Sunday 7 October 2018

Saroori conducted whirlwind tour of sub-division Chatroo; Met with fire victim of Chatroo

Prominent PDP, BJP workers from Passerkote Chatroo joined Congress

GMS Maliknar and HS Inderwal schools to be upgraded to the higher levels

Chatroo, October 07: - Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori conducted a whirlwind tour of sub-division Chatroo where he met with the fire victim of village Maliknar Chatroo and assured all possible help to victim of fire that engulfed one house of Bilal Ahmed Malik.

“Taking stock of the devastation caused by the fire, Saroori was informed by people there about the details of the destruction caused by this. He also met the affected family personally and assured that under SDRF Rs. 1 lakh to be provided to the victims for reconstruction of his damaged house. He also directed CAPD department to provide free ration and Rs 3000 monthly rent to the affected families till they are permanently rehabilitated. The affected family was also provided a Tent, a Kitchen sets, blankets under Red Cross. He assured full help and said that he will provide every type of support to them as and when needed.

At this juncture, Saroori expressed his deep sympathies with the victims of the fire and assured them of every possible help.

Mr. Saroori during his extensive tour of Passerkote, Singpora, Maliknar areas described Congress Party as a strong and vibrant force in the State which is capable enough to defeat fascist, communal forces in the country and said that the Party has never compromised on its ideology, principles for the sake of power.

Saroori said that the Congress Party will remain committed to the cause of strengthening people and working for the peace, progress and overall development of the State. He said that the Congress alone stands as a guarantee to the secular fabric, diversity and unity in the country and will remain committed to fight and defeat the fascist, communal forces posing a threat to the secular fabric of the country, which is in great danger under BJP-RSS rule.

On the occasion Dozens of workers from BJP and PDP including Shri Saroop Chand, Maqbool Ahmed joined the Congress party in an impressive functions organized at Passerkote areas to welcome them with open arms. Stating that their entry would strengthen the Congress at grass root level and said that their entry would give boost to the party in Passerkote Chatroo belt. He said the rural areas have always believed in Congress ideology and days ahead would see the strength of Congress. He expressed satisfaction that people from rural areas are now turning towards congress Party throughout the country.

During the tour, number of deputations met the MLA Inderwal and apprised him about the issues and problems confronting pertaining to their areas. The problems which were highlighted included improvement in power supply, MGNREGA payment, compensation of PMGSY roads, scarcity of ration and other day to day problems, Saroori gave patient hearing to all the deputations and assured them that their genuine demands and issues will be resolved on priority besides MGNREGA liability will be cleared at an earliest as 5 crores have already been released for this purpose. He also announced that Girls Middle School Maliknar and High School Inderwal will soon be upgraded to the higher level and assured the general public that he will leave no stone unturned in redressing general public demands and has urged the officers to help resolve public issues on priority and be prompt to redress their grievances.

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