Thursday 29 March 2018

Predicting total annihilation of BJP and PDP from erstwhile Doda district in 2020 elections: Saroori

Newly joining will reinvigorate the party further in Inderwal

Kick started one month long tour of Inderwal constituency

KISHTWAR, MARCH 29: - Predicting total annihilation of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) and People’s Democratic Party from erstwhile Doda district in 2020 elections because of its duplicity and anti-people policies, Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said the process of its degeneration has already begun.

Welcoming the new entrants including BJP’s senior leader from Balgran area of Tehsil Drabshalla, shri Roshan Lal and others from Dharbadan Thakrie, Balgran Drabshalla, Durbeel Mugalmaidan and Jakyas Bhalessa areas of Inderwal constituency here at MLA Inderwal residence in Kishtwar, Mr. Saroori said their joining will reinvigorate the party further, enabling it to achieve the cherished agenda of the Congress by making Jammu and Kashmir economically stable and politically vibrant state.

Saroori referred to the dubious role of BJP and PDP in dividing the people with a sinister objective of weakening Congress from time to time and said in one manifestation or the other, the power hungry leaders have been intriguing against the Congress stalwarts.

He said divisive politics of the parties like PDP and BJP are detrimental to the growth and prosperity of Jammu and Kashmir which is facing peculiar problems on economic and political fronts that need unique treatment with a sense of urgency. He assured that Congress will maintain people’s sacred trust and continue to work for their betterment irrespective of caste, creed, colour or region as enshrined in the charter of Congress. He stressed the crucial need of maintaining discipline, forging unity and foiling the attempts of opponents who want to divide the people of Jammu and Kashmir on communal and regional lines.

Saroori while welcoming Roshan Lal and others into the party fold said expressed hope that newly joined workers would work with enthusiasm and energy to give fillip to the policy programme of the Congress. PCC Vice president further said he will leave no stone unturned for redressal of their genuine demands.

While speaking on the occasion the newly joined workers said their joining into the Congress is a home coming for them and said that like a true soldiers of the party they will put all their energies for the betterment of the party. They also pledged to carry forward the mission of Congress party forward as a foot soldier of the party, saying Congress is the only political party which has always espoused the cause of people irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

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