Saturday 25 January 2014

Centre government commitment to provide improved facilities to the people living in far-flung: Saroori

Various deputations called upon Saroori

Jammu, 25 January: - Senior Congress Leader and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori reiterated the centre government commitment to provide improved facilities to the people living in far-flung, remote and hilly areas of the Jammu and Kashmir state.

He said during the past ten years the Government has taken several steps in this direction and change can be well acknowledged at the ground level.

Saroori was interacting with a deputation of Chingam, Bunjwah, Thathri and Khara area of district Doda and Kishtwar.

The deputations apprised Mr. Saroori about their day to day problems pertaining to their areas. The problems which were highlighted included improvement in power supply, ITI Colleges for Mugalmaidan Chatroo and Malanoo Khara,  road connectivity, drinking water and health care facilities, in view of the heavy snowfall.

Deputation also thanks Mr. Saroori for construction of link road from Thana to Chingam which was constructed by Rural Development Department (RDD) which benefits 500 souls.
Thathri Deputation also thanks and appreciated the step of Mr. Saroori for approval of ANM school forThathri, Doda under central sponsored scheme.

They hailed the concerted efforts of the Saroori for all round development of the area and hoped that their genuine demands of basic facility besides creation of new administrative units which includes Sub-Divisions for Chatroo, Thathri, Bunjwah and Khara beside creation of new Tehsil and Nayabats including Nali Bunjwah, Drabshallah, Mugalmaidan, Feller, Sarthal, Khara, Jakyas and Figsoo. Nayabats Patnazi, Balgran, Lass, Drabshallah, Keshwan, Mugalmaidan, Chingam, Malanoo, Bathri, Kandhothe and Figsoo. RDD Blocks Nali Bunjwah, Sarthal, Thakrie, Mugalmaidan, Khara and Jakyas in the Constituency would be fulfilled soon by the government.

Responding to the demands of the deputationists, Mr. Saroori said that the un-electrified areas of the erstwhile Doda district will be covered under RGGVY scheme during this financial year under phase-II.

Saroori said that more health sub centers would be established in Inderwal Constituency very soon adding in this regard the Central government has given its nod for setting up of 676 sub health centers in the State beside said that 19 Industrial Training Institutes (ITI’s) will be opened in uncovered areas to impart technical training to rural youth in job oriented trades, other genuine demands will be redressed soon on top priority.

Others who were part of the deputation included, Congress Block President Thathri Mohd Iqbal Teli, Congress Block President Drabshallah Mohd Iqbal Keen, Working President Asgar Khangi, Sarpanch Khalid Hussain Sheikh, Sarpanch Daleep Kumar, Chairman Advisory Board Chingam Sanjay Kumar, Abid Hussain, Bansi Lal, Bebi Ram, Babi Chand, Krishan Lal, Amar Chand, Satish Kumar, Narendear Kumar, Bhoop Ram, Munshi Ram, Sant Ram, Yog Raj, Basant Ram, Ram Nath, Jai Ram, Mohd Shafi, Talib Hussain, Abdul Rehman and others.

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