Wednesday 24 February 2016

Congress condemned civilian killing in Sarore Jammu

Governor should ensure the guilty are identified and brought to justice in a time bound manner: G. M Saroori

Saroori, Mumtaz and Shah Mohd visited Samba to express sympathies

Jammu, February 24: - The Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee Wednesday demanded an inquiry by a sitting high court judge into the killing of Muhammad Yaqoob, a protester, was killed in Monday's clashes between the police and the protesters in Sarore area of Samba district.

In a joint statement by state Congress vice President & MLA Inderwal, G. M Saroori, Haji Abdul Rashid, Mohammad Amin Bhat-(MLA), Chowdhary Akram-(MLA), Aijaz Ahmed Khan-(MLA), Usman Majeed-(MLA), Gulzar Ahmed Wani-(MLA), Mumtaz Ahmed Khan-(MLA), Chowdhary Issaq, Chowdhary Ghulam Mohd Kohli, Advocate Shah Mohd termed this incident as unfortunate and uncalled for.

"The killing of one civilian is a political murder and we demand that the government hold a judicial inquiry by a sitting judge of the high court to unravel the truth," Congress leaders said and lamented that the unfortunate incident, which can be avoided, has claimed lives of one civilian and injuring several nomads allegedly in Police firing. They criticised the Administration over displacement of Gujjars from Jammu and have claimed that the BJP was "destroying Jammu Kashmir at the behest of RSS."

“Since PDP-BJP formed the government in the state, the eviction drive and harassment to minorities in Jammu has started. The administration at the behest of BJP has started implementing the RSS agenda in Jammu & Kashmir, especially in Jammu. So-called rulers have started targeting minorities and recent killing of innocent Gujjar and displacing nomads from their homes and bulldozing their small homes are glaring examples of this,'' Saroori said and added that our party (Congress) will never support any harassment to any community or a tribe.

Saroori said people (Gujjars and Bakerwals) have four-decade-old kothas in the forest areas of the Jammu region and their harassment was a "great concern." He has exhorted government to ensure that nomad community feels safe and secure.

Mumtaz Ahmed Khan said that the "harassment" was the mission of PDP-BJP coalition government and administration is following the BJP and RSS dictates. He claimed that BJP MLA through JDA is transferring people on communal lines to facilitate the "eviction."

“This is a very tragic and heartbreaking incident. Governor should ensure the guilty are identified and brought to justice in a time bound manner. Our hearts go out to the families of the one deceased youth and we pray for the smooth and complete recovery of those who have sustained serious injuries in this incident”, the senior Congress leaders said.

The Congress leaders G. M Saroori, Mumtaz Ahmed Khan, Advocate Shah Mohd and others also visited GMC Jammu and Samba to enquire about the health of injured persons. They expressed sympathy with the bereaved family and urged the administration to provide free medical treatment to the injured. They prayed to the Almighty Allah for blessing peace to the departed souls beside a place for him in heaven. They also prayed to Almighty Allah to give strength to the family members of the deceased to bear irreparable loss.

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