Saturday 31 March 2018

JK facing financial crisis: Saroori

Urged Government to provide basic amenities to the rural areas

Conducted extensive tour of Sigdi, Mulchitter and Mugalmaidan areas

SIGDI/MUGALMAIDAN, MARCH 31: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today undertook extensive tour of various localities of his constituency and listened to the issues of the people.

He visited areas of Bhata, Gowarian, Sigdi, Mulchitter, Mugalmaidan areas of Inderwal constituency and interacted with the local residents.

MLA Inderwal was briefed by the people of Sigdi and Mugalmaidan areas regarding replacement of rotten and barbed polls and wires, early completion of blacktopping on Sigdi road, early commission of new water supply scheme Sigdi, filling of staff in various schools of Sigdi, hassle free ration supply, early clearance of MGNREGA and IHHL payments.

While addressing the public at various places, Saroori expressed deep concern at the financial crisis sate is facing during the present regime. He said the PDP and BJP are pushing Jammu & Kashmir into a virtual financial emergency through its inefficient governance and politically motivated commitments.

Saroori said the development done on the ground by various executive agencies but have not been paid since 2015 by this government because of an acute fiscal crisis. He said: “It is a mismatch between revenues and expenditures; revenue inflows have been delayed even as committed expenditures have been made. This mismatch has been aggravated by unfunded liabilities of around Rs 3000 crores that have been created by this government.”

He said developmental works have come to a grinding halt as the government according to media report owes more than one thousand crores to the contractors and suppliers. Urging the government to immediately release salaries, pension, GP fund and other dues to the employees, pensioners and Contractors; Saroori said there are reports of even regular employees of not being able to get salaries on time. The casuals, daily wagers and seasonal laborers have not been given the salary since past 6 months which is unfortunate on part of government.

At Mugalmaidan, Saroori today distributed regularization orders among 4 Rehbre-e- Taleem (ReTs) teachers of Inderwal education zone at a function organized by Education Department today. Speaking on the occasion, Saroori asked the teaching fraternity to put in all efforts to upgrade the standard of education and make the students participate in challenges and competitions at various levels. He asked them to regularly hold interactions with parents as they will benefit the students in their academic and extra- curricular activities.

Saroori urged the Government to provide basic amenities like adequate drinking water, health, power and education facilities besides civic facility to the people giving special focus to rural areas. On the demand of general public Saroori announced Rs. 25 lakhs out of CDF for the different works to be carried in Mugalmaidan block and assured that he will leave no stone unturned in redressing the genuine demands. He assured his full support to the locals and asked that all their genuine demands will be fulfilled on priority. In some cases, Saroori gave on-the-spot instructions to the concerned for immediate redressal.

Later dozens of PDP and BJP workers from Sigdi and Mugalmaidan joined Congress. Welcoming the new entrants into the party fold, Saroori said it is heartening that the people in sufficient numbers are becoming part of the Congress and reposing their faith in the party’s agenda which aims at bringing peace, development and prosperity in the entire State.

Officials of various departments, Block Congress Committee Mugalmaidan, local Congressmen’s, besides people in large were present on the occasion.

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