Thursday 2 May 2013

Saroori stressed on strengthening and widen the unity within the trade union

Labour Day celebrated with enthusiasm at Kishtwar.

Kishtwar, May 2: - Former Minister and MLA Inderwal Mr. Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said that the May Day is the only commemoration that is celebrated across the world cutting across national frontiers, ethnic, racial, creed, caste, colour divisions and religious prejudices to uphold the unity of the class struggle.

The Function was organised by Chenab Valley Workers Union (CVWU) and Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) at Dak Bunglow as well as at NHPC Kishtwar on Wednesday where thousands of laborers working in various public and private sectors participated in these functions.

While addressing workers Mr. Saroori assured the workers working in BEACON, HR Workers in PHE department, CPW, RET’S, EV’S workers working in education department, NYC workers, VDC’S members, SPO’S, Asha Workers that their genuine demands will be solved and he (Saroori) will leave no stone unturned in solving the demands of Labourer’s.

Mr. Saroori agreed that there is disparity in wages of workers working in different departments, he urged the government to intervene in this matter and wages should be enhanced with in no time beside wages of all the daily rated workers should be given on monthly basis.

He also stressed on the need to further strengthen and widen the unity within the trade union movement beside urged the state government that all Hydro Electric Projects to be constructed at an earliest so that local youth will avail benefit from these projects.

Mr. Saroori also paid rich tributes to the Martyrs of Labour class, who gave their precious lives for the welfare of the labour class and is the basic component of the societies who put in their blood and sweat in raising the infrastructure of various vital institutions.

Meanwhile Abdul Wahid Lone Senior Vice President district Kishtwar thanked Mr. Saroori for his efforts in cancellation of transfers of 180 workers from Jammu and Kashmir state particularly from Erstwhile Doda District to Arunachal Pradesh.

The prominent among others who spoke in the may day function including Chairman INTUC Latief Ahmad Lone, Shafqat Hussain, Thakur Jughal Bhandari, Saidullah Ganie, Som Dutt, Om Parkash, Mushtaq Ahmed Hap, Ghulam Qadir Naik, Mohinder Singh Parihar, Noor Hussain, Satish Kumar, Seri Lal, Abdul Gani Malik, Bidya Lal, Abdul Rehman, Jaffar Hussain, Ch Ismaeil, Ravi Shan, Seri Chand and people in large number was present on the occasion.

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