Wednesday 2 May 2018

Stressed upon people to put in collective efforts for the eradication of social evils: Ulema’s

Follow sunnah of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad is only way to have peace and prosperity: Saroori

Annual function day of Madrasa Malanoo Kahara celebrated; inspected functioning of PHC Malanoo Kahara

MALANOO, MAY 02: - Thousands of religious scholars and students from all over the Kahara attended the annual function day of Madrasa Malanoo Kahara.

Several Muslim leaders and Ulema of the community including Mufti Shakeel Ur Rehman, Mufti Jamal Ud Din, Mufti Sher Ali, Imam Parvez Alam, addressed the rally and threw light on the Islamic ideology and teachings of Islam. They underscored the importance of Islamic teachings in present day world. They also stressed upon people to put in collective efforts for the eradication of social evils.

The Muslim scholars praise the efforts of madrasa committee, students, teachers and the local people and urged the youths said "follow the Sunnah in each and every aspect of their life. They also cautioned about the “evil design of RSS-controlled NDA government” at the centre. They said that the central government was trying to tamper with “Sharia” (Islamic Laws). “Let this be a warning for those trying to tamper with the Constitution, that people will not forgive them and their punishment will be reflected in the next general election,” they said.

While addressing the gathering, Ghulam Mohamamd Saroori (MLA Inderwal) said following of sunnah of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is only way to have peace and prosperity in this world and Hereafter. He urged the people present to equip their children with Islamic teaching also because the teaching enable them to become a good citizen. He urged the Muslims to shun their difference for the promotion of Islam.

Saroori said that Muslim personal laws were under attack since the BJP-led NDA government came to power. He warned that Muslims would not tolerate any more attacks on their personal laws and would continue to protest against it. “We waited for four years, expecting that BJP would learn to run the nation as per the constitution. But we were wrong, take for instance Muslim personal laws which are under attack. “We are compelled to inform our countrymen that Islam and our country is in danger under the present government at the centre.”

“Some people are playing with our religion and the Shariat to fulfil their political ambitions. By bringing the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill 2017, the government is interfering in our Shariat. We condemn it and demand that the government revoke the Bill and stop all types of interference in our laws,” Saroori said.

Saroori told the gathering that if they did not wake up now, “there will not be sufficient room and chance to perform later”. “There are numerous issues on RSS’ agenda which this government will attempt to execute. Following triple talaq, it will be Uniform Civil Code and also ban on Azaan through loudspeakers. There is a long list,” he said.

Earlier, Mr. Saroori visited PHC Malanoo to review its facilities. During the inspection of different sections of the hospital, MLA was briefed by the Medical Officer about the facilities available in the hospital

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