Tuesday 16 October 2018

Big blow to BJP as senior leader along with dozen of workers joined Congress in Kishtwar constituency

PDP-BJP plunged J&K into unprecedented political uncertainty: G. M Saroori

Kishtwar, October 17: - The Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) today suffered a big blow as its dozen of workers including senior leader Jia Lal from Palmar area of Kishtwar joined Congress Party in presence of state Congress vice president and MLA Inderwal G. M Saroori.

In a simple function held here, dozens of BJP workers joined the Congress party and expressed to resolve to work for further strengthening the party in Kishtwar constituency. Asserting that Congress stands guarantee to preserving and maintaining time tested secular ethos and regional unity of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, Saroori made a clarion call to all those believing in unique characteristics of the state to get united under its banner to fight divisive forces. “Times have proven that flaring up regional and religious passions cannot take a homogenous state like Jammu and Kashmir anywhere”, Saroori said while welcoming new entrants in the party fold.

Saroori said that polarization in politics may earn certain short term gains to politicians with myopic interests but in the long run such tendencies do not only boomerang but also prove detrimental to the larger interests of the people and the State. He described the joining of BJP workers into Congress fold as yearning among cross section of people to join Congress, a living symbol of secular credentials. He urged the party workers to fan out in their respective areas, identify problems of the people and seek their redressal at appropriate forums. Saroori hoped that their joining into party fold, the Congress party would be further strengthened in Kishtwar constituency at grass roots level.

While speaking on the occasion the newly entrants said that their joining of Congress is a home coming for them and said that like a true soldiers of the party they will put all their energies for the betterment of the party. They also pledged to carry forward the mission of Congress party forward as a foot soldier of the party, saying Congress is the only political party which has always espoused the cause of people irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

Senior Congress leaders from Kishtwar constituency Mohammad Aslam Malik, Mohinder Singh Parihar, Raj Kumar, Tariq Hussain Mintoo, Ghulam Mohd Ganaie, Ali Hussain, Mohd Iqbal, Ghulam Rasool Wani, Thakur Suman Bhandari, Waseem Maker, Ravi Kumar, Noor Hussain, Shankar Wazir and others also greeted and welcomed the new entrants on joining Congress.

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