Thursday 16 February 2012

Yoth Congress and NSUI Chenab region demands for better Medicare facilities.

Doda: In a joint press statement Youth Congress Leader and NSUI Chenab Valley including Shariq Saroori, Suman Pratab Singh, State NSUI General Secretary Wassim Saroori, District President NSUI Doda Vishal Kotwal, District President Kishtwar Saqib Lone,  has urged the present government to pay serious attention towards the deplorable health services in Erstwhile District Doda. They had specially mentioned the under staff District Hospitals in which more than 15 Assistant. Surgeon posts are lying vacant since last more than 4 years.

The situation in rural areas is worst due to non availability of adequate quota of medicines. While the health center building cost is more than Rs. 10 lacs but the medicine for whole year is not worth few thousand rupees. The paramedical staff posted in health centers is also not sufficient to cater the needs of rural populace.

They demanded sufficient quota of medicines without taking into account the National level norms as these would not apply in rural areas like Erstwhile District Doda.

Where the state Financial Commission has categorized lowest health services in these Districts, they had also appealed to political representatives in of the district to keep themselves above party lines and desist from making any political mileage out of this serious nature of facility & keep the people's interests on priority. They had also made a fervent appeal to Union Health Minister to intervene personally in the matter & save the precious ailing human beings who need their attention.

The poor masses cannot afford to receive the medical care in Jammu or Srinagar cities besides the impediment of bad roads in this mountain lock district. The Govt. should make alternative arrangements if the present set up is not working effectively such as provision of mobile health care vans & air dropping the life saving drugs in snow bound areas.

NSUI & Youth Congress leaders has urged the concerned authorities to also take necessary preventive steps for water treatment & other sanitary measures besides conducting of health care camps especially in rural areas.

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