Wednesday 25 January 2017

State Government lacks will to revive ailing transport department: Saroori

Failed in giving due impetus to the agriculture sector in Chenab Valley

JAMMU, JANUARY 25: -Senior Congress Lawmaker from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said that the State Government lacks will to revive the ailing J&K State Road Transport Corporation (JKSRTC), the Transport Corporation losses have gone above a whopping Rs 70 crores in last three years.

Saroori while speaking on Transport department said that there is urgent need to take some revolutionary steps to pull out SRTC from ‘red’. No doubt, it has become a while elephant for the Government but it can be made self sufficient, if as per the recommendations of SL Bhat Committee report , some measures are taken. He said that Bhat committee has suggested that SRTC should have a healthy fleet of about 1000 vehicles, idle workers of the SRTC should be accommodated in other departments and all the revenue leakage points be plugged besides going for computerisation and electronic ticketing system.

He stressed for strict enforcement of traffic and road safety rules, saying this was imperative for minimizing road accidents and saving precious lives. Saying that day out and day in road accidents consume precious lives, Saroori stressed that the transport department and traffic police authorities should work in close coordination and implement the traffic rules regulations strictly.

Saroori also questioned Minister of State for Transport, Sunil Sharma, for his last year budget speech and said nothing has been implemented on ground what the concerned Minister said including introducing a new fleet of AC buses under Private-Public Partnership mode, Transport Minister assured that the Corporation which has run into losses for decades will see no losses during the financial year 2016-17 but again the corporation faces a loss of Rs 25 crores, where are new buses and trucks which were supposed to procured by JKSRTC, where are the assurance of Minister gone in plying of SRTC buses to far flung areas including Baramulla to Srinagar, Anantnag to Srinagar, Kupwara to Srinagar, Jammu to Srinagar, Poonch to Srinagar, Doda to Jammu, Poonch to Doda, inner link roads of Kishtwar besides other vital roads between various districts of the state, what about the start of water transport service in Kashmir Valley,

While speaking during Agriculture and Horticulture departments grants, Saroori has castigated the government for failing to give due 'impetus' to the agriculture and it's allied sectors in Chenab Valley wherein he termed agriculture sector to be the backbone of state's economy.

He said department which is suffering alot because of 'ill planning', 'lack of coordination' and 'non-seriousness' of the government. He said that over 75 percent of people are dependent on agriculture in order feed themselves and their family. He exhorted the need for chalking out a comprehensive plan in order to increase the productivity by three fold whether its horticulture, agriculture, apiculture, and sericulture every sector is in shambles, which speaks loud about the government's seriousness towards the vital sector.

Saroori sought focused attention of Government towards the Chenab valley which has been neglected. He demanded organizing of awareness camp about various Government schemes at block level so that the famers could avail the benefit of such schemes. He said that 90 percent area in his constituency is rain fed and it needs to be covered under lift irrigation schemes for which more funds are needed to be allocated.

He (Saroori) further added that Finance minister in his last year speech mentioned about waiving off of 50% KCC loans which finds mention at Serial No.48, added that an amount of Rs. 150 Crore promised by Finance Minister is yet to be credited into the accounts of KCC loan holders. He demanded waiver of KCC loans at an earliest, adding mushroom cultivation should be promoted in Kishtwar district.

While recalling the decisions taken during the district development board (DDB) meetings in agriculture department by the Late Mufti Muhammed Sayeed regarding establishment of Rajma Villages, Saffron Villages, Walnut Villages gathered dust only in papers which is highly unfortunate. He pressed the need for establishment of Rajma villages one at each block, Seed centres at Block level, plantation of High density fruit plants on the pattern of Srinagar in Chenab valley, Mushroom training centers at Chatroo, Sarthal, Bunjwah, Thathri, Bhalessa and others.

Saroori also demanded opening of cooperative society at Chatroo. Floriculture parks one each at Kishtwar and Chatroo, opening of Cooperative Bank at Chatroo, Keshwan and Bunjwah. He suggested that government should establish nursery each at block level over an area of 20-30 Kanals so that local need could be met easily. Later Saroori has withdrawn the cut motions after Minister assured that he will look into his demands on top priority.

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