Friday 12 February 2016

Saroori writes to Governor over non-distribution of solar lights in Kishtwar

People of rural areas are desperately waiting for the solar lights as it will hugely benefit them

Beneficiaries watch helplessly; awaits distribution

Kishtwar, February 12: - Chairman on Environment Committee in legislative Assembly and Member of legislative Assembly (MLA) from Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori has reiterated his demand for immediate distribution of sanctioned solar lights in Kishtwar district of this State.

In a letter written to Governor J&K N. N Vohra, Saroori invited attention of the Governor for early distribution of solar lights in the district through JKEDA.

It’s a great pity that living in the 21st century we still have to wait for long periods of time till minor issues are taken care of, this is one of our main reasons why we lack from progressing to a better state.

Saroori said in the year 2013-14 UPA II government through New and Renewable Resources Ministry has sanctioned around 19000 solar lights at subsidized rates for bad pocket areas including the partially electrified and un-electrified areas of district Kishtwar but till date only few thousands solar lights have been distributed by the JKEDA.

The remaining solar lights are being worn out as they are placed in the store rooms. These solar lights are yet to be distributed due to delay on the administration side threatening the life of the battery as if these solar light remains unused for long duration can spoil the life of battery supplied by the JKEDA with solar light kit.

We all know solar lights are a necessity for every human being especially for the people living in rural and far-flung areas that don’t have any electricity facility like people have in urban areas.

Saroori said he would also like to make it clear that the entire process of sanctioned solar lights has already been authenticate through Lamberdar, Chowkidar, Panchayat representatives, Village level officers, Block level officers, Assistant Commissioner Development Kishtwar and by the previous District Development Commissioner Kishtwar but on the basis of complaints made by few political leaders regarding irregularities in the distribution of solar lights in Kishtwar, a committee headed by ADDC Kishtwar was announced by the then DDC Kishtwar in July last year to identify undeserving beneficiaries within 15 days. Now seven months have passed away and the committee has already rectified the sanctioned lists thrice. The process level has been appalling, till now the people of rural areas are desperately waiting for the solar lights as it will hugely benefit them.

He further said that he has already submitted the list for additional sanctioning of solar lights for 114 left over villages in the district through JKEDA to Government of India.

It is to mention here that though UPA government has sanctioned Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) phase II scheme and Rs. 100 crores stands released to electrify un-electrified areas of Chenab Valley comprising of Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban but till date no contractors has shown any interest in this contract and also it will take at least 3 years for implementation of this centrally sponsored scheme on ground. By starting the work on 2nd phase of RGGVY it will cater the leftover un-electrified villages in the whole Erstwhile Doda district.

Also as per the agreement of state government with government of India, each beneficiary will have to pay Rs.750 for the each solar kit comprises of one large size battery, solar plate and two bulbs against the cost of approximately Rs.27000/solar kit while the subsidy (Approximately 90%) given by the government.

As more than half winter has already been passed, Saroori demanded intervention of Governor J&K N. N Vohra, so that the remaining solar lights to be distributed at an earliest. As a consequence, thousands and thousands of families across the Kishtwar could take benefits of this centrally sponsored scheme during winter time when people were in more need due to non availability of essentialities.

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