Monday 30 April 2018

Saroori inaugurates blacktopping work on Kahara-Tanta road

Announced road from Tanta to Draman; Conducted extensive tour of Tanta, Kencha Bitola

Attended annual function day of Madrasa Tanta Kahara

TANTA, APRIL 30: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori kick started the blacktopping works on 10 kms long Kahara to Tanta road to be executed at an estimated cost of Rs. 9 crores under PMGSY scheme.

Saroori was accompanied by Executive Engineer PWD, PMGSY, Revenue, RDD, PHE, CAPD officials besides all the local Congress leaders accompanied him during the said tour.

While speaking on the occasion, Mr. Saroori highlighted the importance of road network in the areas and said that the stretch would provide relief to the locals of Kahara, Tanta and its adjoining areas besides improving the economy of the area. He said that he as MLA has taken various path breaking initiatives for providing basic amenities to the people at their doorsteps and special stress is being laid on improving road connectivity in rural and far-flung areas in Inderwal constituency.

Saroori also announced the construction of road from Tanta to Draman via Kuthal to be executed by R&B department at a cost of Rs. 8 crores. He also inspected the Kahara Trankhle road which will be thrown open for the public within a month time and said that the impact of the development works in Inderwal is visible on ground. He assured the people that all link and major roads in Inderwal constituency will be upgraded in a phased manner. He also asked the concerned authorities to complete all ongoing developmental works in a time bound manner and clear all the landslides on Trankhle road which will be thrown open within a month time. He also highlighted the other developmental initiatives underway in the area and said that the concerned executing agencies have been directed to ensure time bound completion of the works with strict adherence to the quality norms. He also exhorted upon the people to actively partake in the developmental process to achieve tangible results on ground.

MLA Inderwal also met various deputations from Kahara, Tanta, Kashithava, Grath Nallah, Ganoni, Kuthal, Dhurasery, Dhanora, Tharyan, Bagran, Magray, Wani mohalla’s, Bitola, Kencha, Banjora, Bagdeyr, Nagni, Khanday, Paray, Mir and Astanabad mohalla’s and assured them that their genuine demands would be addressed on high priority.

Later Mr. Saroori also attended the annual function day of Madrasa Tanta, he gave a word of advice to students, parents and general public. He said students, children’s have religious needs and madrasas can fulfill not only religious needs but also provide free education. He said if anyone really wants to know how good Islam is, he or she has to study its authentic sources; the glorious Quran and Hadith rather than looking to its followers. "The best exemplary Muslim is the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)." He said in Tanta Madrasa where hundreds of students will get Deeni education and praises the efforts of management of Madrasa Tanta for starting the Deeni education to hundreds of students and hoped that the Madrasa will continue to do so for the future time as well.

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