Tuesday 31 January 2017

Saroori demanded revocation of PSA against Abdul Qayoom Mattoo & Saif-ud-din Bagwan of Kishtwar

Vailoo tunnel a pivotal project, will act as shortest alternate route between twin capitals: Saroori

Chenab valley deserve Rail, Air transport links at par with Jammu, Srinagar

JAMMU// Laying stress for providing all weather connectivity to Chenab valley via railway, Air and transport links at par with capital cities of Jammu and Srinagar, Senior Congress Lawmaker from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori while speaking during the grants of Home, Tourism, GAD, Protocol, Hospitality departments, stressed the need for reviving the connectivity along the length and breadth of state especially Chenab Valley during the ongoing budget session underway at Jammu.

Saroori has asked the state government to take immediate steps on war footing with an aim to secure and safeguard the lifeline of state which is connectivity of different areas of the state with twin capitals viz Jammu and Srinagar. He while highlighting the economic and social importance Singhpora-Vailoo tunnel, has sorted early construction of the tunnel which was announced by the President of India in his priority sector of government’s developmental agenda so that it could connect twin capitals with a shortest possible alternate route. "This pivotal project could also prove a boon in elevating the economic status of Chenab valley" said Saroori.

“Government should take comprehensive steps to connect the Chenab valley with railway link between already existing Gool Railway junction to Kishtwar which will be the shortest possible rail link and will cost less as compared to railway line from Kathua-Basohli-Baderwah-Kishtwar”, Saroori informed and asked government to pursue the matter with union railway ministry for Gool-Kishtwar railway line. He has also asked government to come clean regarding the much hype construction of Airstrip at Kishtwar which is pending since long. He said that Chenab Valley which comprises of three districts viz; Kishtwar, Doda and Ramban with souls population of over 11 lacks should be connected with Rail, Air transport at par with Jammu, Srinagar that way various problems will be solved automatically.

Saroori also said that the situation in Kishtwar during 2016 Kashmir unrest was normal but still government have slapped Public Safety Act (PSA) on those people who have said “Naaray Dakbeer Allah Hoo Akbar”. He asked the government to immediate withdraw PSA on local people from Kishtwar including Molvi Abdul Qayoom Mattoo and Saif-Ud-din Bagwan.

He has also raised many public related issues including Special Police recruitment should be done in far flung areas of Chenab valley including Chatroo, Chingam, Passerkote, Singpora, Mugalmaidan, Sigdi, Thakraie, Keshwan, Sarthal, Tatani Saroor, Drabshalla, Phagsoo, Thathri, Kahara, Jakyas, and other areas, enhancement of SPO’s wages from Rs. 6000 to Rs. 10000 per month, sanctioning of Tourism development authority, Government should fulfill its promises by approving model hospitals in each constituency and must consider the Chenab valley development projects on priority, He also said the tourism related projects initiated in the Chenab valley must be taken up and completed within stipulated time.

Saroori further demanded Improvement and renovation of accommodations at JK House and Raja Ji Marg located at New Delhi, Starting of work on Rattle Power Project and implementation of RR Plan around the project, Opening of workshop at Kishtwar for undertaking immediate repairs of the damaged transformers, Sanctioning of IAY cases for Inderwal as not a single IAY case has been sanctioned in Karool Sarthal Panchayats, Sanctioning of new destination place for Phamber Chatroo and road as announced by CM J&K last year.

Showing his anguish over the sorry condition of Information and Culture Departments which needs to be revived by taking some urgent steps in this regard in order to revive its lost glory. He also demanded construction of press club at Kishtwar and Kashmir which is of utmost importance.

Friday 27 January 2017

Saroori seeks immediate rehabilitation of landslide threat victim at Pattan Nali Bunjwah

Power department failed to allot work 100 crores RGGVY Phase II project even after three years

Demanding de-notifying of Municipal Committee Thathri to Panchayat Thathri by BJP is very unfortunate and shameful

JAMMU, JANUARY 27: As soon as the Assembly proceeding start today Congress Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori raised the issue of threat of huge landslide at Pattan Nali area of tehsil Bunjwah in district Kishtwar.

Saroori said if immediate steps are not being taken by the Government it will damage dozen of residential houses due to threat to landslides. He asked the government to immediately shift people to safer areas where there are apprehensions of landslides so that these families will not face any hardships. Speaker J&K Kavinder Gupta directed the government to look in the matter and rehabilitate them at an earliest.

While speaking during Power department grants, Saroori lamented the government for failing to provide electricity to the consumers of the state especially to the erstwhile Doda district during the winter season.

Sorting explanation from the Deputy CM who also happens to be the Power Minister, Saroori asked as to why government has miserably failed in allotting work under RGGVY phase II project in Chenab Valley and the Rs. 100 crores project sanctioned for the electrification work by the efforts of Ghulam Nabi Azad are hanging in balance due to lackadaisical attitude of J&K government towards residents of Chenab Valley.

"As to why government has failed in starting work on prestigious Rattle Hydroelectric Project (HEP), work which was abandoned by the BJP goons three years back", Saroori asked DY CM and stated that if GVK is not willing to restart the work on the prestigious project then the company should be blacklisted and afresh tenders should be floated so that locals could be adjusted and more possibilities of generating electricity could be explored so that our economy will be improved.

Saroori was astonished to know about non-approval of Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Plan of various power projects coming up in Chenab Valley basin which include Dunadi, Rattle, Karthai, Pakal Dool and other projects and demanded early approval of R&R plan so that the families which are going to be displaced could be rehabilitated properly besides this local development could take place.

He asked the Minister for early tendering and allotting the mini power projects 1 to 10 MW of district Kishtwar and Doda to contractors so that possibilities of taping the potential energy be generate and people living in far flung villages of Kishtwar and Doda districts could be able to see the power which is still a distant dream for them. He demanded early sanctioning of receiving stations at Chatroo, Bunjwah and Kahara areas of Inderwal constituency.

During Housing and Urban development department grants, Saroori lamented on BJP Minister and legislators from Doda for demanding the de-notifying of Municipal Committee Thathri to Panchayat Thathri.

“We are just pinning hope on government that it will make such a decision which should be in favour of our people and for the betterment, progress for our area but unfortunately your decisions are making us feel that you are ultimately derailing us towards the backward era. Even the people are not happy and they came on the road for protest”, Saroori said and asked the government to clear the stand on this matter.

Saroori have also raised many issues including early construction of colonies for residential purpose in favour of media persons and allotment of plots in favour of MLAS at Jammu and Srinagar, early conduct of local bodies in the state, construction of bus stand at Thathri as decided during DDB meeting which was chaired by Late Mufti Sayeed, early completion of slab work over the Nallah at Thatri which is becoming breeding ground for diseases, construction of shopping complex at Thathri from revenue component, Engagement of sweepers in MAC Thatri, release of wages in favor already engaged casual labors and FSL lights in MAC thatri.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

State Government lacks will to revive ailing transport department: Saroori

Failed in giving due impetus to the agriculture sector in Chenab Valley

JAMMU, JANUARY 25: -Senior Congress Lawmaker from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said that the State Government lacks will to revive the ailing J&K State Road Transport Corporation (JKSRTC), the Transport Corporation losses have gone above a whopping Rs 70 crores in last three years.

Saroori while speaking on Transport department said that there is urgent need to take some revolutionary steps to pull out SRTC from ‘red’. No doubt, it has become a while elephant for the Government but it can be made self sufficient, if as per the recommendations of SL Bhat Committee report , some measures are taken. He said that Bhat committee has suggested that SRTC should have a healthy fleet of about 1000 vehicles, idle workers of the SRTC should be accommodated in other departments and all the revenue leakage points be plugged besides going for computerisation and electronic ticketing system.

He stressed for strict enforcement of traffic and road safety rules, saying this was imperative for minimizing road accidents and saving precious lives. Saying that day out and day in road accidents consume precious lives, Saroori stressed that the transport department and traffic police authorities should work in close coordination and implement the traffic rules regulations strictly.

Saroori also questioned Minister of State for Transport, Sunil Sharma, for his last year budget speech and said nothing has been implemented on ground what the concerned Minister said including introducing a new fleet of AC buses under Private-Public Partnership mode, Transport Minister assured that the Corporation which has run into losses for decades will see no losses during the financial year 2016-17 but again the corporation faces a loss of Rs 25 crores, where are new buses and trucks which were supposed to procured by JKSRTC, where are the assurance of Minister gone in plying of SRTC buses to far flung areas including Baramulla to Srinagar, Anantnag to Srinagar, Kupwara to Srinagar, Jammu to Srinagar, Poonch to Srinagar, Doda to Jammu, Poonch to Doda, inner link roads of Kishtwar besides other vital roads between various districts of the state, what about the start of water transport service in Kashmir Valley,

While speaking during Agriculture and Horticulture departments grants, Saroori has castigated the government for failing to give due 'impetus' to the agriculture and it's allied sectors in Chenab Valley wherein he termed agriculture sector to be the backbone of state's economy.

He said department which is suffering alot because of 'ill planning', 'lack of coordination' and 'non-seriousness' of the government. He said that over 75 percent of people are dependent on agriculture in order feed themselves and their family. He exhorted the need for chalking out a comprehensive plan in order to increase the productivity by three fold whether its horticulture, agriculture, apiculture, and sericulture every sector is in shambles, which speaks loud about the government's seriousness towards the vital sector.

Saroori sought focused attention of Government towards the Chenab valley which has been neglected. He demanded organizing of awareness camp about various Government schemes at block level so that the famers could avail the benefit of such schemes. He said that 90 percent area in his constituency is rain fed and it needs to be covered under lift irrigation schemes for which more funds are needed to be allocated.

He (Saroori) further added that Finance minister in his last year speech mentioned about waiving off of 50% KCC loans which finds mention at Serial No.48, added that an amount of Rs. 150 Crore promised by Finance Minister is yet to be credited into the accounts of KCC loan holders. He demanded waiver of KCC loans at an earliest, adding mushroom cultivation should be promoted in Kishtwar district.

While recalling the decisions taken during the district development board (DDB) meetings in agriculture department by the Late Mufti Muhammed Sayeed regarding establishment of Rajma Villages, Saffron Villages, Walnut Villages gathered dust only in papers which is highly unfortunate. He pressed the need for establishment of Rajma villages one at each block, Seed centres at Block level, plantation of High density fruit plants on the pattern of Srinagar in Chenab valley, Mushroom training centers at Chatroo, Sarthal, Bunjwah, Thathri, Bhalessa and others.

Saroori also demanded opening of cooperative society at Chatroo. Floriculture parks one each at Kishtwar and Chatroo, opening of Cooperative Bank at Chatroo, Keshwan and Bunjwah. He suggested that government should establish nursery each at block level over an area of 20-30 Kanals so that local need could be met easily. Later Saroori has withdrawn the cut motions after Minister assured that he will look into his demands on top priority.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Good roads vital for sound economic growth: Saroori

Demanded for early sanctioning of new water and road schemes for Inderwal constituency

JAMMU, JANUARY 24: - Senior Congress Lawmaker from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said that an effective communication network is essential not only for meeting the requirements of travel and transport but also for rapid socio-economic development of the state and the country, adding that good connectivity and economic growth are linked with each other. He said road connectivity is even more important because it is directly linked to the promotion of tourism”, Saroori said while participating on the grants of Roads and Building department.

Saroori while strongly advocating for construction of proposed 10-Km long (5km of two tubes each) Singpora-Vailoo tunnel connecting Kishtwar with Kashmir valley, said it will help to provide a nearest all weather alternate highway between Jammu to Srinagar and will help in its holistic development. He said on completion, the tunnel will go a long way in developing a mega Tourism Circuit comprising of Lakhanpur-Bani-Basoli-Chatergala-Bhaderwah-Kishtwar-Chatroo and Kashmir Valley, thereby bringing socio-economic prosperity in the entire region.

He has also raised public related demands including detail projects should be furnished to connect the villages which are having population of 250 souls under core net work programme of PMGSY, Release of compensation under PMGSY, CRF and NABARD for smooth construction of roads without the hindrance of land and structure holders, Sanction of 4 no. roads under CRF for Inderwal Constituency, Opening of all snow bound roads in Doda and Kishtwar, release of wages in favour of gain Collies who are engaged for maintenance of roads, enhancement of funds on district level in road sector, allotments of recently opened tenders of PMGSY roads, revision of rates for stage II PMGSY road projects, regularization of all casual labourers, Temporary Gang Coolies, release of state matching share for roads under execution through NABARD for their speedy completion, immediate release of funds against work done liabilities in Chatroo, Kishtwar and Gandoh R&B divisions, release of funds for completion of Dak Bunglows at Chingam, Jakyas, Malanoo, Sinthan, Kuriya, Thakrie, Sarthal, Mangthalla and Sigdi.

Saroori further demanded for early opening of Nashri tunnel to streamline the traffic on national highway for the convenience of the people and to minimize traffic jams on the highway besides this Saroori said that R&B department needed at least 20,000 more gain collies for maintenance of roads in the state and government should made provision for early appointment of Gain Collies in the state.

Participating in the debate on demand for grants for the PHE, irrigation and Flood control departments in Legislative Assembly, Saroori urged for mobilizing water resources to provide quality drinking water to the people.

Saroori appreciated the government step in regularizing all those casual labours who have donated land for construction of water reservoirs in different parts of the state. He stressed for early sanctioning of water supply schemes including Kansoo, Dugroon, Jakyas-Bhatyas, Mori Balgran, Dori-Bhagran, Deller-Chatroo, lift water supply scheme Dadpeth-Kuriya, Keshwan-Jungna Balna, and Srawan-Thakrie of Inderwal constituency so that people living in far flung areas are provided with adequate drinking water supply facilities besides this installation of 30 no. of hand pumps in Inderwal constituency and reparation of installed hand pumps. He has also stressed for construction of new reservoirs at Tanta, Batogra, Kanoo, Drought, Batoli, Nagni, Bunjwa, Saroor, Chatroo, Sigdi, Kuchal, Durbeel and Keshwan areas.

“Shrugging off from responsibilities by either side was against the public interests,” Saroori said while asking the Government to regularize all those daily wagers, HR workers, casual labourers, who have completed seven years of service as per the norms in vogue. He said that the PHE department is utilizing their (daily wagers) services but not ready to regularize or pay them monthly wages and this is grave injustice with them”. He demanded wages on pattern to daily wagers given in Srinagar region that Rs.4500 per month where as in Jammu region daily wager are being paid twice that is on Eid and Diwali festivals besides this filling of vacant posts in PHE department including Junior Engineers and others.

Monday 23 January 2017

G. M Saroori condoles demise of Ghulam Rasool Naik and Ghulam Haider Dev

Jammu, January 23: - Senior Congress Leader and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori has deeply condoled the sad demise of Ghulam Rasool Naik father of Asif Iqbal Naik journalist from Kishtwar and Ghulam Haider Dev who died in Kishtwar due to illness.

Saroori has described the demise of Ghulam Rasool Naik and Ghulam Haider Dev a great loss to the Kishtwar as they were honest and noble human beings. He has extended sympathies and solidarity with the bereaved families on this irreparable loss and prayed for peace to the departed souls.

May Allah shower his choicest blessings on their souls in heaven”, said Saroori

Saturday 21 January 2017

State govt not well equipped to deal with disasters: Saroori

Implement Ganie Commission report

JAMMU, JANUARY 21: - Senior Congress Leader and MLA from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said that the state government is not fully prepared to tackle any disaster including earthquake and floods and demanded establishment of full flagged Disaster Management cell at Doda and Kishtwar District.

Showing his concern towards recent media reports on high magnitude earthquake predicted by an American scientist, Saroori laid stress that disaster management system should be strengthening. He said that lot of compensation cases are pending in the state added that there is need to hold district level meetings to be chaired by the Minister himself to clear compensation and other revenue related cases. He said that there is need to look into SRO 235 dated 11-8-2009 should be continue and laid stress that Section 6 and 7 should be continue as earlier like DC was disposing off final award at District level and not by Commissioner Secretary for which Powers was decentralized. He said that title verification should be given on time and should be without corruption. He said there is no RR plan policy and rued delay in sanctioning of RR Plan for Dunadi, Kalnai-2 power project which is yet to be sanctioned. He said that if authorities fail to come up with proper RR plan in 2 months, he will close the project.

Saroori said that Ganai commission report in which new administrative units were sanctioned including Thakrie as Tehsil, Sarthal as tehsil & block, Kontwara as block, Chilli as tehsil, Kilhotran as tehsil, Bella as tehsil and others were sanctioned, but the government has yet not given them administrative order.

"Why there is delay when cabinet has approved the increasing salary of Chowkidar and Lambardar" said Saroori and added that there should be one numberdar and Chowkidar in every panchayat so that system will become good. He said 9 Naib Tehsildar posts are vacant in his consideration including Sigdi, Kuchal, Lass Saroor, Tatani, Jakyas Chingam, Patnazi, Karool and others in Inderwal constituency. He said that Selections of Naib Tehsildar should be on urdu knowing base. He said that there is need to fill up vacant posts of Patwari and girdawar, demanded construction of Naiyabat building and tehsil buildings should be made at an earliest, people in Kashmir, Chenab Valley, Pir Pangal and Jammu should be given relief to house live stocks.

Demanded directions to DC to send relief file to GAD for Rs 1 lakh and 50 thousands to transport department of all accidents that took place during past two years in Chenab Valley, appointment of SRO 43 cases or compensation, vacation of 5990 Kanal Auqaf lands from army, no rights to anyone on custodian property, issuance of green card to land owners and lastly demanded that the revenue records should be online.

Saroori accuses Transport Minister of misusing official position

Trained guns at MOS for Transport in assembly; Participated in Animal and Sheep Husbandry and Health departments grants

JAMMU, JANUARY 20: Former Minister for Roads and Building and Congress MLA from Inderwal accuses Minister of State for Transport Minister, RDD, and Agriculture Sunil Kumar Sharma of misusing his official position by transferring the employees of a particular community added that the Minister is unnecessary interfering into the matters related to his constituency.

While speaking in Jammu and Kashmir Assembly, Saroori allege that Sunil Sharma in violations of rules and regulations transferred his relative or who happened to be his close associates from Field Staff Agriculture Department to IWMP for promoting corruption and collecting 30% share from the department through these blue eyed Agriculture Officers and demanded probe into how Minister manage to transfer the two employees from Agriculture to IWMP which is a technical job. He said minister without any jurisdiction is harassing his relative who happened to be like her daughter in law added that his relative who was a veterinary doctor was appointed in the department as District Technical Officer after following the proper procedure and termed the allegations of Sunil Sharma as baseless. He said that Sunil Sharma was busy harassing the employees instead of working towards the development of Kishtwar District. Both Saroori and Sharma have face off 2nd time today after both leveled allegations and counter allegations against each other.

“You are an SPO before becoming the Minister and you are still far away from learning—how the house runs--- I don’t required a sermon from SPO like you” Saroori told Sharma.

After seeing situation taking ugly spat, Deputy CM Nirmal Singh stood up and intervenes and urged the speaker to expunge the derogatory remarks made by both the members against each other. Saroori asked the Minister and the government to order probe if they feel any foul play behind the appointment of his relative added that the probe should also be conducted as how minister mange to transfer non technical Agriculture employees to IWMP.

Earlier in the day, Saroori also rued the Minister for back tracking from his promises made by him with regard to providing of SRTC buses on some routes of Inderwal constituency. Saroori said that being as local, Transport Minister should be more generous towards his own area as far as providing of SRTC buses is concern.

Sharma in reply to MLA Saroori question stated that government is contemplating to strengthen the fleet of Jammu and Kashmir State Road Transport Corporation (SRTC) to extend its operation in uncovered areas.

He said all the major routes in Kishtwar and Inderwal constituencies would be brought under SRTC map after strengthening its fleet. He said that JKSRTC is presently operating its bus service on Kishtwar-Passerkot Singpura route, the claim denied by Saroori who says that the bus service remains operational for only few days added that the majority of the 37 buses sanctioned in previous government are off the roads. The Minister stated that due to shortage of fleet at Kishtwar, other routes cannot be catered. “As soon as augmentation of fleet is made these routes will be brought under SRTC operation," Sharma assured.

The MLA Inderwal in his question had demanded SRTC services for the routes from Kishtwar to Keshwan, Kishtwar to Patnazi via Bunjwah, Kishtwar to Sarthal, Kishtwar to Passerkoot Singpora, Kishtwar to Kuchall, Kishtwar to Bhata Sigdi, Kishtwar to Tatani Saroor and Kishtwar to Shanna Thakrie. MLA also asks the Minister to fulfill his promise with regard to establishment of SRTC yard and workshop at Shalimar Kishtwar.

During Health department grants Saroori called for strengthening of health sector in far flung areas by filling up the vacant posts of doctors and paramedical staff in addition to completing the under-construction projects within the stipulated time. He said there is hardly any specialization Doctors posted in far flung areas like Chatroo, Jakyas, Marwah, Warwah, Thathri, Bhalessa, Bunjwah. He asked government to fast track the recruitment process without any delay. He informed the house that this year 472 persons were injured and died on Batote-Kishtwar-Sinthan stretch of National highway which is highly accidental prone area and Government failed to take any concrete steps in posting of the doctors in these areas. He urged government to upgrade Trauma centre Thathri as accidental hospital as there is dire need of staff to improve healthcare facilities so that people in the areas won't face any hardship in getting health facilities at their door steps.

While participating in Animal and Husbandry sheep department grants; Saroori said this sector is very important and it needs focus of the Government. “This is a big sector and it has been ignored when it can tackle the unemployment problem”, he added. Saroori said that Government should use new technologies to improve Animal and Sheep Husbandry sector and should send teams in far flung areas for training. He also demanded improvement of fishery hatcheries in Inderwal constituency and demanded holding of awareness camps for breeders and opening of new animal husbandry centres in his constituency.

Empower panchayati raj institutions: Saroori

Without three tiers panchayat elections in the state it will become irrelevant if government would not form BDCs

Jammu, January 19: - During the discussion on demand for grants of the Rural Development Department (RDD) and Panchayat Raj, The Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said the situation in the state would change only once the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments were incorporated into the J&K Panchayat Raj Act. The 73rd Amendment deals with empowering panchayati raj institutions.

Saroori said without three tiers panchayat elections in the state it will become irrelevant if government would not form Block Development Councils (BDCs) across the State. He said that the benefits of Panchayat elections if take place in future will not trickled to the grassroots level if the State Government failed to empower Panchayats. He said that holding Panchayat elections without the constitution of BDCs is equivalent to holding the Assembly elections without electing the Chief Minister and the other Ministers. He expressed his disappointment over the delay in panchayat election and demanded implementation of 73rd and 74th amendments to the Constitution giving more powers to the Panchayats.

He has also raised other public related issues including Sanctioning of more IAY’s for rural areas, filling of vacant posts in the department, early payment to work done to SBI, IHHL, completion of Panchayat Ghars, regularization MGREGA employees, sanctioning of Munsiff court for sub-division Chatroo.

Speaking on the grants of Social Welfare Department in Legislative Assembly, Saroori termed Social Welfare Department as a means to bring the destitute, infirm, aged, under privileged and deprived people in the mainstream of society, Saroori appealed government to improve the functioning of the Department.

Saroori said all other development in the society makes sense only once the under privileged, under developed, orphans, widows and destitute are given due share in it. He said service to these sections is a divine duty where one is rewarded not only here but also in the life here after. He said that the allocation of inadequate financial resources has spoiled the cause of Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) which is bound to hamper the implementation of child welfare schemes and over all functioning of the social welfare department in the state. Due to stagnation the promotion prospects of supervisors, workers and helpers have been diminished, he said and stressed that it was necessary to bring them under the ambit of minimum wages act and uniform service rules. “Cutting the funds under ICDS is nothing but open attack on poor and most malnourished section of our population," he said.

He also demanded immediate steps to be taken to increase honorarium to Anganwadi workers and helpers at par with Haryana Government and covering them under pension, gratuity and other social security benefits. He also raised pubic related issues including increasing of pension cases to handicaps and NOAPS from Rs. 200 to Rs. 1000, sanctioning all pending pension cases, survey for marriage assistant in district Kishtwar and Doda, sanctioning of new Aganwari centres as 105 centres have already been submitted for sanctioning, enhancement of Aganwaries salary to Rs. 10, 000, renewable of NGO’s should be done once in life time not every year, promotion of Aganwari workers as supervisors, providing of cycle, ear machines and wheel chairs to handicaps through Director rehabilitation, fully equipment of Balniketan nariketan, bringing the crash centres at par with Anganwari centres in paying emoluments, women *developmental corporation through self help group should be created so that they will provide loan to poor’s. SC & ST category peoples should provide cars on subsidy base.

Saroori further raised issues related to tribal affairs department which include more funding to this department to make this functional, ST students should be provided scholarship timely and it should be deposited directly into the beneficiary account, increase in number of bed to 100 at Gujjar hostel Chatroo and administrative power which are lying at Doda should be in Chatroo as it is hard run this hostel from Doda, increase in funds for nutrition, model higher secondary school Chatroo construction should be started at an earliest so that student community shall avail benefit and will be easier for them in studying, 1 bando kalian yojana scheme should be implemented in letter and spirit which will definitely benefit needy and poor families. He also said there is urgent need of framing rules for tribal affair ministry in J&K as department came into exist in 2007 but rules have been framed yet which is unfortunate.

Congress lawmaker also demanded for introducing the modern village initiative in his constituency. He also demanded for making Gujjar-Bakarwal mobile schools functional and asked for allocating funds for road connectivity in tribal areas. He urged for early clearance of pending funds for old age pension cases and a specialist doctor to identify deaf and dumb people so that they could avail benefits from welfare schemes.

G. M Saroori condoles demise of Zakir Keen

“His passing away has left a big void which will be difficult to fill”

Jammu, January 19: - JKPCC Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori has expressed his deep and heartfelt condolences on hearing the sad demise of senior congress leader from Patnazi Bunjwah Zakir Hussain Keen son of Sadder Keen who breathed his last at his residence at Bathindi Jammu on Thursday afternoon.

Calling him a man of conviction, Saroori said that Zakir Keen’s outstanding services towards the society and the party will be remembered for a long time to come. He further said that Zakir Keen, during his political career, remained wedded to the secular values and pluralistic ethos of the Congress Party.

Saroori said that Zakir Keen was a committed Congress leader who served the party with unflinching commitment and tireless zeal. He was a grassroots leader of the party and became associated with the party at a young age. “His passing away has left a big void which will be difficult to fill,” the MLA Inderwal said.

Congress state vice president prayed for the eternal peace to the departed soul and courage to the bereaved family. May Allah shower his choicest blessings on his soul in heaven”, said Saroori.

Meanwhile Haji Mohd Amin Sheikh, Mohd Iqbal Keen, Khalid Hussain Sheikh, Chowdhary Mohd Shafi, Haji Ghulam Mohd, Zakir Hussain Keen, Arzoo Keen, Mohd Ayoob, Molvi Hasham, Mohd Yusuf, Qasam Din, Mohd Haneef, Mohd Hussain, Abid Hussain, Choudhary Issaq, Vinod Kumar, Abdul Rehman Batak, Choudhary Misroo, Shamasdin Butt, Zulfqar Keen and all Congress leaders from Patnazi, Nali, Jawalapur, Patshalla, Bunjwah, Thathri have also condoles the sad demise of Zakir Hussain Keen.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Need to tighten the noose on black marketing: Saroori

Construction of mini-stadiums in Chatroo, Sarthal and Bunjwah stopped by BJP as area being represented by opposition party

Jammu, January 18: - Senior Congress legislator from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said there is need to tighten the noose on black marketing by taking stern action against the erring traders and officials.

Saroori while participating in the CAPD grants said the price control mechanism can only be strengthened in the state if black marketing on ration can be checked regularly and the department needs to take various steps to check pilferage in the public distribution system.

"Supply of floor from Udhampur store is full of adulteration and the people are not getting nutrition's that's why our children's are facing malnutrition problem and are easily pray to vulnerable diseases", Saroori said and demanded that the pure floor be supplied from the Jammu store instead of Udhampur store.

Saroori also raised many public related issues including enhancement of ration scale to 7 Kgs instead of 5 kgs per soul at the rate of Rs 2, provide ration to consumers 10th of every month instead of 20th, adjustment of dealers in government service, regularization of the services of Contractual/Daily Wagers working with the department, cancelling of license of the corrupt dealers which are involved in black-marketing which he claimed to be the biggest 'Foe' of CAPD department, clearing all the pending carriage charges including crores of liability of Doda and Kishtwar districts respectively and Private vehicle operators should be entrusted with the job of supplying of ration in the periphery of hill districts.

He further demanded enhancement of Kerosene quota for Doda and Kishtwar districts, Opening up of stores at Block level in order to facilitate easy transportation of ration to far-flung areas, demanded opening new sale and Kerosene depot’s/ at Bunjwah, Burdhar, Saroor Cheera, Sigdi Bhata, Bhagran, SheikhPura, Kuchal, Niccha Bonda, Poora Sarthal, Upper Keshwan, Naidgam, Batwari, Sheeri Pahalgam, Kendwaar, Rahal, Kherian, Singpora and other areas of Inderwal Constituency beside setting up more LPG outlets by giving priority to those areas where there is no LPG outlets.

Earlier, Mr. Saroori had heated arguments with Minister of State for Transport, Youth Services and Sports Sunil Kumar Sharma over providing Rs. 5 lacs to some blue eyed contractor for work on sports stadium at Chatroo without following the norms besides this failing intimate him.

While raising supplementary question on the issue of construction of stadiums, Congress MLA alleged, “the previous dispensation had started construction of mini-stadiums in Chatroo, Sarthal and Bunjwah areas of Kishtwar but the present dispensation has stopped the work only because the areas are being represented by opposition party”.

“Saroori said that Sharma is providing wrong and misleading information to the house. He said that the District Sports Officer has given an amount of Rs 5 lakh to an individual for construction of stadium on the directions of Minister Incharge Youth Services and Sports which according to Saroori is against the norms”, Saroori alleged.

Countering the allegations of Congress MLA, the Minister Incharge Youth Services and Sports Sunil Sharma said, “there is no formal approval to any work to which the MLA has made reference”. He said that the previous dispensation might have given few lakhs of rupees to start the `work with the sole objective of appeasing the people.

After indulging in verbal duel with the Minister for some time, the Congress MLA also waves the documents to prove his claim and stage walkout from the house in protest.

Legislators demanded opening of Chenani-Nashri tunnel

Government hoodwinking people for the sake of inauguration of the tunnel--- when did your PM get time

JAMMU, JANUARY 18: - The Jammu and Kashmir Assembly today witnessed massive uproar over the continuous closure of Jammu- Srinagar and Jammu-Kishtwar National Highways and demanded answer from the government that why Chenani-Nashri tunnel will be thrown open for the traffic to avoid snow cover Patnitop.

As soon as the Assembly begins its functioning, Congress MLA from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori stood up and raised the issue. Saroori said that both Jammu-Srinagar and Jammu-Kishtwar National Highways are closed at various places due to land sliding added that several passengers were trapped on both the Highways at various places.

Saroori said that several vehicular were trapped on the National Highway and demanded immediate opening of Chenani-Nashri tunnel so that the inconvenience caused to the people could be addressed beside the trapped passengers and vehicles could reach to their destinations. He said that much awaited Chenani-Nashri tunnel is ready and alleged that the government is only delaying the opening of the said tunnel as they are waiting for Prime Minister Narindra Modi nod for its inauguration.

"Why you are hoodwinking the people for the sake of inauguration of the tunnel--- when did your PM get time--- that doesn't mean that people will left to suffer" said Saroori. Saroori was soon castigated by the speaker Kavinder Gupta who clarified that Prime belongs to all including him.

Saroori soon find support from NC,s Ali Mohammad Sagar, MLA Hakeem Mohammad Yaseen and other opposition members including from BJP MLA from Doda Shakti Raj Parihar who also demanded that government should take up the matter with concern quarters for throwing Chenani-Nashri tunnel open for traffic. He also ask the government to present a detail about the status on Chenani-Nashri tunnel before the house. He urged upon the government to press man and machinery into service to clear the slides on Batote-Kishtwar stretch of the Highway.

R&B Minister Abdul Rehman Veeri assured the agitating members that he will look into the issue and will accordingly brief the house about the possibility on exploring the Chenani-Nashri tunnel for making it functional for traffic movement.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Sadya Arora’s Death: Joint House panel seeks more details

JAMMU, JANUARY 18: A meeting of the Joint House Committee of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Council, constituted to look into the alleged medical negligence leading to the death of son of MLC, Ramesh Arora in GMC Jammu, was held under the Chairmanship of Ghulam Nabi Monga, here.

Legislators, G M Saroori, Dr Bashir Ahmad Shah Veeri, Firdous Ahmed Tak and Surinder Kumar Choudhary, Secretary Legislative Council, Abdul Majid Bhat, Senior Superintendent of Police, (Crime) Mubassir Lattifi and senior doctors from GMC including, HoD Medicine, Dr Anil Mahajan, Medical Superintendent, Dr Romesh Gupta, Special Secretary, LC, Mohammad Ashraf Wani attended the meeting.

The Committee held detailed discussion on the preliminary report submitted by the SSP (Crime) and Medical College authorities on the issue. It enquired from the concerned doctors and SSP (Crime) about the treatment, medical investigations and other aspects related to the case and alleged death of Sadhya Arora. The Committee directed the concerned to provide more details pertaining to the treatment to the deceased enabling it to proceed further.

Friday 13 January 2017

Clear MGNREGA, IAY, IHHL liabilities in Chenab Valley: Saroori to Government

House Committee should be constituted to review functioning of RDD department

Earmark sufficient funding in MGNREGA programme

Jammu, January 13: - Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal Ghulam Mohammad Saroori during the zero hours raised the question that labourers / Job card holders in Erstwhile district Doda have not been paid their wages since long, he pressed to Government for early clearing of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) liabilities in Erstwhile Doda district.

Saroori also cornering the Rural Development Minister started as soon as he finished his reply to the question mentioning that 2nd and 3rd instalments of 23502 cases sanctioned under Indira Awas Yojana (presently named as Prime Minister Awas Yojana) during the financial year 2014-15 and 2015-16 have not been released till date.

“This is grave injustice with the poor people”, remarked Saroori, adding “how can this Government justify delay of two years in release of 2nd and 3rd instalments under IAY/PMAY scheme”.

Stating that there is complete mess in the Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, the Congress MLA and former Minister demanded that a House Committee should be constituted to review the functioning of this department, which is directly connected with the masses in rural areas. He was supported by almost all the members of the Congress and National Conference, who too started demanding House Committee.

Saroori also called upon the government to earmark sufficient funding in MGNREGA programme and further streamline its functioning.

Saroori tears into Govt over anti people budget

Delay in holding PRI, MC elections causes huge loss to developmental activities, no incentives for unemployed

Jammu, January 13: - The senior Congress lawmaker from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori yesterday tears into government and called the budget anti people that lacks incentives for unemployed youths, casual laborers, HR workers; alleges that rural and hilly areas of the state having maximum population were ignored in the budget.

Saroori yesterday while speaking on the budget said that the finance Minister was well articulated in his English language while poor people in rural and far flung areas of the state who listen him on radio or TV are not well articulated with the Finance Minister language and fails to understand the anti poor people of the Minister. He advise the minister to promote official language Urdu, beside also called for promotion of Dogri and Kashmiri.

“It would have been better if FM speaks in Urdu—which is official language--- Govt instead should also translate the budget in local Dogri and Kashmiri language so that people could understand it” said Saroori added that leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Abu Kalam Azad with its commitment had already thrown English out of the country and blame the Minister for promoting it.

Saroori showed his disappointment over the way FM ignored the elected representatives while formulating the draft of the budget like the way he meet with various stakeholders to take inputs from them. He said government fails to implement his decision in terms of establishing of Basmati and Rajmash village. He further insisted on ensuring that benefits from the schemes like PMGSY, NABARD, CRF reach the people in far-off areas. He called for setting aside budgetary provision for Singhpora-Vailoo tunnel which would ensure better connectivity of different areas of Chenab Valley region with Kashmir besides all round connectivity with Bani, Basohli and Lakhanpur throughout the year beside will provide alternative route for Amar Nath Yatra and quoted Saudi Arabia model of tunnelling.

He put forth suggestions for conducting survey for Gool junction to Kishtwar-Anantnag railway track to provide alternate transport connectivity to the area. He also called for enhancement of CDF up to 4 crores and relief package for 2014 flood victims of the State and said that CDF funds release routed through 17 officials thus causes much delay in reaching the benefit on ground besides this Saroori said that if any Legislators found involved in embezzlement of CDF, he should be expelled from the membership of the house.

Saroori also called for opening of JK bank branches in far-flung areas of Chenab Valley including Keshwan, Srawan, Durbeel, Sigdi Bhata, Tanta, Tatani Saroor, Dagroon areas, enhancement of Asha workers salary, Opening of new treasuries for Bhatyas and Bunjwah, filling of vacant posts by SSB and PSC, early clearing of pending liabilities of work done by the contractors, comprehensive plan for tribal populations, plying of SRTC buses for rural areas as transport department has totally failed to take any concrete steps in this regard, early waiving of KCC loans as was announced by Finance Minister in last 2015 Budget but till date it was not implemented, department should distribute of high density plants among farmers. He also called for creation/establishment of Divisional Commissioner Office for Chenab Valley for the development of erstwhile Doda district.

He complimented the Government for holding Budget Session during the month of January which would help in better utilization of funds. He slammed the government for incorporating the centrally sponsored scheme share into DDB budget so that the figure could be produce at higher rates. He said that delay in holding Panchayat and Municipal elections causes lost to the tune of Rs. 4000 Cr each and same made direct impact on development of state.

Congress lawmaker also called for immediate regularization of 61000 casual labors, NYC, Contractual lecturers, ISM Doctors, NRHM, clearing of pending SRO 43 cases, funds for treatment of cancer, Kidney and heart patients, enhancement of wages of SPOs from 6000 to 10000, funds for Chenab valley under NABARD, Asia Bank, World Bank, stiffen for unemployed youths, increase of medicine budget of PHCs from 10000 to 50000, arranging of doctors for running Super specialty Hospital Jammu so that patients could not be shifted outside state, covering of all under Ladli Beti and compensation for Saffron growers. He said that despite availability of funds to the tune of around Rs. 250 Cr under RGGVY/DDUY for Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban, but the government failed to utilize it and asked the government to allow the PDD department to execute the work departmentally. He also snubbed government for not taking any measures to start work on abandon 850 MW Rattle project. He also demanded restoration Rs 15-16 cr funds under Bad pocket and hope that government will take care of the people’s aspiration by making the budget people friendly.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

PDP lacks BJP’s support on development, Agenda of Alliance reduce to dead rubble: Saroori

Mufti Sayeed and Ghulam Nabi Azad era witnessed massive development in JK with liberal funding from the centre government

Jammu January 11: Senior Congress legislator from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori while replying on Governor address in Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly said that People's Democratic Party (PDP) lacks financial and developmental support from its alliance partner Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) the way UPA government under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi and Dr. Manmohan Singh use to help state during Mufti Mohammad Sayeed tenure as Chief Minister of the state during 2002 to 2005.

Saroori said that the Mufti Sayeed and Ghulam Nabi Azad era (2002-2008) has witnessed a massive development push in trouble torn state of Jammu and Kashmir with liberal funding from the centre government.

"PDP often referred Mufti Mohammad Syed first tenure as golden era in the state of Jammu and Kashmir--- it was possible only due to liberal support and funding from your UPA government" said Saroori. He said that despite such huge support from the centre the party (PDP) backstab the Congress in 2008. He said that he was happy that PDP formed an alliance with the BJP for the sake of the development in state of Jammu and Kashmir, but Saroori says that he was surprised that not a single new developmental work was started in last two years of PDP-BJP government.

Saroori said that the much hyped Rs. 80000 cr developmental package announced by the Prime Minister Narindra Modi is nothing, but the projects started and funded by the UPA government. He said the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway, Nashri Tunnel, Railway line to Kashmir, Katra, Yatri Niwas, Hajj House, New Legislative Complex along with several other developmental projects either completed or underway are projects initiated by the UPA government. He said that smooth functioning of the various institutions needs proper attention. He said that even PDP feels disappointed the way centre ignore the state while providing the funds of the developmental works.

"At the time of coming closer with BJP--- PDP would have thought that BJP and the PM Modi will help them in similar way, the way UPA use to help the state---- but to my disappointment I would only says that the Agenda of Alliance Document is merely a " Paper Horse" and had reduce to dead rubble" said Saroori.

Saroori said that the dreams of delimitation showed by the BJP are not anywhere to be seen added that BJP promise to accord UT status to Ladakh, rehabilitation of PoK, West Pak refugees and rehabilitation of LOC victims proved to be hollow slogans. He said that BJP silence on article 370 and its mention strengthening in governor address shows that duel attitude of the BJP who wants to stick to power that too could compromise with the aspirations of the people who voted to them. He said that BJP Ministers are the part of the cabinet meeting which accepted the strengthening of Article 370 mentioned at serial No. 6 of governor address.

Congress lawmaker said that government fails to bring any new projects in the state during last 16 months and said that construction of Singpora-Viloo and and Dubijan tunnels, connecting the Chenab valley and Pir Panchal areas of Jammu with the Kashmir division find no mention in address. He said that there was also no mention of return of power projects like Dool-Hasti, Uri & Salal as was recommended by Ranga Rajan committee and called for implementation of the recommendations of various Committees like Rangarajan Committee, Retired Justice Sageer and the recommendations of other working committees.

Congress MLAs calls on Governor Vohra

Sought Governor's intervention in advising State Government for safeguarding life and property of minorities 

Jammu January 11: A delegation of Congress Member's of Legislative Assembly comprising Nawang Rigzin Jora, G. M Saroori, Ajaz Ahmad Khan and Vikar Rsool Wani, called on Governor NN Vohra at the Raj Bhavan here.

The delegation briefed the Governor about the issues before the ongoing Assembly Session and alleged that the Speaker was not following an equitable approach in conducting the Assembly’s business. 

They sought Governor’s intervention in advising State Government for safeguarding life and property of minorities; urgent punitive action against the Medical College teacher who has molested an MBBS student, and the State Government following the law in reservations in promotions being provided to SC, ST and others.

The delegation also expressed their concern about the provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir Panchayati Raj (Amendment) Bill, 2016.

Opposition protest continue in JK Assembly over demand of judicial probe into Kashmir unrest

Jammu, January 11: The opposition parties continue its protest today as well over the issue of Kashmir unrest demanding Judicial probe into 2016 Kashmir unrest.

As soon as the Assembly resume its functioning today, Congress Legislator Ghulam Mohammad Saroori stood up and demanded Judicial probe through sitting Supreme Court Judge into the killings and unrest that took place last summer in Kashmir in wake of aftermath of Hizb Commander Burhan Wani encounter on July 8 last.

Saroori soon find support from other National Conference and Congress MLAs beside from some independent MLAs as well.

"If you have not committed anything wrong--- then why you are running away from holding a judicial probe through sitting Supreme Court judge" said Saroori. He quoted Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh as saying that government is ready to hold probe said that if Singh says government is open to probe then why it can't be hold through sitting Supreme Court judge because lot of people were killed and so many survived injured. “You do not seem to e ashamed of what you did this summer,” Saroori said.

NC, Ali Mohammad Sagar and Davinder Singh Rana also raised their concern over the conduct of the house by the speaker and asked the government to come clean on the issue. The opposition members also tried to storm into the well of the house but were not allowed by the marshalls.

"We want Judicial Probe--- Bajrangi Sarkar Hai Hai--- Goongi Behri Sarkar Hai Hai" slogans were raised by the opposition members. Despite opposition protest, the question hour is in progress and Ministers are replying to the member’s questions. The opposition members later stage walkout from the Assembly.

Monday 9 January 2017

Saroori chairs RKS meeting at Thathri

Kick started work on link road from main road to Tehsil headquarters Kahara

Thathri, January 09 - Vice President JKPCC and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today chaired Rogi Kalyan Samiti (RKS) meeting reviewed the progress achieved on the decisions taken in the previous meeting beside approved the proposed work under RKS CHC/PHC/AD for the current financial year.

Member Secretary RKS CHC Thathri (BMO) highlighted the problems of hospital.

Emphasising on providing best medicare facilities to the patients particularly those coming from the remote and inaccessible parts of the erstwhile district Doda, Saroori asked the medicos to work with missionary zeal and ensure timely medical assistance to every sufferer.

During the meeting several issues pertaining to betterment of health care infrastructure were discussed. Saroori assured that the problems would be taken up with the Government so as to strengthen the health care delivery system in the district. He directed Tehsil Officers, who are members of RKS to provide quality services like Water supply, Electric supply and better sanitation in the hospital.

Earlier, Mr. Saroori kick started work on link road from main road to Tehsil headquarters Kahara to be constructed by R&B department at an estimated cost of Rs. 50 lakhs.

Addressing a well attended public gathering in the Dak Bungalow Kahara and Thathri, Saroori reiterated that Congress party is commitment towards J&K state all round prosperity and development, adding that people are best judges to see the performance of Congress led government and other parties in this regard.

Saroori also impressed upon the officers to be responsive to the winter specific needs of people in the far-flung and rural areas particularly in sectors like power, water supply, firewood and fuel availability, ration supply etc.

He asked the PDD Officials to rationalize their resources to address the complaint of frequent power cuts during winters which puts people to immense difficulties. He asked the officers of Revenue, RDD, PDD and CAPD to be available to the complaints and grievances of people during winters and take urgent steps on them. MLA Inderwal directed the officers of PWD to complete the work in a fixed time frame and ensure that the quality of work is done.

Prominent among those Tehsildar Kahara Ghulam Nabi Malik, SDPO Gandoh Sani Gupta, Executive Engineer R&B Abdul Rasheed Sheikh, BDO Kahara Shoaib Ud-Din, President IYC Inderwal Abdul Majeed Rahi, local Congress leaders and prominent citizens were present on the occasion.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Congress an instrument of service to the people: Saroori

Major setback to PDP-BJP parties in Kahara; Zulfiqar Ali Wani, Suresh Kumar and four dozen PDP, BJP workers joined Congress

Distributed LPG connections under PMUY at Bhatyas Bhalessa; addressed party workers meet at Bathri, Kahara areas

BHALESSA, JANUARY 07: - A senior PDP leader and a star campaigner for PDP in 2014 Assembly elections, Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Wani of Kahara Bhalessa joined Congress party along with his 50 senior associates and reposed his faith in the policies and programmes of the party. “Congress is the only party that can guarantee single entity of Jammu and Kashmir and steer the state to peace, progress and prosperity”, Mr Zulfiqar said.

The joining took place at a simple function here in presence of Congress party state Vice Chief Ghulam Mohammad Saroori here.

Those who joined are Senior PDP leader Zulfiqar Ali, Senior BJP leader from Bhatyas Suresh Kumar, Abdul Qayoom Mir, Mohd Shafi Bhat, Atta Mohd, Mohd Hussain, Mohd Hanief Parray, Mohd Sharief Parray, Abid Hussain Wani, Ghulam Mohd Mir, Mohd Rafique, Aashish Kumar, Shokat Ali, Hussain Wani, Iftikhar Ali, Nafees Ahmed, Anees Rasool, Irshad Ahmed, Rehmatullah Bhat, Irfan Ahmed, Chowdhary Ishaq Ahmed, Nazir Ahmed, Abdul Qayoom, Fareed Ahmed, Abdul Wahid, Javed Iqbal, Farooq Ahmed, Mohd Rafique Butt along with their supporters today joined Congress.

Welcoming Mr Zulfiqar and his associates in the party fold, Mr. Saroori expressed the hope that Zulfiqar Ali, others and their supporters would strengthen Congress and work for holistic development of Kahara area and economic welfare of the people. Mr. Saroori described Congress as a mass movement which has stood for the just cause of people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh during most testing times. He said joining of public-spirited activists will strengthen the party at grass root level and help in meeting challenges confronted to the state resolutely.

The senior party leaders congratulated Mr Zulfiqar, Mr Suresh, their associates and hoped this will give a new momentum to the activities at grass-root level in Kahara Bhalessa and adjoining areas. "We welcome him in the party. It is a big day for party in Kahara area that several senior PDP, BJP leaders have joined Congress," President block congress committee Kahara Ghulam Haider Wani and Senior Congress leader Haji Ghulam Mohammad said.

Mr. Saroori also chaired party workers meet in another impressive function held at Bhatyas, Bathri and Kahara areas, he exhorted the party workers to defeat the nefarious designs of PDP BJP and help people in redressal of their grievances. He said that Congress is an instrument of service to the people and will continue to work for betterment and well being of the people. Mr. Saroori urged the cadre to intensify further the mass contact programme and highlight problems faced to the people at appropriate forums and seek redressal.

Earlier MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori also distributed over 200 LPG connections among the female beneficiaries under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) in a function held here at Batyas and Bathri areas of Bhalessa.

The MLA Inderwal while addressing the gathering said that use of LPG in households will help protect the health of the women and reduce the serious health hazards associated with cooking based on fossil fuel, reduce the number of deaths in India due to unclean cooking fuel and prevent young children from significant number of acute respiratory illnesses caused due to indoor air pollution by burning the fossil fuel.

Mr. Saroori also listed out various social elevation schemes launched in the area and urged the people to avail the benefits of these schemes. He stressed upon people to help disseminate information about these welfare programmes among others so that no household remains devoid of the benefits from these welfare schemes.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Deputations call on MLA Inderwal; G. M Saroori assures early redress of grievance

Focus of government is not making good of losses incurred on development front due to Kashmir unrest

KISHTWAR, JANUARY 05: Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today met hundreds of individuals and scores of deputations at ‘Awami Mulaqat’ at his residence here. He heard the public grievances and received various memoranda relating to different development demands.

The MLA Inderwal told the deputationists that a massive development programme was launched across the Inderwal constituency under Congress regime to reach out every area for equitable development but present dispensation failed to carry forward the development scenario in whole of the state.

Saroori said that besides upgrading facilities in the five sectors of health, education, communication, water supply and power development during Congress regime present coalition government failed to do anything and no initiative has been taken in the employment sector as well. 

The MLA Inderwal said that peace is imperative for all kinds of economic activities and sustained development but PDP-BJP focus is not making good of the losses incurred on development front due to unpleasant law and order situation in parts of the Valley”, he said and added that neither the administration has been sensitized to redouble its efforts in realizing the targets and ensuring benefits to the people.

Among the deputations which called on the MLA Inderwal were deputations from Thakrie, Sigdi, Kuchal, Mugalmaidan, Khawjgam Rahal Thal, Kakerwagan, Gugara Kahara, Hurna, Durbeel, Maliknar, Passerkote, Chingam, Singpora, Chatroo, Phagsoo, Thathri, Patnazi Bunjwah, Marwah, Angara Sarthal, Kontwara, etc and brought to his notice regarding early release of payment of job card holders, black topping of Keshwan, Saroor, Chatroo, Bunjwah roads, replacement of gutted transformer at Chatroo and Kahara, sanctioning of power receiving station at Kahara, repairement of water supply schemes in Keshwan and Thakrie areas, release of funds for the construction of Dak Bungalow’s at Moharwari, Sarthal, Kuriya, Thathri and Jakyas, early start up of work on various roads in Kuriya, Kandani, Bugrana Saroor, Dadi Kathawa roads under PMGSY schemes, early clearance of landslides on Malik Nar Chatroo, installation of 63 KV transformers in place of 25 KV transformers, and other various problems confronting them.

The individuals in their meeting with the MLA Inderwal sought his help in redressing the grievances on various counts. The MLA Inderwal patiently heard to the demands of the deputations and assured them that appropriate action would be taken on the issues raised by them.

The deputations and individuals reiterated their whole-hearted support to Ghulam Mohammad Saroori in his sincere efforts to pull this constituency out of political and economic stress.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Congress to observe 100th birth anniversary of Indira Gandhi

JAMMU, Dec 22: Pradesh Congress has decided to organize various programs across the State in connection with the 100th birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

A meeting of PCC top leadership including legislators was held here today under the chairmanship of PCC president GA Mir. The meeting chalked a detailed schedule programs in connection with 100th birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi throughout the year in all parts of the State. The meeting also took stock of the prevailing situation and current issues faced by the people of different sections in the State.

The meeting was attended by veteran leaders, senior functionaries of PCC besides MLAs, MLCs and frontal heads. It deliberated upon various issues confronting the people and the current political scenario in the country in reference to the role and contributions of Congress Party and leadership of Indira Gandhi. The senior leaders like Dharampal Sharma Ex- MP, P. Namgyal former Union Minister, Bashir Ahmed Margray Ex-MLC, Madan Lal Sharma Ex-MP besides other leaders narrated the historical role of Indira Gandhi especially, in the situation of vendetta during the Janta Party rule and how she turned the tide with the support of crores of workers and common people.

PCC chief said that in the wake of current attempts by the Modi regime & BJP to distort history and belittle the role of great stalwarts of Congress, it is more relevant to remind the people and aware the younger generation about the role of Late Gandhi. The meeting decided to celebrate the centenary birth anniversary of Indira Gandhi in every nook and corner in the state during the year.

Prominent among those present included Sham Lal Sharma, Nawang Rigzing Jora, Tara Chand, Mula Ram, Raman Bhalla, GM Sarrori, Haji Ab Rasheed, Taj Mohiuddin, Aijaz Ahmed Khan, Suman Bhagat, Hahangir Mir, Kanta Bhan, Ravinder Sharma, Balwan Singh, Faqir Nath, Lalita Sharma, Gulzar Wani, Asgar Karbalai, HL Pandita, Vikar Rasool, Usman Majeed, Mohd Amin Bhat, Mumtaj Khan, Deldan Namgyal, Ch Akram, Prakash Sharma, Rajnish Sharma, MS Niaz, Balbir Singh, SS Channi, Anil Chopra, Namrata Sharma, Manmohan Singh, Manjit Singh, Farooq Indrabi, Vikram Malhotra, Muzaffar Parrey, Dr Manohar Lal, Yogesh Sawheny, Hilal Shah, Mumtaz Khan, Gulzar Wani, Farooq Andradi, Shoaib Lone, Swaran Lata, Indu Pawar, Parveen Sarwar Khan, Ch Shah Nawaz, Naresh Gupta, Pranav Shagotra and Neeraj Kundan.