Friday 20 October 2017

BJP and PDP unleashing a wave of communal and divisive politics: Saroori

We will stand like a rock and foil all their attempts to disturb peace

BUNJWAH, OCTOBER 20: - Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC), Vice President, Ghulam Mohammad Saroori today said that the BJP and PDP are unleashing a wave of communal and divisive politics in the State in a bid to create political instability for petty political gains.

Mr. Saroori, who was addressing workers meeting in Nakki Patshalla, Jawalapur, Patnazi areas of Bunjwah, said that the BJP and the PDP are struggling hard in different parts of the State to somehow raise communal passions without bothering about the welfare of the people of the State. “Instead of bringing different communities together, efforts of the BJP and PDP are to create a wedge between the various communities just to somehow divide the society, fragment it, tear it apart and get some political advantage”, Saroori said, adding that the communal elements whether they belong to any political group, region or religion need to be identified and isolated.

Saroori said BJP is a fountain head of communal politics in the country and was now spreading communalism in the State for petty political gains which does not go in favour of the State and its people. He said BJP has lost its moorings in the State and is now struggling to hopelessly re-establish itself by raising issues with communal overtones thereby attempting to disturb the secular fabric of the State. He said, the PDP which lacks ideology and is fighting internal crises due to dissension within the party leadership is trying to somehow keep itself afloat by indulging in divisive politics so that the focus shifts from the internal dynamics of that party (PDP).

He said Congress party will continue to strive to maintain and uphold the secular fabric of the State and will fight the divisive forces whose basic intent is to somehow destabilize the polity in the State. He referred to the developments taking place in the BJP said that earlier the party used to implement its agenda clandestinely and now they are openly preaching what they stand for to polarize the situation. He vowed that Congress will not allow the machinations of the communal parties like BJP or disruptive PDP to succeed in dividing the people in a state like Jammu and Kashmir and said: “We will stand like a rock and foil all their attempts to disturb peace”.

Saroori said there is no danger either to religion or to minorities but the slogan is just a hoax which BJP is playing up to brighten its “Bhakt’s”. He said that BJP and PDP have developed a vested interest in putting Jammu and Kashmir on boil with an eye for saving the so called chair and enjoying the power. Discord between various sections of society serves the interests of the two parties, which have been working for a common cause to polarize the situation in order to derive political mileage.

On the occasion, Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) senior leaders from Nakki Patshalla area including Mohd Hussain Doey, Mohd Amin, Mohd Aslam Kishtwar joined Congress Party in presence of state Congress vice president and MLA Inderwal G. M Saroori. The newly entrants leaders expressed to resolve to work for further strengthening the party in Patshalla, Bunjwah areas. Welcoming the new entrants, Saroori said their joining the party would further strengthen the Congress party and said "It is high time to further spread message of the party in every village and hamlet of Jammu and Kashmir particularly erstwhile district Doda," Saroori said and asserted that policies and programmes of the party were formulated by incorporating wishes of every section of the society.

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