Tuesday 15 May 2018

G. M Saroori raises public related demands during DDB meeting Doda

Utilize funds under RGGVY phase II, Deen Dayal and Subhagya schemes

Open fire service, Revenue Complex, Food store at Kahara

JAMMU, MAY 15: - To assess sector-wise physical and financial progress besides taking stock of implementation of decisions taken in previous Board meetings, Member of Legislative Assembly from from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori raises various public demands related to Inderwal constituency falling under the jurisdiction of Doda district.

Minister for Social Welfare, ARI Trainings and Science & Technology, Sajad Gani Lone chaired the District Development Board (DDB) review meeting of district Doda here.

Mr. Saroori highlighted various public related demands includes sanctioning of construction of road from Gugara to Kralpura via Nagni, Bathri to Huttan Sanothe under NABARD scheme, construction of road from Jaba to Piyakul Nagni under CRF scheme, release of compensation for ongoing schemes under state sector, district sector or NABARD including Goila Trankhle, Gugara Zig to Jai Kahara, Bhatyas to Jakyas, circular road Kahara, Bhatyas to Challar, Hanoo link road and Madrassa Bhatyas road, sanctioning of new primary school at Sanothe Batyas and Kohlipura Dugroon, Bathri, early start of work on receiving station Kahara, utilization of funds which are sanctioned under RGGVY phase II, Deen Dayal and Subhagya schemes from which all habitats of Doda district will get electricity and people will get sigh of relief, opening of fire service station at Kahara and Jakyas which is the need of the hour, construction of protection wall near Ziyarat shareef Gugara Kahara which was damaged due to last year flood, construction of park at charwa Kahara by floriculture department, construction new foot bridges at Gwas and Indloo, transfer of horticulture department land to education department for the construction of HSS Jakyas school ground, early vacate of army from Thathri, early construction of TRC building and Bus stand at Thathri, construction of revenue complex building at Kahara, construction of food store building at Kahara, conversion of ration cards from APL to BPL, issuing of ration cards among consumers, Early completion of appointment of dealers in newly sanctioned fair price shops, sanctioning of new ten thousands (10,000) solar lights for Inderwal constituency, early clearance of work done in R&B, PMGSY, JKPCC, MGNREGA, IHHL, Swatch Bharat liabilities, installation of ATMS at Kahara, Bathri and Jakyas areas.

Senior Legislator from Inderwal also expressed his concerns related to poor funding in different sectors, delay in development works of roads, schools, construction of GMC Doda, Construction on TRC Thathri, bus stand, posting of headmasters, principle, shortage of staff in schools, Early start of work Kandi Canal, installation of iron poles besides constituency specific requirements, development of infrastructure at tourist sites.

Responding to the issues raised by the legislator, the Minister assured MLA that these will be redressed in a time bound manner.

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