Saturday 19 November 2016

G. M Saroori slams BJP for questioning Azad’s nationality

Citizens have become insecure because of the BJP's insane policies

Jammu, November 19: - Vice President Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee, G. M Saroori today slammed the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) leadership for questioning the nationality of Leader of Opposition and Former CM J&K Ghulam Nabi Azad.

Saroori said “Ghulam Nabi Azad is not just the leader of the opposition (in the Rajya Sabha) but has been the dynamic Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir. There have been many bids on his life by terrorists, a man who always stood for the nation, do we have such a situation now that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will decide who is a nationalist and who is not,” Saroori said.

He said the BJP is giving a “communal twist” to the demonetisation issue by calling Azad as anti national. Fifty-five people have died so far because of the ban on currency notes. It is shocking that the government is threatening the Opposition for asking questions. "This has been the trick of the government - brand everyone asking uncomfortable questions anti-national. Political rivals, journalists, authors, intellectuals, artistes, students... whoever asked a question was called anti-national. Their patriotism was questioned."

Our citizens have become insecure because of the government's insane policies."Claiming that demonetisation had created anarchic conditions, Saroori said and added that Government announces decisions and thinks later. And never admits their mistakes. "Now as 55 people have died, farmers are in distress, industries are in peril, poor is suffering... the Prime Minister should apologise. Families of those who died should be paid compensation and the guilty should be punished after a proper investigation."

Saroori said those questioning Azad now clearly do not value the lives of the 55 poor Indians who have died after Modi’s announcement. The Centre with its absolute myopic vision on demonetisation has made life pathetic for people without internet banking facilities, while ensuring that the interests of their industrialist friends are taken care of well in advance.

Congress state vice chief said such attacks on secular leaders like Azad is a "threat to the secular fabric" of the country and accused the BJP-led central government of dancing to the right-wing organisation's tune. "The policies of the RSS are a threat to the secular fabric of the nation and the principle of unity and diversity, which is the basis of the strength of our pluralistic society. The central government is dancing to the tune of RSS," Saroori said.

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