Saturday 23 December 2017

Review meeting of DDB Doda held

Out of an approved outlay of Rs 172.13 crore an expenditure of Rs 85.89 crore registered till November this year

JAMMU, DECEMBER 24: - A review meeting of District Development Board (DDB) meeting of Doda was held to review the progress on implementation of decisions taken in previous DDB meetings.

The meeting was chaired by Minister for Social Welfare, Science & Technology, ARI and Trainings, Sajad Gani Lone.

Union Minister of State in PMO Dr Jitendra Singh, Chairperson for J&K Social Welfare Board, Nirmal Gupta, Vice Chairperson J&K State Advisory Board for Welfare and Development of OBC, Rashpaul Verma, Vice Chairperson of J&K State Advisory Board for Pahari Speaking People, Kuldeep Raj Guta, Vice Chairperson J&K State Advisory Board for Welfare & Development of Scheduled Castes, Bushan Lal Dogra, Legislators, G.M Saroori, Shakti Raj Parihar, Daleep Singh Parihar, Neelam Kumar Langeh, Naresh Kumar Gupta, Shyam Lal Bhagat, Firdous Ahmad Tak, District Development Commissioner Doda, Bhawani Rakhwal and Heads of concerned Departments were present in the meeting.

While stressing on cent percent utilization of the funds available under various schemes for district Doda, the Minister impressed upon all the Heads of the Departments and sectoral officers present in the meeting to ensure implementation of all the DDB decisions in letter and spirit and also ensure timely completion of all ongoing developmental projects. He also directed the officials to focus on skill enhancements for which the facilities need to be developed in tune with global standards.

Lone also took a detailed review of various other mega projects in Doda such as Ganpat Bridge, Steel Girder Bridge over River Chenab, WSS Doda Town and directed the concerned executing agencies to stick to the timelines fixed for completion of these mega projects.

Addressing the meeting, Dr Jitendra Singh assured the meeting that every possible help will be provided to the State, however, he asked the concerned to be proactive and pursue the projects submitted by the concerned Departments under different sectors to the Central Government for their accord of sanctioning.

Legislators, G M Saroori, Shakti Raj Parihar, Daleep Singh Parihar, Neelam Kumar Langeh, Naresh Kumar Gupta, Shyam Lal Bhagat and Firdous Ahmad Tak projected various demands of their respective areas and sought early redressal.

The Chairman of the DDB Doda took serious note of non-implementation of some DDB decisions including posting of Radiologist in District Hospital Doda and asked the district administration to work with utmost dedication and complete the fixed targets well in time.

Earlier, District Development Commissioner, Doda presented a detailed report of the physical and financial progress achieved under District Plan, State plan, Centrally Sponsored Schemes and Mega projects in the District. He said that out of an approved outlay of Rs 172.13 crore, an amount of Rs. 117.02 crore was made available and the expenditure ending November this year is Rs 85.89 crore, registering an expenditure of 73.40 percent. He also presented the detailed report of DDB decisions which have been implemented in the district besides those which are under execution under different sectors in the district.

Giving details about financial achievements registered under National Health Mission (NHM) during 2017-18, it was informed in the meeting that 80.79 percent expenditure were incurred on Base Flexi pool, Mission Flexi pool and Immunization activities till ending November 2017.

Under Education sector, it was informed in the meeting that 57753 text books were supplied to the students of 1st & 2nd class/3rd to 8th against the target of 57753. It was also informed in the meeting that against the target of 28 construction, up-gradation, repairs of school building, renovation of high and higher school buildings, 2 were achieved so far and the construction work on rest of other are apace.

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