Wednesday 4 March 2020

Former Minister visited Chatroo assess situation post snowfall

Carry out restoration of utilities services on war footing basis

Apprised SDM Chatroo of all the problems faced by the people

Chatroo, January 18: - Former Minister J&K, G. M Saroori today continued with his on-the-spot assessment of situation by visiting the affected areas to energise efforts for restoration of supplies and communication.

The Former Minister visited snow-bound areas of sub-division Chatroo including Hurna, Khawjgam, Mugalmaidan, Chatroo, Dumber, Nariyan, Chingam, Parna, Pahalgwar and Udeel and met the snow-hit population to obtain direct feedback from the affected people. 

Mr. Saroori's personal touch with the situation in higher reaches has evoked appreciation of the local people as well as revitalized the administration’s efforts to reach out to them in need. The areas are blanketed by thick snow, resulting in disruption of communication and supplies. 

Mr. Saroori asked district administration to take all necessary measures for removing snow from main and interior roads to make public moment easy. He also urged lieutenant Governor’s Administration intervention for carrying out restoration of utility services on war footing basis so that the people are provide basic necessities supplies on ration ghats including cooking gas & Kerosene Oil and other essential services on immediate basis. He said the people are already suffering due to intense cold and snowfall and they need some respite at this hour of crisis.

Later on a deputation from sub-district Chatroo led by Former MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori met Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Chatroo, Mr. Inderjeet Singh was apprised of various demands of the locals including clearance of snow on all the link roads and national highway, basic amenities and infrastructural facilities, water supply, electricity in left out villages, installation of electric poles, non availability of firewood, release of PMAY and Mgnrega installments, resumption of Awass plus app for the enrollment of leftout beneficiaries, etc besides many other important issues, absentees culture in health sub-centres and other day to day problems.

The SDM Chatroo gave a patient hearing to the issues and demands projected and assured the deputation that all of their genuine issues will be looked into and addressed on priority. He also assured the deputation that the all the SDM office Chatroo is taking various steps to ensure that benefits of welfare schemes and programmes launched by the government reach to the deserving and intended beneficiaries

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