Saturday 30 January 2016

Saroori calls on Union Minister for Rural Development Chaudhary Birender Singh

Discussed issues regarding various centrally sponsored schemes

New Delhi, January 30: - Former Minister and Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal, G. M Saroori today had a meeting with Union Minister for Rural Development, Chaudhary Birender Singh in the National capital New Delhi and discussed various developmental issues.

Mr. Saroori briefed Union Minister related to implementation of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) in the state particularly in district Kishtwar and Doda. He said that there are over 200 road projects under phase 8th sanctioned for Jammu and Kashmir state in which stage-I works are completed but stage-II works are awaiting completion due to low rates. He said several times JK PMGSY department has issued the tenders for completion of stage-II work of phase 8th projects, but no contractor has submitted the bid on these projects because they are not ready to work on 2008 rates as they are very low in comparison with the rates given by Roads and Building department and other departments.

He said that the Ministry for Rural Development needs to give approval to JK PMGSY department for completion of stage-II projects as per 2012 rates to obviate the difficulty in execution of these schemes. He said even the funds are lying with the J&K PMGSY department but needs Union Rural development Ministry approval to accommodate this demand out of overall savings of the programme.

Mr. Saroori also put forth detailed current situation before Union Minister and discussed at length the issues regarding various centrally sponsored schemes. He discussed the issues of granting of special concession to J&K with regard to release of funds, special projectization for the State regarding IAY, MGNREGA, IWMP, NRLM and SBM.

The Union Minister assured that Union Ministry of Rural development will extend all possible support to the State and specifically to issues raised by Ghulam Mohammad Saroori. The Union Minister also assured Mr. Saroori for releasing of funds for clearance of all previous liabilities in J&K under MGNREGA and funds for kick-starting of various rural development schemes besides this sanctioning of rates for stage-II work under phase 8th of PMGSY projects in J&K state.

Mr. Saroori also held meetings with Union Secretary for PMGSY and Rural Development & Panchayati Raj and took up various issues regarding the implementation of PMGSY and RDD schemes in the State.

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