Monday 13 February 2012

EC for prospective planning in capital cities.

JAMMU: Estimates Committee (EC) of Legislative Assembly (LA) on Friday suggested formulation of comprehensive policy of prospective planning and type design so that sewerage and drainage system in twin city of Srinagar and Jammu are made on scientific lines.  In this pursuit, the committee directed the Housing and Urban Development (H&UD) Department authorities for its adoption and consideration.
The committee, which met here under the Chairmanship of MLA, G.M Saroori discussed and reviewed the functioning of H and UDD. The committee also discussed in detail the conservation of Dal project.
The Committee members Dr. Mustafa Kamal, A. R Veeri, Ashok Khujaria, Choudhary Zulfkar Ali, Indu Pawar and Murtaza Ahmed Khan also stressed upon the concerned officers for proper 
maintenance of street lights.
Discussing the status of community toilets, the committee directed the concerned to frame a Departmental Committee and present a report about the present status of community toilets for the scrutiny of the committee in its next meeting.
While discussing the activities of Jammu Urban Development Agencies (JUDA), the LA Penal directed the concerned to implement the guide lines of JUDA in letter and spirit so that the benefits percolate to the deserving.
Discussing the developmental works of JMC, the committee directed them to furnish a detailed expenditure incurred for the development of Sidhara area to the committee in its next meeting.
Highlighting the achievements registered under the Dal project, it was informed in the meeting that out of five Sewage Treatment Plant (STPs), three STPs Lam, Hazratbal and Habak were completed and two STPs Barinambal and Nallah AmbirKhan are nearing completion and would be commissioned soon. It was stated that these STPs will help to plug the contaminated water into Dal.
It was also informed that the construction work on 11 Intermediate Pumping Stations (IPS) Sadribal, Mirzabagh Nigeen, Saidkadal, Naidyar, Abi Goripora, Jogi Lankar, Doulatabad, Nehru Park, Boulevard, Novpora and Nishat is in full swing and are nearing completion. Rs.9.23 crore have been spent on these stations so far.
The committee directed the executing agencies to speed up the pace of work on these IPSs and complete them within a stipulated time frame.
The meeting was attended by Principal Secretary H and UDD and senior officers.

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