Thursday 21 August 2014

Saroori visited Rajouri shows anguish over deplorable condition of Rajouri to Thanamandi route

Paid obeisance at famous shrine Shadra Sharif; attended Wakf Council meeting

Rajouri, August 21: - Despite crores of rupees being spent on construction and improvement of National Highway roads in Jammu and Kashmir, General Reserve Engineering Force (GREF) has failed to maintain the National Highway and it's under deplorable condition especially Rajouri to Thanamandi route that connects famous 'Shadra Sharif' and Mugal road with rest of the country” This was said by Senior Congress Leader and MLA Inderwal, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori while touring Rajouri district today.

“GREF who is responsible for maintaining 22 KM Rajouri-Thanamandi National Highway fail to maintain the road as people are suffering badly on this road stretch”, Saroori said. He (Saroori) shows anger towards GREF for their failure in making a comprehensive plan to tackle with the issue of continuous road blockade on this important road stretch having population of over 5 lakh souls with the rest of the state.

Saroori also paid paid obeisance at the famous Shrine Shadra Sharif and prayed for peace and prosperity for the people of the state. On the occasion many deputaions led by Mr. Mohd Iqbal Shawl Retired Professor, Chowdhary Maulana Lal Din, Mr. Rahi Sahab, Mr. Rashid Ahmed and others met Saroori and appraised him about the problem faced by general public of Rajouri due to bad condition of road from Rajouri to Thanamandi. Saroori gave patient hearing and assured the deputationist that he will take up the matter with BEACON chief engineer K.K Sharma for black topping, mettling/shingling on the said road at an earliest or to handover the road to state R&B department for maintenance which R&B can maintain far better than GREF.

Later Saroori attended the meeting of Wakf Council chaired by Minister for Public Enterprises, Haj, Auqaf and Floriculture, Peerzada Mohammad Sayeed.

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