Wednesday 13 December 2017

Ensure adequate availability of essential commodities: G. M Saroori

Visits fire sufferers distributes relief

Hardcore PDP and BJP workers from Mugalmaidan join Congress

CHATROO, DECEMBER 13: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori has urged the Government to ensure adequate availability of essential commodities especially rice, LPG and kerosene in the far along areas of Inderwal constituency.

Mr. Saroori who visited various areas including Chatroo, Dumber, Pahalgwar, Hawal, Kharpura, Udeel, Gagrimal, Thaldandu, Mugalmaidan, Sangambati, Thalaran areas of sub-division Chatroo and has expressed serious concern over the erratic power supply and scarcity of essential commodities including ration, hospital supplies, kerosene oil and LPG gas in the Chenab Valley.

He said that kerosene, ration scarcity and prevailing poor supply of electricity have added to the woes of people who are presently braving tremendous hardships on account of the biting cold in the hilly districts.

Mr. Saroori said there is an immediate need for effective measures to be taken to bridge the gap between availability and consumption of ration, kerosene and for setting up a dependable power delivery system. The authorities must accord a serious consideration to this situation and take measures to mitigate the sufferings of people,” the MLA Inderwal maintained.

He has also urged the Health Department to meet the hospital requirements and services in all PHC’s, sub-centres, district hospital Kishtwar and Doda during the ongoing winter season.

Mr. Saroori also met with the residential structures housing four families was gutted in a devastating fire last week at Udeel, Hawal and Gagrimal. He distributed relief material including blankets, warm clothes, kitchen sets among the fire victims and provided immediate financial assistance out of his own pocket in order to enable the families to meet the exigency. He also announced funds for reconstruction of their houses on IAY pattern under PMAY scheme. He assured the affected villagers of all possible support for their welfare and rehabilitation.

At Mugalmaidan area, PDP and BJP leaders Javed Iqbal Tappal, Mohd Arshad Mir, Mohd Irfan Mir joined Congress party in presence of Mr. Saroori. Welcoming the newly entrants into the party fold, Mr. Saroori said that Congress is a natural choice for all those who want to serve the people of Jammu and Kashmir and work for strengthening peace and tranquility.

Mr. Saroori hoped that with the joining of Mr. Javed Iqbal, Mr. Arshad Mir, Mr. Mohd Irfan Mir Congress party will get further strengthened at the grass roots level. He exhorted the party workers to fan out in their areas and help in mitigating the problems faced by the people by raising at appropriate forums.

The newly entrants said that they will serve as foot-soldier of the Congress to carry forward the message of amity and brotherhood besides working for the poor. They said Congress is the only party that can steer the state out of present morass under the dynamic leadership of Ghulam Nabi Azad.

At Kharpora, Galwanpora, Thaldandu, Sangambati and Thalaran areas, Mr. Saroori listened the grievances of Congress workers including Installing of electric poles, Laying of GI pipes, functioning of water house, shifting of Middle school Mugalmaidan, early clearance of MGNREGA liability and other day to day problems. He announces funds for various development works out of his CDF and assured that he will leave no stone unturned in redressing the demands of common masses of Inderwal constituency. Also Mr. Saroori personally condole the demises of various persons in the sub-division Chatroo areas. He stayed with the bereaved families and expressed his sympathies and solidarity with them. He also prayed to the Almighty Allah for eternal peace to the departed souls beside place for them in heaven.

Prominent among those Altaf Hussain Malik, Sharik Ahmed Saroori, Hafiz Ali Mohd, Waseem Maker, Ayaz Ahmed, Haji Ibrahim, Tariq Hussain Wani, Ghulam Rasool, Bakhtiyar Babzada, Ghulam Hussain, Fateh Mohd, Mohd Ayoob, Mohd Shafi, Sikander, and others accompanied Mr. Saroori during the day long extensive tour of sub-division Chatroo.

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