Saturday 5 May 2018

G. M Saroori addressed large attended public meeting at Sarthal against state government

Time has come for the people to get united and teach a lesson to PDP-BJP for adopting wrong policies: Saroori

PDP-BJP failed to build foundation of good governance & development laid by Congress

SARTHAL, MAY 05: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori said that Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)-Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) government has failed to build on the foundation of good governance and development laid by previous UPA I and UPA II government.

Addressing a large public meeting at Angara area of Sarthal, Saroori said previous Congress had laid a strong foundation for equitable development but the present regime has failed to carry forward the agenda of peace and development in the State. He said that good work both on political as well as development front done by the Congress regime has been reversed during the last four years rule of present PDP-BJP government.

Saroori said time has come for the people to get united and teach a lesson to ruling dispensation for adopting wrong policies towards them (people). He said that efforts are being made to harm the age old tradition of brotherhood and harmony, but Congress is capable enough to defeat the forces hell bent upon harm the secular fabric of the country.

He appealed people to rise and make vigorous efforts to strengthen the secular forces in the state, as that will be the defeat to anti peace forces vitiating the vitiating atmosphere of peace to serve their dirty political ends. There is mass discontent among the people due to misrule and mismanagement of the situation in the state, as a result, people in entire state especially rural areas are living in a great fear, he blamed the ruling dispensation for deep alienation among the people.

Saroori also lashed out at ruling dispensation for victimizing people on political lines. “PDP, BJP has lost the ground due to its unfriendly attitude towards the people, besides the wrong policies adopted by these parties, disturbed the socio political scenario of the state.” He said PDP and BJP has not come up to the expectations of the, as the promises made during the 2014 Assembly elections have proved a blatant lie, as result, there is a great resentment against the ruling dispensation. He assured the people that Congress was committed to the overall development of the State.

A rally from Angara to Eid Gah was also hold by Congress workers who shouted slogans against the Modi government and the state governments, demanding urgent action against the perpetrators of heinous gang rape of minor “Asifa” in Kathua area. "We are here against crimes being committed against women, against rapes, violence and murder and the government must act on this. This is a national issue and not a political one,” Amid slogans being raised against the government at the protest march, Saroori said the women of the country are afraid to go out today and the government must ensure their safety and help them live in peace.

Later a public darbar was also held in Sarthal area with an aim to hear and redress public grievances in far flung areas, Saroori held a grievance redressal camp at Karool area. Local residents raised problems pertaining to PMGSY and R&B Roads, inadequate staff in Education department, clearance of MGNREGA, IHHL, watershed payments, providing drinking water facility, installing of new transformers, clearance of compensation and many more alike.

Saroori asked the officers to address the issues at grass root level and assert themselves in resolving local issues of public importance. He particularly impressed upon rural development department to show keen interest in ensuring quality of developmental works in rural areas

ACD Kishtwar, Anil Chandaeil while addressing highlighted the role of Gram Sabhas in the development of rural areas and stressed on the people to take active part in the base level institutions for ensuring desired infrastructural development. He highlighted the ongoing schemes run by RDD department and assured the public that payment under MGNREGA and IHHL will be cleared in a time bound manner and schemes shall be implemented on fast track basis for development of the area

Prominent among others who spoke on the occasion included Mohd Iqbal Keen, Mohd Sultan, Mohd Shafi Saroori, Mohd Aslam Saroori, Ghulam Mohd Kohli, Chowdhary Ibrahim, Mir Hussain, Chowdhary Israeil, Chowdhary Mirza, Chowdhary Nathiya, Zakir Hussain, Chowdhary Kalu, Ghulam Hussain, Qazi Ibrahim, Chowdhary Ibrahim, Noor Mohd, Hasham Din, Qasim Din, Mohd Sarwar, Chowdhary Peeriya Khatana, Alaf Din, Chowdhary Gami, Baji Kohli and officials from various departments and people in large were present on the occasion.

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