Monday 13 January 2014

Centre sanctioned Baderwah-Baleesa-Thatri tourist Circuit: GA Mir

Saroori, Niaz highlighting the distinct tourism potential of various spots in their constituencies urged for creation of more tourist facilities at these spots.

Jammu, January 01: - Minister for Tourism, Ghulam Ahmad Mir Has said that Centre has approved a project report of Rs 7.83 crore for developing Baderwah-thatari-Baleesa tourist circuit adding that the project works would be taken up after completion of necessary codal formalities. He said under the project Tourist Reception Centers would be constructed at Baleesa and Thatari besides construction of way side amenities, parks. Viewing decks and public conveniences are also the components of the project.

Reviewing the progress and performances of Baderwah Development Authority (BDA) at a high level meeting here today, the Tourism Minister said that maintenance of eco-system and preservation of natural beauty of the tourist places should form necessary ingredient in the facility creation and infrastructural development plans.

The Tourism Minister while giving nod to various proposals put forth in the meetings by the concerned Chief Executive Officer regarding development of eco-tourism and facility creation, asked the Development Authorities to strictly adhere to the provisions of Master Plans and in no way allow any body to tamper with the natural ambiance and beauty of the tourist areas.

The Tourism Minister asked the concerned authorities to formulate the project reports for upgradation of additional accommodation for the tourists at potential spots. He underlined the importance of environment protection for safeguarding natural beauty and tourist potential of the area and emphasized the need for creation of necessary infrastructure without infringing the inherent beauty of health resorts.

Minister of State for Tourism, Sajad Ahmad Kitchloo, Legislators, G.M. Saroori, Mohammad Sharief Niaz and Secretary Tourism and Culture, Zafar Ahmad were present in the meeting.

The meeting threadbare discussed various issues related to the development of tourism potential of Baderwah known as mini Kashmir and reviewed the last years action plan besides also discussed current year action plan of the BDA under State and Centre plans.

The meeting was apprised that since the inception of BDA under Central Financial Assistance 7 tourism development projects worth Rs 23.30 crore has been taken up for creation of varied tourist related infrastructure in the area against which Rs12.65 crore expended on these projects so far and 4 projects have been completed while as work on 3 tourism projects at different spots is in progress.

The meeting was also informed that under State plan Rs 15.59 crore have been incurred on various tourism works by the BDA to upgrade the different tourist facilities in the area. More over to conserve the heritage sites besides to promote adventure tourism in the area Rs 2.41 crore was expended on Conservation of Baderwah fort and construction of Youth hostel at Jai under 12th FC.

Minister of State for Tourism on the occasion said that tourism sector in the State offers wide-ranging economic activities and it has a greater role in the economic development of the State. However, he said that the sustenance of tourism directly depends on the strategy we adopt for preserving our natural wealth and scenic splendour.

Kitchloo said that while efforts have to be made to rope in tourists from all over the world and provide them best hospitality and accommodation, it is the national duty of all us to conserve and preserve our natural resources, bio-diversity, water bodies and diverse tourist attraction God has bestowed on this part of the land.

The legislators, G M Saroori and Mohammad Sharief Niaz while highlighting the distinct tourism potential of various spots in their constituencies urged for creation of more tourist facilities at these spots.

The meeting was also attended by District Development Commissioner, Doda, Special Secretary Tourism, Director Tourism, Jammu, Managing Director, Cable Car Corporation, Managing Director JKTDC, Chief Executive Officer, BDA, Conservator Forests, Jammu and senior officers of Finance and Planning Departments

In a PowerPoint presentation the Chief Executive Officer, Baderwah Development Authority presented detailed resume of performance of the Authority and the achievements registered by it during last financial year to upgrade the facilities and protect the rich environs of the area.

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