Thursday 20 August 2015

Congress pays floral tributes to Rajiv Gandhi

Rajeev Gandhi a real Indian who laid his life for unity and integrity of nation: Saroori

Kishtwar, August 20: - The 71st Birth Anniversary of Late Prime Minister Sh. Rajeev Gandhi was celebrated by the Congress party here at Kishtwar.

Paying floral tributes to late Prime Minister, the Vice President JKPCC G. M. Saroori said that Rajiv Gandhi was visionary leader of 21th century who brings about technological and IT revolution in India.

“It was during his tenure as Prime Minister that the foundation of Information Technology sector was laid in the country. Today India is major contributor in IT sector with a huge army of IT professional’s world over” Saroori said. He exhorted upon the youth to strive for achieving excellence in fields like IT which has huge demand in the world job market.

Recalling the supreme sacrifice of the Late Prime Minister, Saroori described him as the real Indian who laid his life for unity and integrity of nation. “The sacrifices of such great leaders have laid a strong edifice of secularism and socialism in the country due to which we are taking breath in a free and fearless atmosphere today” he said.

He called upon the people for self introspection to see that what they have contributed towards the development of nation and protect its sovereignty and integrity.

Calling upon youth to be partners in the nation building, Mr. Saroori said that UPA government has doing everything to create a congenial atmosphere where every individual could progress and achieve excellence.

Asking the youth to work hard to achieve success, Saroori said that there was no alternative for hard work as it only pays in the long run. He said that education is the only tool, which can change the socio-economic profile of an individual and the society and asked the youth to devote themselves for achieving their goals.

“The UPA government has done everything to explore all possibility to create jobs in government departments as well as public sector but the educated youth should also come forward to set up their income generating self employment units to earn their livelihood with dignity and honour and contribute in the State’s economy” he said . He also asked the youth to imbibe ethics and moral values in themselves to become good citizens.

Among others Executive Member JKPCC Ghulam Haider Sheikh, Mushtaq Ahmed Hap, Mohd Aslam Malik, Mahinder Singh Parihar, Chowdhary Issaq, Altaf Hussain Malik, Ghulam Qadir, Ronak Singh, Madan Lal and other Congress leaders also spokes on the occasion.

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