Chowdhary Mohd Akram and others accompanied Mr. Azad.

Ghulam Nabi Azad offered deep condolences to the families over the demises of veteran Congress leader Anil Chopra who passed away recently due to brief illness and Sarbans Kour, mother of senior Congress leader Arvinder Singh Micky, who suffered cardiac arrest at her residence and passed away few days back.

He described Anil Chopra as a dedicated Congressman and pillar of the party who served the people of the area throughout his life. He also recalled the noble, pious and philanthropic nature of the Sarbans Kour.

“I stand in solidarity with the bereaved families in this hour of grief”, said Azad. He prayed for the eternal peace of the departed souls and grant of strength and fortitude to the bereaved families to bear this irreparable loss.

Sunday 25 March 2018

G. M Saroori condoles demise of Abdul Gani Malik, Munira Begum and Abdul Gani Sheikh

JAMMU, MARCH 25: - Vice President Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee and Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori has condoled the demises of Abdul Gani Malik son of Mohd Maqbool Malik resident of Soti Bhalessa, Munira Begum wife of Congress leader from Kishtwar, Abdul Rashid Sheikh resident of Sangrambhata Kishtwar and Abdul Gani Sheikh resident of Dumber Chatroo. 

In his condolence message to bereaved families, the MLA Inderwal expressed sympathies with the bereaved families recalling the philanthropic and compassionate traits of the deceased's.

Mr. Saroori has prayed Almighty Allah for granting solace to the departed souls and courage to the family of the deceased’s to bear with the loss.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Saroori snubbed govt over suspension, harassment of PDD Engineers

Will launch protest if the decision is not revoked

Government completely failed to carry out the work under RGGVY Phase II and DDUVY

Kishtwar March 24: - Congress Vice President and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today snubbed the PDP-BJP government over the harassment and suspension of two senior engineers of Power Development Department and called for immediate revocation of suspension of SE and Executive Engineer PDD Kishtwar without any further delay.

In a press statement issued here today, Saroori said that the recent harassment and suspension of senior engineers in Kishtwar viz Niyaz Ahmad and Rajan Gupta for alleged inability to complete electrification works by March 2018 that too without providing men, material and funds is a political failure of the current government and not that of the officials.

Saroori said that these engineers are being harassed on regular basis added that these officials are working in extreme hilly and mountaneous region where simple troll is difficult to carry and forget about carrying headloads for tens of kilometres. He said that the decision is a hasty one and needs immediate revocation as it was taken without any thought process.

Congress lawmaker said that the party has taken this issue seriously and will launch protests if the decision is not revoked within days. He said that the current government has fail to carry out the work under RGGVY, now DDUVY despite having the availability of funds worth Crores of rupees sanctioned by the previous government added that even after more than 3 years the government fails to allot the work to contractors.

Friday 23 March 2018

Congress leaders visited Bunjwah for condolence

Met with fire victim of Nakki Tipri areas of Patshalla

BUNJWAH, MARCH 23: - Congress Leader from Inderwal, Sharik Ahmed Saroori visited residence of those who recently passed away in Liyan, Kewa, Noor, Dahnote, Jawalapur areas of Bunjwah tehsil.

President Block Congress Committee Bunjwah, Mohd Iqbal Keen, Senior Congress leaders from Bunjwah Farooq Ahmed, Shamasdin, Abdul Hameed, Mudassir Ahmed, Tanveer Ahmed, Mohd Azeez and others were also present.

The Congress leaders visited said that no words were enough to console the bereaved families as the loss was enormous and irreparable. They stayed with the bereaved families and expressed their sympathies and solidarity with them, offered fatiyah, consoled the family members and prayed to the Almighty Allah for eternal peace to the departed souls beside a place for them in heaven. They also prayed to Almighty Allah to give strength to the family members of the deceased’s to bear irreparable loss.

While interacting at various places of Bunjwah, Sharik Saroori also said that in order to improve the power supply in Bunjwah and Kahara areas the two receiving stations have been sanctioned for Bunjwah and Kahara area due to efforts of MLA Indewal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori. He said for that Rs. 25 lakhs each have also been released as first installment and the work will soon be started on both the receiving stations which will cater the demands of both the areas.

Sharik Saroori further informed the Congress workers that the road from Dunadi to Bunjwah is in deplorable condition and recently MLA Inderwal reviewed the progress of the flagship Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) being implemented in Inderwal constituency here in Jammu. During the meeting MLA Inderwal has recommended two roads for up gradation in block Kishtwar of Inderwal constituency which includes Dunadi to Bunjwah up to Patnazi and Shandari to Lass up to Chalasu Saroor. The proposal has been forwarded to higher authorities for sanctioning and said soon both the vitals roads will be blacktopped.

Meanwhile a team of Congress leaders also visited Nakki Tipri areas of Patshalla panchayat of Bunjwah and where they met with the fire victim of village Nakki Tipri namely Chowdhary Mohd Yaqoob personally and assured all possible from MLA Inderwal for reconstruction of the house.

Ethics Committee meeting held

Committee will take up issues of protocol and privileges with the Chief Minister and Administrative Heads

JAMMU, MARCH 23: - The Committee on Ethics of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly today met under the chairmanship of MLA, Abdul Rahim Rather.

Legislators Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, Raja Manzoor Ahmed, Abdul Majid Larmi, Asgar Ali Karbalai and Ch Mohammad Akram attended the meeting and gave their views and suggestions regarding protocol and privileges of the Legislators.

The Committee also discussed the issues, highlighted by the Members of the Committee during a meeting with Speaker Legislative Assembly, including proper implementation of the recommendations, directions and suggestions contained in its reports.

The Chairman sought views and suggestions from the Members of the Committee to incorporate them in the interim report of the Committee. It was decided in the meeting that the Committee will take up its issues regarding protocol and privileges of the Legislators and working of the Committee with the Chief Minister and Administrative Heads.

Among others, Special Secretary, Legislative Assembly, R.L Sharma, Deputy Secretary, Legislative Assembly, Abdul Qayoom Mir besides officers and officials of Assembly Secretariat were also present in the meeting.

Ghulam Mohammad Saroori condoles Abdul Majeed Mattoo demise

KISHTWAR, MARCH 22: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori has expressed deep sorrow on the passing away of Senior Congress Leader from Drabshalla, Abdul Majeed Mattoo resident of Drabshalla Kishtwar.

In a message Shri Saroori said: “It is most unfortunate that Majeed sahib is no more with us. In his death, we lost devoted and eminent personalities who were always willing to help others.

Mr. Saroori conveyed his heartfelt condolences to the Mattoo family members, relatives and friends. He prayed for peace to the departed soul beside place for them in heaven.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

PUC calls for technical inquiry into allotment of construction work for Ganpat Bridge

Expedite working on all ongoing projects including bridges, buildings being executed by the Corporation in the state

JAMMU, MARCH 20: - Committee on Public Undertakings (PUC) of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly today directed the PWD to reconstitute a Technical Committee to conduct inquiry into the process of allotment of work for construction of RCC Bridge at Ganpat Doda.

The Committee, which met under the Chairmanship of MLA, Sat Paul Sharma examined the CAG’s Audit paras pertaining to the Jammu & Kashmir Projects Construction Corporation (JKPCC) besides reviewing the overall working of the Corporation.

Legislators, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, Mohammad Khalil Bandh, Abdul Majid Larmi, Raja Manzoor Ahmed, Rajeev Sharma, Rajesh Gupta and Vikram Randhawa attended the meeting.

The Committee directed the meeting to look into the loopholes, if any, in the process for allotment of work related to the construction of RCC Bridge at Ganpat Doda and submit its report to the Chief Secretary by June 15, 2018 for scrutiny.The Committee also held threadbare discussions on CAG’s Audit Para 4.3.2 for the year of 2010-11 regarding allotment of work without inviting tenders and payment of unsecured interest free mobilization advance to the Contractor which resulted in undue favour to contractor and interest loss of Rs 1.64 crore and CAG’s Audit Para 5.5 for the year 2015-16 regarding incurring of expenditure in excess of approved estimates.

The members of the Committee also stressed upon the concerned authorities to expedite working on all ongoing projects including bridges, buildings being executed by the Corporation in the state so that the general public does not suffer because of undue delays and that people are benefitted from the developmental projects launched for their welfare and convenience.

The Chairman of the Committee directed the higher authorities of PWD department to ensure to take local Legislators in loop on various developmental projects being undertaken in their constituencies. The committee asked the department to ensure invite to local legislators during foundation/inauguration events for assets being developed in their areas. The Chairman also directed the concerned authorities to submit detailed replies to the Committee on enquiries raised and submit the same in a timely manner.

Commissioner Secretary, PWD, Sanjeev Verma and Managing Director, JKPCC, Vikar Mustafa Shanthu briefed the Committee about the action taken by the department on the observations made by CAG in its Audit Paras pertaining to the Corporation besides the present status of all ongoing projects and schemes of the Corporation. Deputy Accountant General, Audit, V K Bakshi also briefed the Committee regarding the observations made by the CAG in its report and apprised them on measures being adopted to further improving the working of the Corporation.

Among others, Special Secretary, Assembly, R L Sharma, Additional Secretary, Assembly, Naseem Jan, senior officers of PWD, JKPCC and Assembly Secretariat were also present in the meeting.

Sunday 18 March 2018

People of J&K are fed up with the PDP & BJP and they want a change

MLA Inderwal sanctioned blacktopping work from Sangambati to Sigdi, Sigdi to Bhata and Mulchitter Paien to Mulchitter Bala roads

Pranzel to Pahalgam road, New WSS Bhata Sigdi are offing

SIGDI (MUGALMAIDAN), MARCH 19: - Congress leader from Indewal, Sharik Ahmed Saroori said that people of Jammu and Kashmir especially rural areas are fed up with the present setup and they want a change.

While interacting with the Congress workers at Supnaie, Pahalgam, Pranzal, Sigdi, Kohlipura Bhata, Sangambati, Mulchitter areas of tehsil Mugalmaidan, Sharik Saroori said that problems of the common masses are mounting with every passing day, especially during the last four years, due to mis-governance and rampant corruption. He said that people, who have been bearing brunt of the mal-administration and mis-governance of coalition PDP and BJP, want a change to get rid of this worst ever corrupt dispensation in the State.

Sharik Saroori said that people of the State are looking towards Congress to get them rid from the yoke of the present PDP and BJP regime which during the last four years has done nothing except promises with the people. "People all over the State face all sorts of problems but people living in far flung areas are the worst suffers of the wrong policies of this regime", he said.

Pointing towards day-to-day problems being faced by the people due to mis-governance and prevailing corruption, Sharik Saroori said that people are not getting enough ration to feed their families. He said that all sections of the society are bearing brunt of the wrong policies of this regime but youth are the worst sufferers. "The number of unemployed youth is going up and the State Government is sitting on more than one lakh posts which are lying vacant in different departments", he said and added that back door entries in different departments have already discredited the employment policy of present regime and shaken the faith of youth. “There are apprehensions that these one lakh posts too may be divided on basis of favoritism and cash through back door entries", he said.

Sharik Saroori further said that due to the efforts of MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori blacktopping work on Sigdi road will be done in two phases which stands sanctioned from Sangambati to Sigdi road, Sigdi to Bhata and Mulchitter Paien to Mulchitter Bala. He further assured the people of Pahalgam Sigdi that the construction of road work from Pranzel to Pahalgam via Supnai will be started during this year which will cater the demand of the local people. He also said that MLA Inderwal has recommended the up gradation of High School Sigdi to Higher Secondary Sigdi and hoped that soon it will get sanction. People on the occasion thank MLA Inderwal for up gradating the 25 kv transformer to 63kv transformer for Sigdi area. He also said that a new water supply scheme is offing for Sigdi area which will solve all the problems related to the drinking water facility in Sigdi belt.

G. M Saroori visited Anil Chopra’s house

Anil Chopra’s death had created a fathomless void in the political landscape of the Jammu

JAMMU, MARCH 17: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee, Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori visited the house Anil Chopra, veteran Congress leader and President District Congress Committee Jammu Urban who passed away recently due to brief illness.

Saroori said Anil Chopra’s death had created a fathomless void in the political landscape in Jammu which was not easy to fill. “Anil Chopra was a remarkable politician, extraordinary human being and strong pillar of the Congress in Jammu,” he said and added that the demise was a colossal loss for the Jammu and the party. “I stand in solidarity with the bereaved family in this hour of grief,” he said.

He said Anil Chopra was completely devoted to the service of society all through his political career spanning more than five decades. “During his long political journey, Anil Chopra remained committed to secular principles and inclusive political approach of the Congress,” said Saroori.

Saroori prayed for eternal peace to the departed soul and strength and fortitude to the bereaved family to bear the irreparable loss. He also console with the bereaved family.

Saturday 17 March 2018

PUC meeting held

Decides to examine Audit paras of JKPCC in next meeting

JAMMU, MARCH 17: - The meeting of the Committee on Public Undertakings (PUC) of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly was held here under the Chairman ship of MLA, Sat Paul Sharma.

Legislators, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori, Abdul Majeed Larmi, Mohammad Khalil Bandh and Vikram Randhawa attended the meeting and appreciated the role of the Chairman to conduct its meetings fruitful and result oriented.

Threadbare discussions were held on the working of the Committee besides chalking out agenda for its next meetings. The Chairman expressed his gratitude towards the members of the Committee for taking active part in the functioning of the committee by sharing their views and experiences which helped to prepare the report of the Committee and hoped that they will also give their support in the rest of the meetings of Committee.

Legislator G M Saroori highlighted various issues in the meeting including providing reply by the concerned department to the questions asked by various Legislators and stated that the Legislators should be responded by the senior officers of the department on any query and issues raised by the Legislators. He also asked the Chairman of the Committee that the provision should be made on one-hour discussion on the reports of the different Committees so that suggestions in the reports would be fulfilled in letter and spirit.

The Chairman also directed the Secretary, Assembly M R Singh to take actions on the issues highlighted by the members of the Committee so that the purpose of holding the meetings be fulfilled. He also expressed gratitude to the Depart ment of Information and Public Relations (DIPR) for giving due coverage to the Committee business.

The Committee also directed the Assembly Secretariat to call JKPCC (PWD) in the next meeting to be scheduled on 20th March, 2018 so that the pending Audit paras pertaining to the Corporation can be discussed accordingly. Among others, Special Secretary, Assembly Secretariat, R L Sharma besides senior officers and officials of Assembly Secretariat were also present in the meeting.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Sports develop discipline, sportsmanship and sense of quick decision: Sharik Saroori

Inaugurated “Mattoo Sports Organization” Cricket Tournament at Drabshalla

Badhshah (Saroor) cricket club lifts the winner trophy

DRABSHALLA, MARCH 08: - Congress leader from Inderwal, Sharik Ahmed Saroori inaugurated final match of a Cricket Tournament at Drabshalla here being organized by “Mattoo Sports Organization”.

As many as 32 cricket teams of Kishtwar and Doda districts participated in the tournament. The final match of the tournament has been played between Thathri cricket club and Badshah (Saroor) cricket club.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Sharik Saroori said that sports develop discipline, sportsmanship and sense of quick decision, besides ensure a strong mind and body of sports person which is pre-requisite for creating a healthy and harmonious society, adding that only a healthy generation can face the impending challenges of today’s globalized era.

He highlighted the importance for popularizing sports culture among youth of the areas, called upon the youth to participate in sports activities wholeheartedly and bring laurels to the State and for this area. He said there is no dearth of talent among the youth of the state, adding that there is need of the hour is to channelize it in the right direction.

Saroori appreciated the organizers Mr. Yasin Ahmed Mattoo, Ishan Mattoo for organizing such mega event, saying that this would provide a platform to the interested youth in the sports to show their talent. He urged upon the people particularly youth to remain stay away from social evils including drug abuses.

The final match of the Tournament was played between Thathri cricket club and Badshah (Saroor) cricket club where in Badshah cricket club lifted winner trophy by defeating Thathri cricket club by 12 runs. Earlier, Badshah cricket club won the toss and elected to bat and made 272 runs in 16 over’s. Chasing the target Thathri cricket club could manage260 runs. The chief guest Sharik Ahmed Saroori also distributed Rs 15,000 to the winning team and Rs 7,000 to the runner up team besides this he has also distributed Rs. 3 thousands each to winning and runner up teams.

On the occasion, students, prominent citizens and hundreds of sports lovers were present.

Saturday 3 March 2018

MLA Kargil bereaved

G. M Saroori expressed profound grief over the tragic death

JAMMU, FEBRUARY 26: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori expressed profound grief over the tragic death of Zaneb Karbalai daughter of Member Legislative Assembly from Kargil, Haji Asgar Ali Karbalai who suffered 70% of grievous injuries due to gas cylinder blast on 11th February here at her residence in Gandhi Nagar Jammu. She was shifted to a Mumbai Hospital for treatment where she succumbed.

“I stand in solidarity with the bereaved family in this hour of grief. The loss of Zainab Bi is highly painful and I have no words to express my grief”, said Saroori.

Saroori prayed for peace to the departed soul and strength to the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss.

Sharik Saroori conducted extensive tour of Sarthal

PDP-BJP miserably failed to live up to the expectations of the people

With the efforts of MLA Inderwal blacktopping on Karool-Badhat, Duri-Ghan, Agral to Dada roads have been sanctioned

SARTHAL, MARCH 03 - Congress leader, Sharik Ahmed Saroori today conducted extensive tour of Narwar, Bhagra areas of Sarthal and said that PDP-BJP Government has miserably failed to live up to the expectations of the people.

There is a strong resentment among the people against this Government as it has not fulfilled its promises made at the time of Assembly elections,” Sharik Saroori said and added that there is anger among people.

Sharik Saroori said that PDP-BJP has played with the sentiments of the people who voted them to power. People are not happy with their policies and the Government has proved to be a failure,” he said and alleged that the PDP and the BJP, the two coalition partners, were pulling in opposite directions as their functioning and lack of cooperation and coordination left the people “disappointed”.

He widely condemns the step motherly treatment of the present Coalition Government particularly to the people living in ST Basti’s. He said that there is total discrimination in allotment of funds under MGNREGA, housing and pension schemes under old age, widows as well as the people living below poverty line and other social sector schemes.

Sharik Saroori also interacted with several deputations who sought redress of their day to day grievances. He listened to their demands patiently and assured them of appropriate and time-bound action.

During the tour, Sharik Saroori also announced Rs. 2.5 lakhs for the development of Eidgah at Angara and said that due to efforts of MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori the blacktopping on Karool Badhat, Duri Ghan, Agral to Dada roads have been sanctioned to which the work will soon be started, which were the long pending demands of this area. The work shall be executed by the PMGSY department.

Later on Akhtar Hussain Malik son of BJP’s Leader from Kuchal Abdul Qayoom Malik joined Congress party in presence of Sharik Ahmed Saroori at his residence Kishtwar.