Sunday 13 November 2016

111th annual day function of Islamia Faredia education and research institution celebrated

People should unite to counter RSS, BJP divisive agenda, ask them remain away from interfering into religious matters: Saroori

“Purpose of the establishment IFERI way back in 1905 was to preach Islam, spread moral values among the students”

Kishtwar Nov 10: Senior Congress leader and MLA Inderwal Ghulam Mohammed Saroori today slammed Prime Minister Narindra Modi and RSS over playing divisive politics which is aim to create deep wedge between different sections of society and asked the Prime Minister to remain away from religious matter like implementation of uniform civil code.

While addressing the mammoth public gathering on the eve of 111th annual day function of Islamia Faredia education and research institution and its other establishments, Saroori who was the chief guest said that PM and RSS are playing with fire by indulging into the religious matters added that the laws of Allah bestowed upon the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) are final and nobody has guts to change them. As is being tried by the PM Modi led RSS backed NDA Government. He said that Islam is the religion of peace, communal harmony and brotherhood. Showing his anguish over growing anti Muslim campaign in India, Sarroori asked PM Modi not to play with the sentiments of Muslims. "Stay away from personal issues of Muslim and focus on development which is lagging behind" said Saroori.

"Islam shows and guide a person how to live a life--- it teaches a way of life" said Saroori added that some people are hell bent to defame the name of Islam for self gain. He said that success of Anti Islamic preacher Donald Trump in US election and growing of communal forces in India during Modi rule in India is hinting that anti Islamic forces are joining hand to divide the people on the name of religion and aimed at spreading hate within the society. He urged the people to remain in unity so that such elements could get defeat.

He gave advised to the students not to fall in use of drugs menace and said that the main responsibility lies on the parents of young children and urged upon the parents to keep strict vigil on their children's so that they could be prevented from falling prey to growing drug menace.

Saroori said that the Institution has touched new heights in every field that could be judged from that fact that this institution has produced doctors, educationists, engineers, Judges, leaders and religious scholars. He said that since the establishment of this institute several people contribute in building this institute and prayed for eternal peace to all those who had left this world added that School management should offer special prayers for all such noble souls every morning. He also expressed confidence that the Faridia Educational Institution would further flourish and expand its educational activities to enable more students to get benefit from the Institution.

He laid stress on the need for maintaining discipline within the prestigious institution of Chenab valley. "The very purpose of the establishment of this institution way back in 1905 was to preach Islam, spread moral values among the students--''in addition to modern education, management should focus producing Hafiz-e-quran after passing out from the institution" said Saroori.

Demanded granting of University status to the Islamia college of Education on the pattern of SMVDU and BGSBU" Saroori said added that management should work towards fulfilling this dream. "Government is making only announcements but nothing is visible on ground---- There is no electricity, no water, no ration available in Kishtwar" said Saroori added that only inauguration isn't going to serve any purpose. He also demanded construction of multipurpose Naighad Tunnel at the earliest.

Saroori pledge full support for all round development of the institution and announced Rs. 10 lakhs for the school out of his CDF and also assured the management that Saroori will provide money for purchasing gold medals next year.

DC Kishtwar Ghulam Nabi Balwan and Imam Jamia Masjid Kishtwar Farooq Ahmed Kichloo who in their speech advised the parents to ensure proper education to their children and take best advantage of educational temperament being created in the State. They highlighted the amity and brotherhood prevailing in Kishtwar since ages and called for further strengthening the bonds of love between various sections of the society.

Administrator Auqaf Kishtwar Dr. Tariq Tamkeen highlighted the role of Faridia Education Institution in the field of education and nurturing youth to become educated and qualified persons to shoulder future responsibilities with ability. He expressed gratitude to the dignitaries for being present on the foundation day of the school and giving encouragement to the staff and the students.

Administrator Auqaf Udhampur Shakeel Ahmed Shah was also present on the occasion.

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